The "What is it?" thread - Part III

No but it could be a bus bar of a sort.

Oh, and over it comes...

by Nod on Talk Photography
Sharky's closest yet but not quite right enough.
A fuse
circuit breaker
Nathan's got it, it's the back of a double socket. The one in the shot has a pair of USB sockets on it as well as 2 13A sockets.View attachment 30503
Damn I was gonna shoot a giant hot dog too ;)

Uh oh! Lower the tone here and there's no going back ha ha

:D I was gonna suggest some of that there niagra if it takes you until the evening to "get something up" :D
If anyone wants to borrow a ladder to get their minds up into the gutter is welcome to hire mine!!!
Part of a sink
any clues?
Electric toothbrush?
some type of ceramic mug or cup?
possibly the handle part of the mug?