And a Well Done DR O from me :clap:
Thanks guys- I'll have a quick look although may have to tomorrow evening now.
Just so people are aware- Raw now added after some random account creation:D
here`s my attempt
adjusted raw file in camera raw
made 2 copies rescuing the underexposed corner with fill light
opened in cs5 and burnt through just the corner
used topaz star filter and added glow
lightened building on the right
Nice Neil- I like the star burst effect and the effect on the lightened building:)
Ok, here is my version of Spinnaker Tower, a place I know very well.

I have taken some screen grabs of how I have done this and captured them in a Word Document, However, I'm not sure how I can get them on here. Everything I have tried has failed !


My second attempt at this game !


Edit:- I realise it's not helpful to post images and then explain how it was was achieved. Although I took a couple of screen grabs I cant replicate them on here. Basically I took the original NEF file and adjusted the contrast sliders, saturation and hues. I then opened up Aperture 3.0 and lightened the buildings and burned in some of the sea in the foreground to make the reflected lights stand out.
Last edited:
Like it Nick(y)

Not sure how you get the actions as an image- although my workflow is a bit untidy for people to see so that's one of the reasons I've never got to the bottom of how to do it:LOL:
Come on the rest of you, get some edits in- closes Thursday, say 17.30 as the cut off point.
Tried to go for a bit of a moody affair


Opened in ACR reduced the exposure slightly and increase the recovery
Opened in CS5 duplicated layer, linear light and reduced opacity
added black and white layer
added new layer and increased the contrast and reduced brightness
masked layer and painted out a bit of the sky, reduced saturation.

These are all really good guys(y) so tough one.

I'm going to go with Nick though as the way you brought the colours out really appeals and just clinches it for me.

Not at home just now so will post mine when I'm in. Went for the B&W like you Brian.
Originally I had layered some mist on but I've since preferred it without the effect so have removed and tried a crop today.

Converted to B&W in ACR and sharpened
Burnt in the sky a bit in CS5.
Might have added some clarity to the sky and water in ACR as that's the thing I used to do a lot but don't recall now.

Edit55 by Dr_Ozone, on Flickr
Thank you ! - well that's a first foe me. I'll post a new or nearly new image up by the end of play tomorrow. I am not sure how to post an unworked RAW file but if you drop me a PM with your email address I'll send it to you direct...
well done Nick, great edit, you can upload a raw to the site i used last, just upload instead of download and save the address given, if not you can send it to me to do for you.
Thanks guys, i'm, going to go out and snap and image in a while and post the RAW file for you to experiment with....
Foss Islands Bridge, York - RAW (NEF) File to download

Here is a shot of Foss Islands Bridge, over the river Foss in York taken earlier today in it's unedited and untreated format:


And here is the original RAW (NEF) File for you to download (thanks for all your help guys). The Account really easy to set up and free !

See what you can do anything goes........ (y)

Looks good Phil- I went for strong contrast in mine but I think it now looks too dark but hey ho

Edit57 by Dr_Ozone, on Flickr

In ACR I increased blue hue and the greens a touch.
Increased blacks a bit for a stronger contrast.

In CS5 cloned out all the birds and some tree on the right edge

Sharpened a bit. Done:)
Blank_Canvas said:
How do you grab a screen shot like this ? - I use a Mac BTW

Press command-shift-4 and a crosshairs will appear. Click and drag over the area you want to take a screenshot of (or press the space bar and click on a window) and the screenshot will be saved to your desktop. Alternatively press command-shift-3 to take a screenshot of your whole screen.

added new levels layer
added new layer to create vignette
dodged river
Brian how did you get the colours in the river? They look great.

Here's my go.

Increased saturation in the sky.
Cloned out all but three pigeons, some birdy doo doo's, a car on the bridge and stray twigs upper right. Also cloned out some suspicious looking blobs, possibly dust bunnies:thinking:

Increased exposure on the river using a layer mask, dodged the path in the foreground and added a little detail with Topaz adjust and sharpened with unsharp mask.

