The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Lovely stuff Stuart! She looks great :) The VSCO app is excellent and my wife uses it exclusively with her X-M1. In fact, she never even transfers the full size files from her camera, just replaces the SD card when it fills up :D Her workflow is wifi -> iPhone -> VSCO -> Social Media.

I like her thinking.
I just need to get a tablet now to make life a touch easier.
Did you get your tablet dilemma sorted, i recall you sayong you were planning a change or something like that.
I like her thinking.
I just need to get a tablet now to make life a touch easier.
Did you get your tablet dilemma sorted, i recall you sayong you were planning a change or something like that.

Yep, I bought a Chuwi Hi8 Pro :D Although I've since discovered Polarr for Chrome OS, so use that for edits then apply a filter on my phone or tablet. Polarr does have a bunch of filters out of the box, but I prefer VSCO / LR Mobile for shots on the road.
Poppy by Gareth Edwards, on Flickr

These are the type of shots I just love the 35mm 1.4 for! Obligatory cat shot! :fuji:
wow, love your moggy capture. Great use of the XF35/1.4, it just reminds me to use mine more........ like tomorrow!

Yep, I bought a Chuwi Hi8 Pro :D Although I've since discovered Polarr for Chrome OS, so use that for edits then apply a filter on my phone or tablet. Polarr does have a bunch of filters out of the box, but I prefer VSCO / LR Mobile for shots on the road.
How would you rate the Chuwi Hi8 Pro?
How would you rate the Chuwi Hi8 Pro?

It's quick but the colours are a bit wishy washy and battery management is a bit naff. Leave it on standby in aeroplane mode and it will be dead in a day. My old Nook HD+ can sit in aeroplane mode standby for a month at a time :D To be honest I need to spend more time with it / set it up properly before giving a proper review.
It's quick but the colours are a bit wishy washy and battery management is a bit naff. Leave it on standby in aeroplane mode and it will be dead in a day. My old Nook HD+ can sit in aeroplane mode standby for a month at a time :D To be honest I need to spend more time with it / set it up properly before giving a proper review.

Interesting. Its on my potential wishlist to santa along with others so all real world feedback is good.
Query please guys n' gals;

I maybe fancy picking up an original X100 or X100S at some stage, what's the difference the X100s offers over the X100 anyone know ?
What kind of money does a X100S sell for roughly..? Maybe fancy trading my X-E2 for one...

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The original is a Bayer sensor,12mp and has no phase detect pixels. The 100s has the xtrans ii sensor (same as xt1 and xe2). I think the lens is the same on all 3 versions. Personally, if you want xtrans and can afford it then there are a lot of nice refinements on the x100t and I'd try to stretch for that over an s. However, the original still has a lot of magic to it. I loved mine and the images from it still stand up today and show that Fuji magic! It would also save you a few hundred quid! Get the tele and wide converters and you'd have a very nice travel package. I've the both the original and t with the converters as my only travel camera and not regretted it.
I occasionally mess around with the VSCO app as well, although it's not often! C7 preset I think, and a bit of grain added:

by JJ, on Flickr

Gorgeous colours! I am starting to be able to spot 50-140 shots a mile off now (not in a bad way!), as a lot seem to feature swirling elliptical Bokeh. Not quite Helios levels, but getting there I reckon! Gives certain shots a real dreamy look.
Gorgeous colours! I am starting to be able to spot 50-140 shots a mile off now (not in a bad way!), as a lot seem to feature swirling elliptical Bokeh. Not quite Helios levels, but getting there I reckon! Gives certain shots a real dreamy look.

The C7 preset really boosts the colours, the original isn't as golden :)

Yes the 50-140 does swirl a lot. I've got a Helios but it's under used, I keep meaning to take it out more.
The original is a Bayer sensor,12mp and has no phase detect pixels. The 100s has the xtrans ii sensor (same as xt1 and xe2). I think the lens is the same on all 3 versions. Personally, if you want xtrans and can afford it then there are a lot of nice refinements on the x100t and I'd try to stretch for that over an s. However, the original still has a lot of magic to it. I loved mine and the images from it still stand up today and show that Fuji magic! It would also save you a few hundred quid! Get the tele and wide converters and you'd have a very nice travel package. I've the both the original and t with the converters as my only travel camera and not regretted it.
Do the converters degrade the IQ at all?
Do the converters degrade the IQ at all?
Not that I've noticed, and that's also the general consensus around the web from what I've seen.

