that is a nice drop of ale,
wenesday evening say 8ish

sorry i dont shoot in the raw (mode)
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Well done Walter(y)

Must admit I lost track of the time on this one- I had all intentions of doing one- glad I looked first:LOL:
Dr_O said:
That's just showing off Marsha:p:LOL:
:LOL: This has reminded how clever this software is! But it was 1 or 2am and I was battling a two year old to sleep at the same time!

I did this using an app on my iPhone called Snapseed (given away free at Christmas) I bought some of the detail out, gave it a slight straighten then used a little tilt and shift on the main body of the train. I'm still learning my way around this software!


I hope this upload works! I've been struggling to get the Photobucket app to work all day!
Here we go.


new layer - rectangle selection tool - filter > render > clouds - mask area to give smoke

new layer mask - altered saturation to give blue frame on bridge

new layer mask - curves to boost whites

new layer mask - for vignette

I did a very quick edit on this one.
Opened in Photoshop and used shadow/highlights to bring out some detail in the shadows.
Increased saturation a little
Sharpened the image
Cropped and added a border.

Here be my try!!!!

How did I get to the end version - not quite sure but....

In PE 10
Opened in RAW and quickly saved as Jpeg as me no good at working with RAW :nuts:

I warmed up >
Brightened shadows >
Brightened overall >
Used brush to selectively saturate >
Used brush to selectively sharpen >
Saved and opened in Picasa to add graduated blue filter >
Gave the border again in Picasa.


Imported into Lightroom and did a few tweaks in there mainly shadow recovery. I then exported to Photoshop where I increased the saturation and did some dodging and burning to accentuate the light coming through the trees. I then did some selective blurring with a layer mask and finally I cropped it and added a border.


Imported into Lightroom and did a few tweaks in there mainly shadow recovery. I then exported to Photoshop where I increased the saturation and did some dodging and burning to accentuate the light coming through the trees. I then did some selective blurring with a layer mask and finally I cropped it and added a border.


How do you grab a screen shot like this ? - I use a Mac BTW
Here be my try!!!!

How did I get to the end version - not quite sure but....

In PE 10
Opened in RAW and quickly saved as Jpeg as me no good at working with RAW :nuts:

I warmed up >
Brightened shadows >
Brightened overall >
Used brush to selectively saturate >
Used brush to selectively sharpen >
Saved and opened in Picasa to add graduated blue filter >
Gave the border again in Picasa.


Pretty good transformation (y)
Thanks Dini you have made my day (y)

I really am new to this PP game and stumble through and haven't really got much of a clue what I am doing.
Some fantastic edits on here that I wish I had done, anyway here is my go.


Opened in ACR and tweaked/cropped
In CS5 added b&w layer with green filter
new layer - elliptical marquee tool and then gaussian blur
new layer - roughly add black border frame.

Opened in RAW, increased fill light and reduced exposure, slightly increased clarity reduced the saturation in Cyan.

Opened in PS.

Cloned the trees to meet the edge of the image. Burned a vignette with the burn tool. Used topaz adjust "exposure correction". Used selective colour to increase the black in the yellow channel.
You're in the wrong thread Steve. This is the thread for serious edits and learning new techniques.

Hi Phil

Good to hear this as this was my impression. But can I ask how strict is this? The reason I ask is there have been some edits where a totally new sky (as an example) has been put in?

Are there any guidelines, in an earlier post, or is it simply as you say -- "This is the thread for serious edits and learning new techniques"
DayDreamer said:
Hi Phil

Good to hear this as this was my impression. But can I ask how strict is this? The reason I ask is there have been some edits where a totally new sky (as an example) has been put in?

Are there any guidelines, in an earlier post, or is it simply as you say -- "This is the thread for serious edits and learning new techniques"

if it's tasteful and enhances the image it's allowed...if it's completely stupid with dungeons and dragons and flying belongs in the other one :)

For example:

Say there'san image of a castle with grass that's changed to water...that's ok as long as it looks professional but adding the loch mess monster would be going a bit far :)

Edit53 by Dr_Ozone, on Flickr

In ACR boosted fill light, tweaked blacks.
In CS5, created new layer and added more mist/ haze sampling orange colour
Sharpened, increased vibrance and added lens flare.
Cropped to edge of trees.
Ooo how did you add the lens flare?

In CS5-

Filter>Render>Lens Flare

Options are:
55-300mm zoom
105mm prime
35mm prime
Movie prime

All look different and can play with brightness and the position:)
thanks for all the edits, its been really hard to pick just one, but im going to go with Dr O, great use of lens flair done it for me, over to you Sir