I posed the original image on Sat 5th so will let it run until this Sat 12th when I will announce the winner. I'm impresed with all the entries so far (y)
Been getting into PP a bit more lately, so I'll give this a go, but it's probably OTT.


All in LR4:
- Added gradient from top to vertical midpoint, lowering exposure by 1.4
- Exposure: +0.48, Contrast: +7
- Shadows: +22, Blacks:-15, Clarity: +12, Virbrance: +22, Saturation: +12
- Tone Curve, Lights +14, Darks -7, Shadows -9
- HSL, Orange Sat +20, Green Aqua and Blue Sat +16, Green Lum +20, Aqua & Blue Lum -15
- Masked sharpening, noise reduction
- Lens vignetting +12, Post crop vignetting -24
- One brush on the water, raising highights and exposure
- One brush following the shape of the path up to the bridge, with increased exposure, clarity and sharpening
Thanks Marsha, glad you like the river colours.

after I had added the adjustment layers I just used the dodge tool to lighten up the river.

Open in camera Raw hit auto button and save as a TIF.
Open in Paint shop pro
Duplicate layer, blend mode to multiply
Delite parts of layer around pumps, and dark areas.

Dodge / burn
Clone out caravan, phone wires and lamp post
Unsharp mask

Hello, I am mostly new to PP although I have had a bot of a play with Photoshop. Could you explain why you do the bit in bold?
^??? A bit random is it not given it's nothing to do with the current round and was posted on the 01/09/2011? My crystal ball isn't working but astoundingly I found the shot in a couple of clicks - if only I had that sort of luck all the time:LOL:

First posted by Joan on page 5 and Paul posted his edit on page 6. Perhaps asking Paul what he was thinking on the 01/09/2011 via PM when this was first posted would have been the better course of action rather than reposting an old picture mid round with no reference of origin or context or knowledge of how often he visits this thread now. I'm presuming he did what he did to get the effect he wanted. There's more than one way to do things on PS hence very hard to second guess why anyone does one thing over another- even harder when you don't know the position they were starting from in the first place.

Regards duplicating layers- standard workflow practice- if you mess up the duplicate you still have the original so there could be much less to rework.
^??? A bit random is it not given it's nothing to do with the current round and was posted on the 01/09/2011? My crystal ball isn't working but astoundingly I found the shot in a couple of clicks - if only I had that sort of luck all the time:LOL:

First posted by Joan on page 5 and Paul posted his edit on page 6. Perhaps asking Paul what he was thinking on the 01/09/2011 via PM when this was first posted would have been the better course of action rather than reposting an old picture mid round with no reference of origin or context or knowledge of how often he visits this thread now. I'm presuming he did what he did to get the effect he wanted. There's more than one way to do things on PS hence very hard to second guess why anyone does one thing over another- even harder when you don't know the position they were starting from in the first place.

Regards duplicating layers- standard workflow practice- if you mess up the duplicate you still have the original so there could be much less to rework.

Yes, it was quite random sorry, I've only just found this thread. I thought it might be a general technique I am missing because quite a few people seem to have duplicated layers and I wasn't sure why.
Yes, it was quite random sorry, I've only just found this thread. I thought it might be a general technique I am missing because quite a few people seem to have duplicated layers and I wasn't sure why.

No probs- duplicating layers or certainly the original image is good practice.

I have in the past used the eraser on a duplicated layer but now use layer masks which offer much better control. Like I said there are often many ways to achieve the same effect- some will be considered best practice and some will be more efficient while others will be because that's what the editor knows.
Some great edits so far- definitely looks better as a brighter scene. Mine is too dull looking at it now.

Keep them coming.
Really tough call and not easy, however I'm going to have to go with Wallyboys vibrant image. Congratulations Walkyboy!

And so onto the next round. PM sent to Walyboy !
Aye, it's never easy choosing a winner in the two threads.

Well done Walter!:clap: