The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

It deffo narrowed down to those 2. I just need to be able to try a xt2 with tracking.. another thing is when camera sleep how long does it take for it wake up
i set mines alarm for 7am, it has a bowl of cornflakes and a cup of coffee its good until about 11pm when it goes to bed...
DSCF0460 by Robert Bell, on Flickr

Priorities Rufus decorating the tree Theo Eating mince pies

DSCF0479 by Robert Bell, on Flickr

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The beginner thinks it's all about the camera
The enthusiast thinks it's all about the lens
The photographer knows it's all about the light.

Could it be that photography holds different values for different individuals. In the action of firing the shutter, are we not all photographers? Whatever the intention of the photographer, extrinsic values are valid somewhere. The photograph will hold associated emotions, historical relationships or meaning to the originator of the photograph. These layers of intrinsic attributes, are not available to the observer. The observer has his own private set of emotions and meanings which they, if not at least fleetingly, attach to the image. Language and definitions have the potential to restrict the creative eye. From the moment a photograph enters the public domain, it takes on it's own life. What then, if it even exists, may be a universal truth about a photograph?

Excuse the cliche, but does an image really paint a thousand words, or maybe instead, provide a different way entirely to engage with the world surrounding us? Perhaps then, one of the most beautiful aspects of photography, is the opportunity it provides to transcend individual perceptions or boxed definitions.

I'll apologies to you all now, for laying this one down, on an easy Sunday morning.

Enjoy that Sunday roast :)
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It deffo narrowed down to those 2. I just need to be able to try a xt2 with tracking.. another thing is when camera sleep how long does it take for it wake up

If your having tracking issues maybe it's down to technique.
Suggest you try both out and make a choice, at this rate the D550 or XT-3 will be out! Lol
If your having tracking issues maybe it's down to technique.
Suggest you try both out and make a choice, at this rate the D550 or XT-3 will be out! Lol

Might be a good thing lol
another thing is when camera sleep how long does it take for it wake up
"bout as long as it takes you to make your mind up ;)
Seriously, I've never yet used a camera which reliably wakes from sleep. far better to switch it off when your not using it then back on. The X-T2 powers up very quickly.
"bout as long as it takes you to make your mind up ;)
Seriously, I've never yet used a camera which reliably wakes from sleep. far better to switch it off when your not using it then back on. The X-T2 powers up very quickly.
The sony doesnt power up very quickly at all and a few time i missed that moment cos of that
Lol well it's quick but that then means you need to lift your hands compose the shot and that's where the issue lies you missed it ;)
Nope I already had the camera to eye time it turn on I missed it
Out with the XT10 today, like coming home again, £1k cheaper than the T2 and I'm just as happy with the results. Yes the evf is smaller but it's still lovely and feels natural when using it, a lot better than many other mirrorless offerings which can feel like looking through a telescope. Anyway, what a cracking day today, can't beat blue skies and chilly air [emoji3]

Fuji 56mm showboating by -Gregg Gorman-

Roastin' by -Gregg Gorman-

Hampton Court by -Gregg Gorman-

Mistletoe by -Gregg Gorman-

Boating on The Thames by -Gregg Gorman-
Out with the XT10 today, like coming home again, £1k cheaper than the T2 and I'm just as happy with the results. Yes the evf is smaller but it's still lovely and feels natural when using it, a lot better than many other mirrorless offerings which can feel like looking through a telescope. Anyway, what a cracking day today, can't beat blue skies and chilly air [emoji3]

Fuji 56mm showboating by -Gregg Gorman-

Roastin' by -Gregg Gorman-

Hampton Court by -Gregg Gorman-

Mistletoe by -Gregg Gorman-

Boating on The Thames by -Gregg Gorman-

Nice set of images Gregg, the roasting shot is right on the money for me.(y)

"Glad you seem happy with your new acquisition, if it works for you then its the correct unit to use"

Out with the XT10 today, like coming home again, £1k cheaper than the T2 and I'm just as happy with the results. Yes the evf is smaller but it's still lovely and feels natural when using it, a lot better than many other mirrorless offerings which can feel like looking through a telescope. Anyway, what a cracking day today, can't beat blue skies and chilly air [emoji3]