MY approach to them is not to treat them as interchangeable lenses (they screw on and off) - people who complain of the lack of really fast change for them should really have gone for one of the ILC cameras. Instead, I'll have them with me and, when I think there will be a suitable choice of subjects over, say, the next hour, I'll put the appropriate one on (or take it off if I want the native focal length) and then make sure to take the photos that match that focal length rather than continuously swapping. They are definitely different enough in focal length that each brings something to the party!
I have never considered actually using my Fuj for video, but as I'm off to Avimore in November, I thought I may get a chance to capture some wildlife footage. Will 90-95mbps cards be OK, or do I need something faster ?

I already have cards of this standard (32GB) but if I need something faster, I want to get a couple for the XT2 just in case.
Out of interest offered up my X-T10 to MPB for a trade in against a minty T1. £250? Even though that's probably about the going trade in rate, nah you're okay :)
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I'll probably get shot for this but I had an X100 with the wide converter and compared images with and without - there was a degradation in IQ - not huge bet definitely not as good with the converter.
Thanks for this (y)
Not that I've noticed, and that's also the general consensus around the web from what I've seen.

MY approach to them is not to treat them as interchangeable lenses (they screw on and off) - people who complain of the lack of really fast change for them should really have gone for one of the ILC cameras. Instead, I'll have them with me and, when I think there will be a suitable choice of subjects over, say, the next hour, I'll put the appropriate one on (or take it off if I want the native focal length) and then make sure to take the photos that match that focal length rather than continuously swapping. They are definitely different enough in focal length that each brings something to the party!
Useful info thanks, even though it's conflicting with Rosedalelad and so I'm now none the wiser ;) :p
X100 original still my favourite of all the fuji's for its filmlike gorgeous files
Makes you wonder why they moved away from the bayer sensor then?
X100 original still my favourite of all the fuji's for its filmlike gorgeous files

I think I have owned at least five x100 bodies. I really don't get on with the focal length but it is a joy to use and the files are gorgeous. In the end I bought tele and wide converters so I get the focal lengths I like and lovely files. But for some reason I just don't use it as much as I should, and pull out the XT1 or XE1 more often. I'll get round to selling the lot one day, I guess.
A result !!

Dear Mr Davidson,

Thank you for contacting Fujifilm UK.

We have posted a sync terminal cover to you.

Kind regards.

The Fujifilm X World Team

Expecting the original one to turn up now :)
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There is something special about the original X100 files, but the X-T2 files are great as well, just in a different way (more resolution, more dynamic range, better shadow recovery....)
Agreed from a tecnical perspective the xt2 files are superior in those things you mentioned but from an art point of view i still prefer the originals but i agree on your points.
Agreed from a tecnical perspective the xt2 files are superior in those things you mentioned but from an art point of view i still prefer the originals but i agree on your points.

I still have an X100, its what got me into the Fuji's in the first place, its a lovely thing, I still give it the odd outing, and it often just lives in my car, in case I see something worth snapping, or have a spare time whilst out and about for work, but although the files are lovely, it really seems very pedestrian compared with the X-T2, it's a bit like a classic car, warm and friendly but lacking in performance/refinement compared with modern cars, but still an enjoyable ride, even if a slow paced one!
I still have an X100, its what got me into the Fuji's in the first place, its a lovely thing, I still give it the odd outing, and it often just lives in my car, in case I see something worth snapping, or have a spare time whilst out and about for work, but although the files are lovely, it really seems very pedestrian compared with the X-T2, it's a bit like a classic car, warm and friendly but lacking in performance/refinement compared with modern cars, but still an enjoyable ride, even if a slow paced one!
Perfectly described but thats why i love it
In comparison i have a canon ixus 115,its like a sharp shooter and so easy just to press and shoot but so so boring