here you are guys and girls, taken last w/e in clacton, nightmare weather,

call it 10pm thursday
well done, shame about raw as it makes a lot of difference, any particular reason you don't shoot in raw?, personally shoot in both here
no problem, had a quick go with this

increased sat contrast etc
made several layers for sky brightening, more colour in the huts, and the sea
Hopefully the Guinness helped!


New layer - overlay mode
New layer - levels altered to make sky darker. masked land etc..
New layer - Sharpened, mess around with saturation
New layer for vignette

In LR4:
- Gradient with reduced exposure to darken the sky
- Brush on lower half with increased exposure, highlights and contrast, and a slight raise in clarity and saturation
- Overall blacks down, and vibrance up
- Post-crop vignetting
Good edits so far guys(y)

Think the colour in my huts isn't very good- need to recalibrate this monitor as it seems to be a bit off.

Edit60 by Dr_Ozone, on Flickr

In ACR increased vibrancy and saturation on greens, blues and yellow as well as hue.
In CS5, cloned rocks out with more sand and steps- not as sharp as I wanted
Added more foam to water with separate layer.
Used cooling filter on sky to increase colour
Got rid of the fence and shrubbery to make the transition easier
Job done:)

  • Enlarged the image to the right then I filled the space with content aware fill.
  • Removed the rocks on the steps again with content aware fill but also had to add finishing touches with the clone stamp tool.
  • Created new blank layer changed blend mode to overlay and then added a black to transparent gradient to darken the sky
  • Increased saturation
  • Little bit of highlight dodging on the huts and steps.
  • Sharpened using high pass filter.
  • Added a border to finish.

I had another tinker on my iPhone app!

I did three copies, a much lighter one, a darker one and one with a good splash of drama.
Transferred them to my PC and opened in photoshop.

I used the third shot with added drama as the base layer as it made the sea look dirty and stormy which matches the people in hooded coats.
Copied and paste in the sky in from the darker shot to add some gloom!
Copied and paste (from the lighter shot) in the first hut at the front left (as you see it now) to replace the dark one.

Then cropped to make the steps lead in from the bottom left, also cropped some sky to give the letterbox look.
Used a layer mask to add some gaussian blur to the sky to remove some pixelation.
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Here be my entry.

All in PE10
I used ReDynaMix plug in to give slight HDR effect to bring out details.
Selectively saturated individual colours and by brush
Tiddled and fiddled with levels and brightness
Bit of selective sharpening

BUT can't remember in what order!!!!

here be the winner,
hard to pick all very good
like the way you have brought out colour in the huts,
over to you day dreamer,
heres mine

open in ACR,
up recovery
up light and blacks,
slight increase in vibrance,
dodge on steps,
open in PE9
add border
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Well WallyBoy thanks very much (y)

Now I need to sort out a RAW shot. I have only ever taken about a dozen in my life and they were since I bought two new cameras last month. A Panasonic G2 (for my wife) and a Fuji X10. A step up from my Panasonic TZ8 :eek:

I also need to fathom out how to upload the RAW for you guys to download and then I assume I need to have the Jpeg as a link to the next post.

Ah well on the case but bear with me :nuts:
Well done John.

To upload RAW files you can use yousendit They're really easy to register with.

Thanks Marsha and will sort it out on link you suggest (y)

PS Signed up but waiting for email with activation link in it - so get the kettle on and wait!!
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Here's hoping the RAW link below works - as it's my first time :thinking:

Also hoping the jpeg appears here as well :thinking:

The picture is about 50 yards from my front door in Totnes and I feel it has lots of interest but I just can't seem to PP it in a way that it captures the scene as my eyes see it and my brain remembers it. I would like to get the winning one framed on my wall if that is OK with the winner?

Can we say ending Wednesday 23rd May at 10.00 a.m. if that is alright. I would like to see two edit chances per week and not just the one? As I enjoy this thread.


Opened in CS5
New layer, saturation, levels etc. to boost blues
Duplicate layer - overlay mode - masked areas around blues
New layer - sharpened
Cloned area to right of frame by gate
well done John, great edit
heres my attempt
sharpen, basic adjustment in raw
save 3 files with sky, building, trees how i want
open in cs5 and use eraser to reveal sky and building onto tree layer
Can we say ending Wednesday 23rd May at 10.00 a.m. if that is alright. I would like to see two edit chances per week and not just the one? As I enjoy this thread.

you want us to have 2 goes? glad you like the thread, a lot can be learnt from it, i personally have learnt loads.
Can we say ending Wednesday 23rd May at 10.00 a.m. if that is alright. I would like to see two edit chances per week and not just the one? As I enjoy this thread.

you want us to have 2 goes? glad you like the thread, a lot can be learnt from it, i personally have learnt loads.

Ooops sorry to cause confusion :nuts:

Not two goes per new pic but to have a maximum of four days time per edit as sometimes it can be longer - up to a week I think.

Does that make sense :thinking:
It's the weekend so any more edits?

Unless you are all out as Olympic Torch Bearers :D
I've been away for the weekend, hoping to have a go before Wednesday.

Yes please (y)(y)

I was beginning to think my photo was too boring to whet you guys & gals appetites :eek:
Here is my attempt

Nudged WB to give it warmer feel
Curves and masked to bring contrast in the skies
New layer and selective sharpening
Thought i'd have a bash.

Can't remember exactly what i did but opened in acr cs6, played around with all the sliders on the basic tab. Once opened in cs6 i used a few filters inside color efex pro, a bit of dodging and burning, sharpening and a bit of noise reduction, oh and a subtle vignette.

Surely there are one or two more edits :shrug:

Finishing at 10.00 am tomorrow and I need more to look at :crying:
I finally got a minute to get on my pc!

Tweaked in ACR then opened in CS5.
Added a blue filter to the sky, increased saturation overall, cropped/ cloned out the boat and the bin in the foreground and a little of the tree on the right.
I dodged the river to lighten it, and the path on the right to add some detail.
Unsharp mask to finish.

Well done Marsha I have picked your entry. I like the crop and the fact you have chosen to do a subtle enhancement rather than a radical one (y)

Thanks to all you others who have taken part and a runners up cyber cofee to each of you (y)

Here's my go:

Fiddled with in PE10 including:
Slight orange filter to warm up
Then very selective saturation to bring out any primary colours in the pic
Burnt area to the left as I feel it was very wishy washy
Unsharp mask
Crop as I feel better in more landscape (wider) format

So Marsha look forward to your pic :)

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Thanks John, I read this so tried to keep it subtle.

DayDreamer said:
The picture is about 50 yards from my front door in Totnes and I feel it has lots of interest but I just can't seem to PP it in a way that it captures the scene as my eyes see it and my brain remembers it. I would like to get the winning one framed on my wall if that is OK with the winner?

I've got a 9mb JPEG, I'll see if I can send it via yousendit and will pm you a link(y)

Just sunning myself right now, I'll pick a photo to upload before I go to work.
Here's one for you. I took this at Whitby a few weeks back, unfortunately I shot it then pegged it back to the car before I realised I'd shot it at F11, doh! I wanted the hand rail all in focus, oh well, lesson learnt.

So what can you do? Does Sunday about 9pm ish sound good?

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Here's one for you. I took this at Whitby a few weeks back, unfortunately I shot it then pegged it back to the car before I realised I'd shot it at F11, doh! I wanted the hand rail all in focus, oh well, lesson learnt.

So what can you do? Does Sunday about 9pm ish sound good?


By golly - you've sure given us a challenge :LOL:

Just had a look and thought the railing was snow and then even thought I can make it one big candy floss.

So far it has me stumped. :help: