Toothie's 52 - All the way to the end

Well done Ruth, a great shot, and you have a great relationship with her (y)
Just catching up with things, and would like to say that I like the wisdom shot, very nicely done.

I love the shot of your mum, she looks like a really super lady. From reading your post I am not sure if she is luckier to have you for a daughter or if you are luckier to have her as a mum! Guess you are both just lucky to have one another. :D

well done:clap::clap:
Well i struggled big time this week, almost to the point that i did get a pic, all my ideas were rubbish and i kept coming back to one point, Poverty in its absolute form is a lack of the basic necessities in life, clean drinking water, shelter, health care etc but now do you photo a lack of something? Well in the end inspiration struck and here it is i give you a box of nothing.


Thanks for all the support so far from everybody :D
But its a stylish box of nothing Ruth, I think it was Simon at the start of the week who said we don't really see true poverty and I think he is right, that made this week a tough one.
well it makes you think;)

About what though is the question?

But its a stylish box of nothing Ruth, I think it was Simon at the start of the week who said we don't really see true poverty and I think he is right, that made this week a tough one.

Toughest so far imo, glad you find the box stylish my new tamrac bag arrived in it at the start of the week :D
Ah so it was a box of riches but has since become poorer :D... It's a shot that fits the theme nicely, and the black and white works very well Ruth.
And what a boxfull of nothing it is :LOL: I can see this image being the subject of much disucssion in an art gallery by those pretentious arty types about how this portrays poverty.

Ignoring the arty nature of the image, I think it's actually really good. I like the way the box stands out against the background and the way the box appears to be bathed in its own pool of light from top and very slightly behind; did you do this in PP or was this done with your lighting? I like the off centre composition of the box too :clap:
Yes got to agree that's a really good idea...not sure it is thinking inside or outside the box...:LOL:

I think your interpretation is spot on...:clap:

It's a good one from you this week...(y)
Really like the portrait of your mum and what a nice piece of writing to go with it!

And a very nice box full of nothing which illustrates poverty very well.
Ah so it was a box of riches but has since become poorer :D... It's a shot that fits the theme nicely, and the black and white works very well Ruth.

indeed now a poor box, thanks John.

And what a boxfull of nothing it is :LOL: I can see this image being the subject of much disucssion in an art gallery by those pretentious arty types about how this portrays poverty.

Ignoring the arty nature of the image, I think it's actually really good. I like the way the box stands out against the background and the way the box appears to be bathed in its own pool of light from top and very slightly behind; did you do this in PP or was this done with your lighting? I like the off centre composition of the box too :clap:

Thanks Simon, i used my 10-22mm with the 430ex flash on the camera pointed at the box other than conversion and contrast no PP.
Yes got to agree that's a really good idea...not sure it is thinking inside or outside the box...:LOL:

I think your interpretation is spot on...:clap:

It's a good one from you this week...(y)

Really like the portrait of your mum and what a nice piece of writing to go with it!

And a very nice box full of nothing which illustrates poverty very well.

thanks guys :)
Up, Up and Away


Ok its not perfect, the sky wasn't as blue as i had hoped and it was really hard to focus on the balloon :(
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Just catching up Ruth :D

What a great representation of Relationships, and you are both so lucky to have each other. (y)

Poverty - another good representation and well composed. And many people are forced to live in them too. Good lighting and you can almost feel the corrugations in the cardboard the fefinition is so good. Well Done :clap::clap:

UP - great idea - how many balloons did you go through :D

For me there's just a bit too much sky, I'd like the balloon to be just a bit more prominent. Great capture though (y) :clap:
This week was really hard IMO, but I think you have come up with a nice shot and executed it well. :clap: :clap:
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thanks for all the feedback guys

UP - great idea - how many balloons did you go through :D

For me there's just a bit too much sky, I'd like the balloon to be just a bit more prominent. Great capture though (y) :clap:

Just the one balloon but it was small and really hard to capture so this was the best of the bunch, I do agree there is a little too much sky and the balloon is not entirly in focus either but it was the best i could get, but i really like the contrast and simplicity definitially gonna give this another go :D
Poverty - nice simple idea and I think you have lit it well.

Up - lovely colours and I think it also has a happy feeling to it which fits the theme beautifully :clap:
Ohh, That's good, like that, simple, well composed and colourful.

You're this weeks class swot, great effort.
I have to agree, superb Ruth (y)
Ohh, That's good, like that, simple, well composed and colourful.

You're this weeks class swot, great effort.

I agree that's a very nice capture...:clap:

and I love the colours...:love:

nothing more to say, it's brilliant...(y)
I do like this, Ruth. I'm not sure if it needs less sky or just recomposing to be giving the impression that it's either going up in to the shot or has just gone to the top of the shot. That's a tiny nit pick though! Very nice.
Well done, again, this week Ruth! :clap:

Fantastic colours and such a brilliantly simple idea
Well this week i couldn't be more in the box if i tired but i have been wanting to do this for ages and this has given me an excuse to get round to it :)

things i have learnt

1. Sometimes you get luck with a theme
2. You should carry out your ideas
3. Backlighting works best if the letters don't have magnets
4. How to make my pics clickable
5. don't forget letters t,u and v ;)
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This is stunning Ruth, I see what you mean about the magnets, but I don't think it detracts too much at all, the first thing that hits is the vibrancy!

I liked being able to click on the photo and then seeing the others and how you set this shot up! very nice.

Well done :clap: :clap: :clap:
I like this, I think you are right about the magnets they do distract slightly. I am really impressed by the vibrancy the image has - did you do much PP on this?

Well done for making the photo click able; I also like seeing how you've done this shot (what is the light tent BTW?)
I like this, I think you are right about the magnets they do distract slightly. I am really impressed by the vibrancy the image has - did you do much PP on this?

Well done for making the photo click able; I also like seeing how you've done this shot (what is the light tent BTW?)

Hi Thanks Simon

not much PP - bit of clarity, bit of brightness, bit of vibrance to give it some pop as it was a RAW file :)

PS light tent cheep joby from HK
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superb shot and cleverly backlit... yes the magnets detract but not so much as to be a problem.

I too was in the box this week and had less letters to work with!

WOW! :clap::clap::clap:

Another fantastic shot, Ruth! Love the colour once again! How did you backlight it? :notworthy:
Catching up:

Three really simple and effective shots Ruth proving less is more!

Poverty - stark (again B&W for poverty :)) and effective and simple - I like it!

Up: Now that is superb - great colour great idea and well shot! :)

Letter: Apart from the magnets a lovely idea and well executed - beautifully backlit too!

3 good, simple (and different) shots that each meets the theme :)