Toothie's 52 - All the way to the end

Ruth, thats two weeks running you have knocked it right out of the park, superb stuff.

Agree about the magnets slightly drawing the eye but really like this image, ace.
Superb shot Ruth (y) I did notice the magnets, but the vibrant colours and backlight work so well.
Oh, now this I like :D :clap:

Colours, composition, set-up (y)

:agree: that's a cracking shot from you this week...

I think this week has been one of the best weeks so far for great shots...and your up there with the best of them...:clap::clap::clap:
Really like the lighting and exposure on the letter shot. The colours look so vibrant and contrasty. Nice work :clap:
I think your whole setup for the letter shot is spot on. Yes it would have been cool to not have the magnets in the letters but its what you had to work on!

Backlighting is just right as well, not too overpowering and suits theme perfectly. Good job!
Great shot, ruth! How on earth did you make your image a link to your flickr??
Great shot, ruth! How on earth did you make your image a link to your flickr??

Thanks Dizzy

For my pic it was the following - hoping you can work it out from there cos i still really have to think about it.


replace {} with []
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ok you put the url of the page you want it to go to in the first bit then the code flickr (or whoever) gives for the picture for the second bit

the important bits are the bits in brackets and the = sign at the start.
Any clearer??
Thanks Ruth! I'll have to have a play an see if I can work it out.
Really not a happy bunny this week, was hoping to get something on the TP meet and the best i could come up with was burger and chips :( and its not even a very good photo. Oh well here it is.

Hey Ruth,

I don't think you should be so hard on yourself, it is not always easy to get out and get that fab shot that you have in your head, sometimes life gets in the way!!

Saying that, your photo is nicely focussed, has good clarity, meets the theme perfectly and is one of my favourite duo's aroun:D

My absolute favourite is garlic philadelfia spread into a large mushroom and toasted for about 15mins...:love:

well done for the photo :clap: :clap:
I likes this shot :D
I like chips and I'm hungry. And also, not just saying this, but I do like the way the chip next to the burger is curling round it, don't ask me why!

:clap: don't be so hard on yourself!
Don't beat yourself up Ruth - its close to a idea I had (fish'n'chips :)) and it looks good to me :)

As Angela says "your photo is nicely focussed, has good clarity, meets the theme perfectly...."

Says it all I reckon :)
works for me...... and yes I'm feeling hungry now!:rules:

As others have said, sometimes it's just about getting a shot to fit the theme.

Thanks all, tbh its the position of the chips that bugs me.

I know i havent commented much this week, its on tomorrows to do list :)
Stick with it Ruth, we all have pics we are not happy with. next week will be better.....I think!;)
Well I nearly went for Jack Daniels & Coke - at least you didn't resort to alcohol!

Don't be so hard on yourself - I'd be very surprised if anyone ends up with 52 photo's that they are completely happy with. We are all going to have weeks where other stuff gets in the way. You could have stayed home and slaved over this weeks photo - instead you went to a TP meet which I think is an equally good use of your time! It fits the theme and as others have said, focus / clarity etc is all good ;)
I had a difficult week with this subect, so welcome to the club...(y)

As said it fit the theme nicely and looks good enough to eat...:LOL:

Lets hope for a subject we like next week...:)
It seems everybody's found this week's theme difficult, so don't beat yourself up. I hope it didn't spoil the TP meet for you, because, tbh, there's nowt wrong with the shot. If I was trying to sell them, I'd use that pic - can't say better than that! (y)(y)

Let's hope we all find next week easier. :)

I think is a fine image Ruth, fits the theme and its a good enough pic.

I think you are perhaps being a little hard on yourself, you've made a couple of superb pics in the last couple of weeks.

Looking forward to seeing what you have for us next week.
OOh Ruth, you seem to be suffering from the same problem as Mark (and me and .........) Hypercritical :nono: You are producing so many great pictures and the occasional one you take that you think is average because of the theme is no less valid than all the others. I've posted a few 'what the heck' shots that I wasn't happy with but ran out of time/energy/inspiration but they've always been well received. It's like I've just said to Mark 'just because a picture doesn't involve a lot of work doesn't mean it's not a good picture'

Letter - what a fantastically colourful, well focused shot :clap::clap::clap:

Duo - Well composed shot, fits the theme and I too love the chip giving the burger a cuddle :love: (y)
OOh Ruth, you seem to be suffering from the same problem as Mark (and me and .........) Hypercritical :nono: You are producing so many great pictures and the occasional one you take that you think is average because of the theme is no less valid than all the others. I've posted a few 'what the heck' shots that I wasn't happy with but ran out of time/energy/inspiration but they've always been well received. It's like I've just said to Mark 'just because a picture doesn't involve a lot of work doesn't mean it's not a good picture'

Letter - what a fantastically colourful, well focused shot :clap::clap::clap:

Duo - Well composed shot, fits the theme and I too love the chip giving the burger a cuddle :love: (y)

still giggling over that sentance :LOL:
I think is a fine image Ruth, fits the theme and its a good enough pic.

I think you are perhaps being a little hard on yourself, you've made a couple of superb pics in the last couple of weeks.

Looking forward to seeing what you have for us next week.

I would agree with this comment, i think the image is fine.
Now if you'd have tortured me with fish and chips there would have been real trouble. You've no idea how much I'm looking forward to them next time we get back to the UK. Well done on a nice image.
Thanks guys much appreciated, this weeks pic will be a little late as although i took the photo today, i am away from home and only have the netbook, which will make processing a nightmare. Anyway with luck will be able to get the pic online tomorrow night :) and hopefully have a look at what you have all been up too this week.
Ok so here it is. This building is in a lovely setting and is just longing to be converted into a house. (its an old school building)

I may repost the image when i get home on saturday and add my sig and boarder as i think it looks really odd without it. TBH i just didn't want to post any latter than today, i really don't want to get behind.

edit have reprocessed image on my desktop rather than Martyn's lappy and reposted :)
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My missus is forever stopping to look at this kind of thing, she loves the idea of bringing a house like this back form the brink.

Great idea that covers the theme well, bet it would look magic in the last hour of sunlight.

Well done Ruth.
This is a lovely shot, Mr Drury and I would love a house like this with lots of grounds for dogs n walks.

I love the colours in this shot, the darks are not too dark and the light not too light. I love the shadow that is cast by the tree, and the old water tanks by the side. A well executed shot, gets a (y) from me. :clap: :clap:
Well done on getting your shot in this week, I know what you mean about falling behind...slippery slope and all that...:shake:

You not only got your shot in but did it with a really nice photo, the sky is great and lifts the shot for me and as said you got the shadows just right...excellent...:clap::clap::clap: