The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

So my A1 has arrived back,....... and it's still faulty :eek: I've got 3 genuine Sony batteries and wanted to check the battery charge. First one no problem, second one no problem, swapped out and tried the third and the camera was dead. Must be a dead battery I thought, put one of the other batteries back in still dead. Tried the other, still dead. Waited 5 mins and then the camera turned back on again :rolleyes: I've not tried wi-fi yet :runaway:
Well I've tried wi-fi again and it's still got gremlins. I tried transfering images via the creator app, this time it did allow connection (it didn't do this previously) and I could transfer images over wi-fi however when I turned the camera off it wouldn't turn on again. The only way I could get it to turn on was to remove the battery and reinsert it, exactly the issue I was having previously. However, I have tried wi-fi a handful of times since and it then did work as expected and I could turn the camera on and off again without issue.

I've written to Sony and await their response. £804 for a repair and it's not been fixed :mad: On a positive note the rear control dial had been replaced and is working fine.
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I've made just under £400 selling a camera and some lenses with another prospective customer deciding tomorrow. Nice for the piggie bank. And then my printer throws a wobble. I bought a cleaning kit and set about it and it has made a difference but I'm getting lines and banding so sadly it looks like it's a gonna. I've only had it 16 years. Pffff :mad:

So, it looks like I'll have to spend the money I've just made selling stuff on a new printer. Grrrr. It wont be an Epson this time. The prints my R2880 gives when it's working are lovely but there's just been too many instances of a 5 minute print taking two days and a lot of swearing and prints which should cost £1 costing £10. So it'll be a Canon. Probably.
Advice Guys,

Would it be wise to trade in my a9 for the Fuji XT5 ?

I'm looking for a smaller package for street work.

I don't really use the a9 for it's 20fps. I am currently using my a7iv for street paired with Sigma 35 & 85mm.

Advice welcome.
Advice Guys,

Would it be wise to trade in my a9 for the Fuji XT5 ?

I'm looking for a smaller package for street work.

I don't really use the a9 for it's 20fps. I am currently using my a7iv for street paired with Sigma 35 & 85mm.

Advice welcome.
what do you gain from X-T5?
its not exactly small....

XT50 may be?

Sony also has small FF bodies like A7cii now. you wouldn't lose money buying/selling new lenses for Fuji.
Advice Guys,

Would it be wise to trade in my a9 for the Fuji XT5 ?

I'm looking for a smaller package for street work.

I don't really use the a9 for it's 20fps. I am currently using my a7iv for street paired with Sigma 35 & 85mm.

Advice welcome.

I was going to also say have you tried an A7c body? I only actually saw one (real life) in LCE Bath a few weeks ago and I must say they are smaller than I thought they were! Much like the X100's, X-Pro's etc I think the rangefinder style body makes a nice difference to the size.

I shoot street and casual with an X100f btw
My A7Cii with a Samyang 35/2.8 fits in all the same jacket pockets the X100 fit in. The RF style means there’s no hump to snag going in and out pockets/bags - noticeable compared to the A7 even though the A7 is a slimmer camera. I have the black one, as although the silver looks pretty, the black is more inconspicuous.

It’s _slightly_ larger and heavier than the X100 but not in a way that makes much difference.
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Advice Guys,

Would it be wise to trade in my a9 for the Fuji XT5 ?

I'm looking for a smaller package for street work.

I don't really use the a9 for it's 20fps. I am currently using my a7iv for street paired with Sigma 35 & 85mm.

Advice welcome.
As you may have seen above I've been looking at the same. I was left a little underwhelmed by the X-T5 and so the A7c II and A7c R are top of my radar now. My only niggles with the A7c series is the lack of joystick and only single card slot.
Toby, I have GAS for the A7RV but I have been looking at the A7CR in the smaller form and nearly £1300 cheaper.
Toby, I have GAS for the A7RV but I have been looking at the A7CR in the smaller form and nearly £1300 cheaper.
If I was looking for my primary camera I'd choose the A7RV over the A7cR in a heartbeat, however as you're looking at something smaller and lighter the A7cR is a good option. If you paired it with the Samyang 35mm f2.8 it's only be 623g (and only 635g with the Sony 35mm f2.8). That's pretty much on par with the Fuji X-T50 and 23 f2 (35mm f2.8 eq) which comes in just 5g lighter (618g) but is longer, and you miss the benefit of FF. The X-T5 combo would be heavier at 737g

Is an IR filter any use? And if it is, what use?

I was rummaging around and uncovered my Cokin P series filter set (three holders, three adapter rings and 7 filters) which I don't think I've used since my DSLR days. I've just taken a picture out of the window with the IR filter and all I got was a red picture. Which baffled me. What am I missing?

I've asked how much it's worth in the Price Check section.
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As good as my A7III? That would be very nice. The bodies are too hobbled for me but I had read that the evf's aren't so good so as good as my A7III would be wonderful to me.
I had to look it up.
The resolution is the same but A7iii has 0.78x magnification versus 0.7x on A7cii/r
So A7iii is slightly better I guess but not a huge lot
I had to look it up.
The resolution is the same but A7iii has 0.78x magnification versus 0.7x on A7cii/r
So A7iii is slightly better I guess but not a huge lot

If it's just magnification I doubt it'll matter that much to me as most of the time I wear glasses so my eye is back from the camera and the VF will still look big. If I'm getting this right.
If it's just magnification I doubt it'll matter that much to me as most of the time I wear glasses so my eye is back from the camera and the VF will still look big. If I'm getting this right.
I know someone with glasses that prefers the A7c type models due to lack of the protruding eyecup. Might be a factor too for you
As you might remember I have my complaints about the c series but I doubt they'll ever be addressed so in all likelihood I'll never have one.
Given the direction market is taking, I imagine we'll eventually have stacked sensor A7c possibly with no mechanical shutter.
That'd solve most of its current limitations
Is an IR filter any use? And if it is, what use?

I was rummaging around and uncovered my Cokin P series filter set (three holders, three adapter rings and 7 filters) which I don't think I've used since my DSLR days. I've just taken a picture out of the window with the IR filter and all I got was a red picture. Which baffled me. What am I missing?

Sounds like an IR pass filter, or at least long wavelength visible into IR.

I've used them extensively professionally for computer vision (working in IR cameras). Most digital cameras have IR cut filters atop the sensor, as otherwise you'd get colour skew (IIRC early digital Leica did this) as most sensors are more sensitive in IR than visible. I've used cameras without IR filters before, again, professionally (robotics) for better low light performance and astro use.

Anyway, IR pass would give you darker skies in B&W film, you'd struggle on digital with one.

Having a look, seems to bear all that out.

So they have use, but limited on digital unless you have a full spectrum/modded camera with the IR filter removed, and even then the usage is niche.
Sounds like an IR pass filter, or at least long wavelength visible into IR.

I've used them extensively professionally for computer vision (working in IR cameras). Most digital cameras have IR cut filters atop the sensor, as otherwise you'd get colour skew (IIRC early digital Leica did this) as most sensors are more sensitive in IR than visible. I've used cameras without IR filters before, again, professionally (robotics) for better low light performance and astro use.

Anyway, IR pass would give you darker skies in B&W film, you'd struggle on digital with one.

Having a look, seems to bear all that out.

So they have use, but limited on digital unless you have a full spectrum/modded camera with the IR filter removed, and even then the usage is niche.


I can't really imagine why I bought it or the star filter too but maybe they just came in some sort of set. I can't remember. I did use the ND's and polariser but not for years so I'll put them up for sale and see if anyone wants them.
I know someone with glasses that prefers the A7c type models due to lack of the protruding eyecup. Might be a factor too for you
I might find it worse then as I'd often prefer a deeper eye cup.
As you might remember I have my complaints about the c series but I doubt they'll ever be addressed so in all likelihood I'll never have one.
I've just been out today and I'm surprised how little I use the joystick, i.e. never used it today so I guess that wouldn't be a deal breaker after all. The single card slot may yet prove to be.
I've just been out today and I'm surprised how little I use the joystick, i.e. never used it today so I guess that wouldn't be a deal breaker after all. The single card slot may yet prove to be.

Yeah I feel the same way....
Single card slot is kinda fine for local use I think when out and about.
But if I'm going away on trips and holidays, I would really like to have that 2nd card slot
On holidays/trips I’ve always taken an iPad and required adapters to copy pictures off the card. Quite nice to copy off and review of an evening.
The issue isn't backing up later, card can die "on the field".
So only way to de-risk that is having two cards and shooting to them simultaneously. I suppose both could die but at that point I think the universe just don't want me taking pictures of whatever I'm shooting :ROFLMAO:

I can't really imagine why I bought it or the star filter too but maybe they just came in some sort of set. I can't remember. I did use the ND's and polariser but not for years so I'll put them up for sale and see if anyone wants them.
Here’s a better explanation, with pictures, of why you might use an IR filter.

I had a go with the Tamron 35-150 at an event today. It was a walking event with lots of people so I thought the versatility would work a treat. What a struggle getting sharp image as when you zoom it jumps out of focus. I will have to relearn how to shoot. It did fine when the zoom wasn't changed but it is a mile away from second generation GM lenses.
What a struggle getting sharp image as when you zoom it jumps out of focus
You mean it's not parfocal? Can you describe the issue more? You have to re-focus if you change the zoom?

Not something I've noticed with my samyang equivalent, though it does have a parfocal mode but I don't normally have it set.

Looking it seems unclear if GM are actually parfocal or like the samyang achieve it by automatically driving the AF.

Thinking more, I'm often shooting in tracking with back button focussing then hitting the shutter. If I adjusted zoom whilst doing this it will of course keep focus. This is especially true when I'm mostly likely to do that - tracking a moving person. So maybe I just don't hit that issue in normal use.
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I don't think anyone here will be interested but just in case... During my clear out I decided that as I haven't used my Cokin P series filters since my DSLR days it should all go...

One standard holder and two slim line ones.
Three adapters in various sizes.
7 square filters.

If anyone is interested they're in the "other" section.
I don't think anyone here will be interested but just in case... During my clear out I decided that as I haven't used my Cokin P series filters since my DSLR days it should all go...

One standard holder and two slim line ones.
Three adapters in various sizes.
7 square filters.

If anyone is interested they're in the "other" section.

I advertised a few of those on the local Facebook photography group a few months ago .... and nothing.....