The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

I've owned 2 copies of the 35mm 1.4, loved it first time out on the X-T1, but for whatever reason, when I later bought a brand new copy for the H1 I didn't love it so much :/ I think maybe because I'd grown more accustomed to faster/quieter offerings? I've also owned the XF35F2 and found that to be just as good as the 1.4, only quieter and obviously you don't get 1.4, nor that sweeter CF. Now I own the XC35F2 and find this one just as good as the XF version, I don't need WR. I think if I was to upgrade again, as it is a FL I use casually, I'd plump for the 33 1.4. But, right now the one lens I'd love to try is that new Viltrox 13mm 1.4, I don't have anything WA and from what I've read/seen it does nice CF too

I can see where you`re coming from. But with the 23 and 56 chattering away. I hope I won`t see too much difference in the 35.

I has a Fuji 14mm f 2.8 for a while, and that was a pretty cool little lens. I traded that for my "Jack of all trades" 16-55. Hence the 35 being bit of a luxury lens for me :)
I can see where you`re coming from. But with the 23 and 56 chattering away. I hope I won`t see too much difference in the 35.

I has a Fuji 14mm f 2.8 for a while, and that was a pretty cool little lens. I traded that for my "Jack of all trades" 16-55. Hence the 35 being bit of a luxury lens for me :)

It's a strange one really, as when I look at my old Flickr acc some of my favorite images were shot using the 35 1.4 and the old XT1. In general and more so back then, I didn't need a lens to be quick nor quiet. I just got used to quieter lenses over time and I think it's harder go back in that case to noisier ones. I'm sure you'll love it, the output is what matters most of course and I found little to fault with it on that front.
Does anyone use the K&F Circular polariser? I have the Kase filter set, but as my lens is only 72mm, I have to use step up rings so a little cumbersome, and can't stay on the camera.
I was originally just looking at the one screw on polariser, but as a perfect consumer, I see there is other magnetic ones that come with ND1000 as well....
Long walk up and down (and up and down and up) the Thames this afternoon. Dreary day in the main so I was pleased how these came out in the end.

1. Houses of Parliament, ten-stop long exposure, surprising outcome. There was a bit of colour in the sky from sunset but I wasn't expecting anything like this
HoP I by Ian, on Flickr

2. Cliche shot but my nose was cold so this spot didn't smell as bad as it usually does
HoP II by Ian, on Flickr

3. A whole mess of buildings at night.
OXO nights by Ian, on Flickr

4. Bonus shot. Anther long exposure that I wasn't expecting to work but I quite like it
City I by Ian, on Flickr

Thanks for looking
The sky is amazing in the first one. Great set, Ian (y)
Long walk up and down (and up and down and up) the Thames this afternoon. Dreary day in the main so I was pleased how these came out in the end.

1. Houses of Parliament, ten-stop long exposure, surprising outcome. There was a bit of colour in the sky from sunset but I wasn't expecting anything like this
HoP I by Ian, on Flickr

2. Cliche shot but my nose was cold so this spot didn't smell as bad as it usually does
HoP II by Ian, on Flickr

3. A whole mess of buildings at night.
OXO nights by Ian, on Flickr

4. Bonus shot. Anther long exposure that I wasn't expecting to work but I quite like it
City I by Ian, on Flickr

Thanks for looking

Very nice set of Fujigraph captures Ian, liking all of these very much.
Long walk up and down (and up and down and up) the Thames this afternoon. Dreary day in the main so I was pleased how these came out in the end.

1. Houses of Parliament, ten-stop long exposure, surprising outcome. There was a bit of colour in the sky from sunset but I wasn't expecting anything like this
HoP I by Ian, on Flickr

2. Cliche shot but my nose was cold so this spot didn't smell as bad as it usually does
HoP II by Ian, on Flickr

3. A whole mess of buildings at night.
OXO nights by Ian, on Flickr

4. Bonus shot. Anther long exposure that I wasn't expecting to work but I quite like it
City I by Ian, on Flickr

Thanks for looking

Excellent set, what did you take them on?
You guys don't know how lucky you are with your tracking and AF systems, that bloody GFX is making me work soooooooo hard :ROFLMAO:
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You guys don't know how lucky you are with your tracking and AF sysytems, that bloody GFX is making me work soooooooo hard :ROFLMAO:

I`m sure a man of your calibre will manage to cope ;)
Or buy an A9 lol

Noooooooooo ;)
At least the A9 looks better (imo) The others look like there`s a dial missing on the lhs. I know they`re only tools, but...

Or of course, just hold on for the H2 :)
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:) :) :)

"Excellent" start to my photographic year, a snap in "Explore" this very morning that'll find its way onto here in the not too distant future, and a very nice payment in from two of the picture agencies that I belong to.
Don't know if you subscribe to Andy Mumford's YouTube channel. He's released an overview of his experience over 6 years with Fuji gear and in particular the X-cameras and lenses.

He shares his reasons for choosing Fuji together with his impressions of the system versus what he was using beforehand and how it stacks up against what else might be out there. Andy is primarily a landscape shooter and his case-use is very much driven by what he needs from a camera system

Some cracking shots too.

I have acquired an X-H1 to complement my X-T3. Both have battery grips Both have a charger for charging the 2 extra batteries in the grip without having to remove them from the camera.
Does anyone know if the 2 chargers are interchangeable, as it would be great to only have to use one of them instead on both...