The "What is it?" thread - Part III

A filter off something?
Something well known?
Dreading asking this, but perhaps a posh powder applyer thing that women (and maybe some men) use for make up?
I would say that everyone on this forum has one of these but not this particular brand.
Apparently I spend more time on this thread than I do with my wife who is shortly going to leave me? :banana:
I'll tell you what, I'm well impressed with this Raynox cheapo Macro attachment. First time I've really used it.
Its awesome ain't it, borrowed in laws and then my wife bought me one for christmas, great bit of kit

I can't believe the quality of it? I was going to treat myself to a dedicated macro lens but I don't think I'll bother now :)
The mind boggles! No. Mind you Tim, you look the kind of geezer that would use face powder?:exit:
No, no powder - plays havoc with my complexion.........Just the occasional lippy, mascara and eye liner for the 'recreational' friday nights out :whistle::naughty:
bottle stop