Nice to see the X-T10 still getting some love. Makes me want to trade it in even less when I see others' results with it [emoji4]
Out with the XT10 today, like coming home again, £1k cheaper than the T2 and I'm just as happy with the results. Yes the evf is smaller but it's still lovely and feels natural when using it, a lot better than many other mirrorless offerings which can feel like looking through a telescope. Anyway, what a cracking day today, can't beat blue skies and chilly air [emoji3]

Fuji 56mm showboating by -Gregg Gorman-

Roastin' by -Gregg Gorman-

Hampton Court by -Gregg Gorman-

Mistletoe by -Gregg Gorman-

Boating on The Thames by -Gregg Gorman-
Nice set their Gregg with the guy roasting his nuts my favourite. Been so dark and grey today I couldn't be bothered going out.

Although I have the XT2 which I enjoy, out of all the cameras I have had (and I've had a few) from a pleasure perspective was the XT10 and 18 and 35 lenses.
Thanks Thunderbird. You're right, the T10 and the 35 is a killer mini combo
It deffo narrowed down to those 2. I just need to be able to try a xt2 with tracking.. another thing is when camera sleep how long does it take for it wake up

Why do you ask questions that no normal person would ask ?

If a professional motor sports company can ditch their Nikons and move to the X-T2 i'm pretty sure it will track anything you're looking to do (apart from your wallet, that seems to be protected behind a wall of pointless questions).
Why do you ask questions that no normal person would ask ?

If a professional motor sports company can ditch their Nikons and move to the X-T2 i'm pretty sure it will track anything you're looking to do (apart from your wallet, that seems to be protected behind a wall of pointless questions).

Cos I am not a normal guy :exit:
How do you name change?? Mod do it?
Name change alert!

After 2.5 years of Fuji goodness, it's time to accept that manual focus is the exception now, rather than the rule :eek:

And there's me taking bets that your new monika would be changing to "AutofocusG":D:D

It deffo narrowed down to those 2. I just need to be able to try a xt2 with tracking.. another thing is when camera sleep how long does it take for it wake up
I find the Xt2 powers up very quickly compared to my Sony A7ii. But in fairness it was no slouch either. However, XT2 single autofocus with the 18-55 feels as quick as my old EM1. So im delighted.

Cant compare to the D500 as Ive never tried one..
The beginner thinks it's all about the camera
The enthusiast thinks it's all about the lens
The photographer knows it's all about the light.

I'm tempted to add...and the artist will prove to you that it's all about the composition... :)

Certainly my experience of handing a camera to painters who "know nothing about photography" is that they take depressingly good pictures :LOL:
I'm tempted to add...and the artist will prove to you that it's all about the composition... :)

Certainly my experience of handing a camera to painters who "know nothing about photography" is that they take depressingly good pictures :LOL:

Yes, but I didn't make it up :D I'd happily add that one too, as I am an artist on the side. It does help when you know nothing about photography. I remember as a kid, I always had a camera of some sort or other. And would get compliments on my 'snaps' because without knowing anything about rule of thirds or proper composition, I just seemed to know ... how to compose shots in general. I was a good sketcher and cartoonist, maybe it helped, or maybe some just have that 'eye' for what looks right? I don't know, but I agree composition is another important factor indeed.

I know this sounds wrong, but I really think the 23/2 is a bit ugly :eek: A lot ugly actually. I know it's not important, but an X100T would look far prettier :D

The newer F2 lenses are a bit fugly alright. I much prefer the look of the 35 1.4 over the odd little F2 one. It shouldn't matter, but if we're honest, how our gear looks does matter to most of us. This is why people like to take pictures of their gear, they like it to look snazzy, it's no harm. They make all lenses plain Jane if it really didn't matter I guess.

Queue people quoting us to say how they don't care how they look yada yada ... :ROFLMAO:
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The sony doesnt power up very quickly at all and a few time i missed that moment cos of that
You had a camera with instant wake from sleep as you never had to put it to sleep as the battery would last all day but you went and swapped it for that infernal Sony ;)