The great TP election thread

I was wondering the same but thought I needed a coffee!
Nope, it was me needing the coffee. Baby not sleeping + early-rising toddler = tired llama.

I think I voted for the right party this morning...
I've genuinely been struggling with this all week. Vote with my heart or my head. I ended going with my heart green.
Im hoping that ill actually make my decision when im standing in the voting booth later.

I too, have struggled with this.
For the first time in my life i have a vote that matters (Cons took the seat in 2010 with a majority of less than 200) and have decided to vote tactically, as i cannot bear to think that a vote with my heart for a party that cannot win the seat will be another wasted vote I have cast.
For the first time in my life i have a vote that matters (Cons took the seat in 2010 with a majority of less than 200) and have decided to vote tactically, as i cannot bear to think that a vote with my heart for a party that cannot win the seat will be another wasted vote I have cast.
I presume you're Cardiff north then. I'm in the Vale of Glam so mine was important too. My votes been cast i can not do anything about it now.
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I've genuinely been struggling with this all week. Vote with my heart or my head. I ended going with my heart green.
I'm in a similar situtation. My voting history has generally been LibDem for GE, and LibDem or Green in Europe. This time, I came very close to voting Whig, as I liked their manifesto - but in the end my head won and I voted LibDem. I don't share the common perception that the LibDems 'sold out' for coalition - and they need all the help they can get this election.
The Greens ruled themselves out with some absurd manifesto policies that I couldn't agree with (banning horseracing, freeing any non-free-range farm animals etc).

I think we'll be back in the polls before the year is out, so I may change my mind for next time.
Democracy in action round my way, 56% of the vote went to the Conservative guy, my vote isn't going to make much difference one way or another, next closest candidate got 25% of the vote with the remainder spread across 3 others. Not even sure who was 2nd last time but suffice to say the "Heroin of Hackney" stands absolutely no chance, the spelling may even be correct. Apparently she's a convicted drug user (and possibly dealer) that even her own party cant stand.
I'm in a similar situtation. My voting history has generally been LibDem for GE, and LibDem or Green in Europe. This time, I came very close to voting Whig, as I liked their manifesto - but in the end my head won and I voted LibDem. I don't share the common perception that the LibDems 'sold out' for coalition - and they need all the help they can get this election.
The Greens ruled themselves out with some absurd manifesto policies that I couldn't agree with (banning horseracing, freeing any non-free-range farm animals etc).

I think we'll be back in the polls before the year is out, so I may change my mind for next time.
I downloaded the manifesto and have to admit i skimmed past the animal rights polices
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Democracy in action round my way, 56% of the vote went to the Conservative guy, my vote isn't going to make much difference one way or another, next closest candidate got 25% of the vote with the remainder spread across 3 others. Not even sure who was 2nd last time but suffice to say the "Heroin of Hackney" stands absolutely no chance, the spelling may even be correct. Apparently she's a convicted drug user (and possibly dealer) that even her own party cant stand.
Hitchin & Harpenden? The "Tory guy" is Peter Lilley, former cabinet minister under Thatcher and Major. Even I've heard of him and he's not my MP! 2nd last time was Lib Dems with 27%.
I downloaded the manifesto and have to admit i skimmed past the animal rights polices
This is the problem with 'crowd-sourcing' policies - you get a random collection of bits and pieces from random fringe waifs and strays. Personally, I don't see a direct link between 'green' issues and animal rights (I had a falling out with the GreenSoc at my university over this), so they didn't get my vote this time - despite me being an environmentalist at heart.
Hitchin & Harpenden? The "Tory guy" is Peter Lilley, former cabinet minister under Thatcher and Major. Even I've heard of him and he's not my MP! 2nd last time was Lib Dems with 27%.
Cecil Parkinson another Thatcher favourite before his "affair" became public was the MP before PL, I do know who my MP was/is, reckon they could paint a broom handle blue and that would get in. Used to be just Harpenden (Hertsmere I think) as the seat but boundaries commission revised it to include Hitchin, oddly enough that's a bit blue too. Lib Dems wont get 2nd place this time would be my only prediction. Which leaves the Greens, Ukip or Labour, probably in that order. Democracy - pah! Not saying who I am voting for but it makes no difference where I live so I think it's time we adopted PR, proper PR not AV.
I'm in a similar situtation. My voting history has generally been LibDem for GE, and LibDem or Green in Europe. This time, I came very close to voting Whig, as I liked their manifesto - but in the end my head won and I voted LibDem. I don't share the common perception that the LibDems 'sold out' for coalition - and they need all the help they can get this election.
The Greens ruled themselves out with some absurd manifesto policies that I couldn't agree with (banning horseracing, freeing any non-free-range farm animals etc).

I think we'll be back in the polls before the year is out, so I may change my mind for next time.

Agree about lib dems. They are getting a rough ride.

So, and this will surprise people, I voted lib dem! To be far, am in s safe Tory seat so makes no difference and my anti eu stance is as odds, but they have done s great job in coalition and clegg is the best leader.
I am itching to get to the polling station and get my vote cast. Given where I live, its probably a waste of time but if we all took that attitude...
Well said. My vote is probably a waste of time too, but if we all took that attitude...
Really? Like the rest of them, cant be trusted liars, he'll be gone by next week.
I disagree: Clegg is one of the more principled leaders - for example, he's the only one of the pro-EU leaders who was willing to go toe-to-toe against Farage in an EU debate. Where was Cameron?
Well said. My vote is probably a waste of time too, but if we all took that attitude...

Yes - I voted this morning. I voted "tactically" which is another way of saying that I voted for a different bozo/dodgepot/snout-in-the-trough merchant than I normally would have.
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I disagree: Clegg is one of the more principled leaders - for example, he's the only one of the pro-EU leaders who was willing to go toe-to-toe against Farage in an EU debate. Where was Cameron?

