Toothie's 52 - All the way to the end

Good job Ruth, well spotted and taken, and that lovely sky really adds to it (y)
Good spot Ruth and a good kind of longing represented here!

What a waste :(

Well done on that one - nicely composed and good to see the building in its setting like that :D
Now if you'd have tortured me with fish and chips there would have been real trouble. You've no idea how much I'm looking forward to them next time we get back to the UK. Well done on a nice image.

Hah, that's the first thing I had to eat when we went back a couple of weeks ago. It was my first time back in 4 years and they were yummy :D

Sorry Ruth for hijacking your thread :( and I'm going to comment on your picture next ;)
Well done on getting your shot in this week, I know what you mean about falling behind...slippery slope and all that...:shake:

You not only got your shot in but did it with a really nice photo, the sky is great and lifts the shot for me and as said you got the shadows just right...excellent...:clap::clap::clap:

Marcus has said it all. A big :clap::clap::clap: from me
thanks very much all. It was taken about 30mins before the sunset and the location is lovely there are a few houses in the same area but its quite remote in some ways.
Fits the theme well, i would agree it does look like its longing to be used and conveted. I would like to live there for one!
As soon as i saw this months theme an old story popped into my head that was also used as a joke my Dad liked and i remember from when i was a kid.

It goes something like this:

On a dark dark night, on a dark dark street in a dark dark house, down the dark dark stairs in a dark dark cupboard there was a blown circuit breaker (the joke ends with an electrician fixing the fuse but i didn't have an electrician to hand).

the lighting was ment to look like a torch was being used to see it but im not 100% sure i pulled it off :thinking:

Anyway thanks for looking, reshoot will probely follow tomorrow :)
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I too think you pulled it off. Very clever interpretation of the theme and given the different light levels you've captured it very well :clap:

Definitely looks like torchlight to me ;)
Very good Ruth, a great take on the theme and I agree it looks like torchlight.
Works for me, an interesting and clever interpretation of the theme. The lighting works too.(y)
Great shot, and I love the dirty finger prints on the casing! :D

It works well in mono too as when the lights go out in the house, so does the colour!! (y)

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Great take on the theme and I think the torchlight thing does come across - nicely done (y)
Well done Ruth, very creative idea.

I like the shadows the torchlight have cast, makes me remember a dodgy fusebox I had in flat from a few years ago.

Covers the theme well.

"the lighting was ment to look like a torch was being used to see it but im not 100% sure i pulled it off"

100% thats what I thought it was! :) Excellent interpretation Ruth :) Nicely shot and lit too :)
Well done, right on the button. :clap: :clap:

Also, I enjoyed your pic for longing....don't know how I missed it!!

Thanks all, means alot espically as i have really struggled whilest training for the new job which i only have to do for another month :D

I think i have caught up with everybody for the last couple of weeks, if not am sorry will keep trying to cathc up :)
Hey Ruth, another couple of fantastic shots! (y)
Love the "longing" composition, and totally agree. it looks like it's begging to be loved again.
The "dark" shot made me chuckle :LOL: great thinking! and yes, I agree you pulled off the lighting effect. spot on! :clap:
Ok so here is this weeks shot

The simple things we take for granted

things i have learnt

1. working 5 days a week makes this much harder to do
2. reflective services are a nightmare
3. not 100% sure my flash tigger is compatable with the 40d (seems a bit hit and miss)
4. the bathroom taps are really boring
5. the kitchen isnt much better
6. how to use my 40d - well the basics and a few of the extras ;)
7. that some staff in jessops are as bad as reported.
Oh how very very true! very nice take on the theme, and I like the paint colour (y) The lighting works very well on here, well done :clap:
Thanks shorty, it isn't paint its a bit of card behind the tap becasue there is a window there that was causing all kings of problems.
Fits the theme well Ruth, good move with the card behind to give a clean background.
Well done Ruth, a simple image and I have to agree, good move with the background (y)
Excelent move with the card - and well done for capturing all sorts of shiny stuff without getting horrible reflections. Like the interpretation of the theme too - we take WAY to much for granted (y)
Very nicely done Ruth, don't think I've ever thought to take a running water shot!!!

Simple theme, but I bet it wasn't anything like simple to achieve. Well done. :clap::clap::clap:

p.s I love my 40D, just need to add a few cracking lenses.
Well done Ruth. A simple image , but one I like