He gives the straightest answers too.
Yes I voted differently this time. I have heard people saying that they aren't going to bother which makes me a tad vexed.:confused: People died for our right to vote; I don't agree with compulsory voting having stayed with my brother in Australia and witnessed the dumbed down horror show that induces. We may not like our politicians and question their motives but at least in many of them you can detect a modicum of intelligence. The PM they have is a real dope of a dinosaur :eek:who would probably be mates with GOerge Bush junior - they have a lot in common. I wonder what we will wake up to...
I presume you're Cardiff north then. I'm in the Vale of Glam so mine was important too. My votes been cast i can not do anything about it now.

And previously Vale of Neath where the local candidate got upwards of 74% and a majority of nearly 65% in 97. Nice to have a vote that matters now.
I'm in a similar situtation. My voting history has generally been LibDem for GE, and LibDem or Green in Europe. This time, I came very close to voting Whig, as I liked their manifesto - but in the end my head won and I voted LibDem. I don't share the common perception that the LibDems 'sold out' for coalition - and they need all the help they can get this election.
The Greens ruled themselves out with some absurd manifesto policies that I couldn't agree with (banning horseracing, freeing any non-free-range farm animals etc).

I think we'll be back in the polls before the year is out, so I may change my mind for next time.

Im not certain those were their actual policies, regarding horse racing i think they just wanted to ban the use of the whip?
What do you mean probably?:)

Because if everyone who felt the way I did and got off their bums and voted rather than say "its a waste of time" we might just find to the contrary.

The SNP are set to win this seat, but if every pro union person backed one party they wouldn't get in, and the SNP would only get a few seats.

Because the pro union is spread thin accross three parties, SNP will take if not all, the bulk. My local candidate (Tory) is the next most likely to win after the SNP candidate, but he's miles down in the polls. But without voting you cannot put your case forward. I believe in democracy, but democracy requires participation from those who believe in it.
I'm not overly enthusiastic.

My 15 year old daughter on the other hand has thought long and hard about it.

I'm half tempted to give her my vote rather than doing a no vote / spoil.
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Im not certain those were their actual policies, regarding horse racing i think they just wanted to ban the use of the whip?
The manifesto says;
"AR426 The Green Party will end the exploitation of animals in horse racing, greyhound racing and all situations where animals are commercially raced. There would be an immediate ban on the use of the whip in horse racing and in jumps racing, and on the use of a non-linear track in greyhound racing."
So the whip ban would be only the first step towards an outright ban of animals in sport. This would probably then also extend to sport fishing/angling;
"AR422 ...The Green Party is fundamentally opposed to all blood-sports."

Oh, and they're also in favour of government coercion for us all to go vegetarian or vegan (my own emphasis added in bold);
"AR410 ... The Green Party will support a progressive transition from diets dominated by meat and other animal products to healthier diets based on plant foods, through the use of research, education and economic measures, coupled with support for more sustainable methods of production such as organic and stockfree farming."

I can't agree with this level of authoritarianism. I'm out.
My 15 year old daughter on the other hand has thought long and hard about it.
I'm half tempted to give her my vote rather than doing a no vote / spoil.
Keep it quiet if you do. If you vote on the instruction of someone else you (and she) have committed a criminal offense!
Keep it quiet if you do. If you vote on the instruction of someone else you (and she) have committed a criminal offense!


She'll get her chance.
The manifesto says;
"AR426 The Green Party will end the exploitation of animals in horse racing, greyhound racing and all situations where animals are commercially raced. There would be an immediate ban on the use of the whip in horse racing and in jumps racing, and on the use of a non-linear track in greyhound racing."
So the whip ban would be only the first step towards an outright ban of animals in sport. This would probably then also extend to sport fishing/angling;
"AR422 ...The Green Party is fundamentally opposed to all blood-sports."

Oh, and they're also in favour of government coercion for us all to go vegetarian or vegan (my own emphasis added in bold);
"AR410 ... The Green Party will support a progressive transition from diets dominated by meat and other animal products to healthier diets based on plant foods, through the use of research, education and economic measures, coupled with support for more sustainable methods of production such as organic and stockfree farming."

I can't agree with this level of authoritarianism. I'm out.

I was only aware of their proposal to ban the whip in horse racing, wasn't aware that they may continue down that line, but they obviously would looking at their manifesto.

Regarding the economic measures, I would think (hope..) they are only referring to removing subsidies for livestock farmers, but would like to hear them confirm it would go no further than that.
Keep it quiet if you do. If you vote on the instruction of someone else you (and she) have committed a criminal offense!

'Half tempted'

More a case of listening to her views and taking them on board.

If SNP (or any party) see younger people fit to vote on the referendum then I think it's only fair that their views are worth more than a spoiled paper.
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The manifesto says;
"AR426 The Green Party will end the exploitation of animals in horse racing, greyhound racing and all situations where animals are commercially raced. There would be an immediate ban on the use of the whip in horse racing and in jumps racing, and on the use of a non-linear track in greyhound racing."
So the whip ban would be only the first step towards an outright ban of animals in sport. This would probably then also extend to sport fishing/angling;
"AR422 ...The Green Party is fundamentally opposed to all blood-sports."

Oh, and they're also in favour of government coercion for us all to go vegetarian or vegan (my own emphasis added in bold);
"AR410 ... The Green Party will support a progressive transition from diets dominated by meat and other animal products to healthier diets based on plant foods, through the use of research, education and economic measures, coupled with support for more sustainable methods of production such as organic and stockfree farming."

I can't agree with this level of authoritarianism. I'm out.

The greens have got more chance of plaiting snot than they have of ever becoming more than just an irritating mouthpiece in politics.
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