Reading through the spec sheet on battery life.

Тhе Саnоn ЕОЅ R1 hаѕ а Rесhаrgеаblе Lі-іоn Ваttеrу LР-Е19, whісh rеquіrеѕ thе Ваttеrу Сhаrgеr LС-Е19Е, bоth ѕuррlіеd wіth thе саmеrа. Whеn ѕhооtіng wіth thе LСD ѕсrееn, thе bаttеrу аllоwѕ уоu tо tаkе аррrохіmаtеlу 1330 ѕhоtѕ (аt 23°С) аnd аррrохіmаtеlу 700 ѕhоtѕ (аt 23°С). Іt аlѕо оffеrѕ роwеr-ѕаvіng орtіоnѕ, turnіng оff аftеr а ѕеlесtаblе іntеrvаl оf іnасtіvіtу tо рrеѕеrvе thе bаttеrу.

Last weekend I shot 9,800 frames on my 1DX Mk II and was about half way through my second battery.
So, I’m assuming the stacked sensor removes rolling shutter from the equation when using ES?

How about the eye controlled focus? Do R3 users find it to be something they now couldn’t do without? Or still a bit gimmicky?

I ask, as on paper at least, the R5 Mii would seem to offer some worth having improvements if often taking pics of fast cars, fast planes and fast wildlife as well as being a more than useful tool for landscape for instance?
So, I’m assuming the stacked sensor removes rolling shutter from the equation when using ES?

How about the eye controlled focus? Do R3 users find it to be something they now couldn’t do without? Or still a bit gimmicky?

I ask, as on paper at least, the R5 Mii would seem to offer some worth having improvements if often taking pics of fast cars, fast planes and fast wildlife as well as being a more than useful tool for landscape for instance?
It won't be as good as the A9III but judging from the Preview so far it is as good with the golf shots done by Fro Knows Photo.

Never tried the Eye Focusing so can't comment much. But from reading the internet people who wear glasses struggle with it. People I know who uses R3 do not use eye focusing. But both R1 and R5 are a step up from R3 eye focusing tech.
So, I’m assuming the stacked sensor removes rolling shutter from the equation when using ES?

How about the eye controlled focus? Do R3 users find it to be something they now couldn’t do without? Or still a bit gimmicky?

I ask, as on paper at least, the R5 Mii would seem to offer some worth having improvements if often taking pics of fast cars, fast planes and fast wildlife as well as being a more than useful tool for landscape for instance?

If I was a landscape photographer the 5D SR is a much cheaper option. Before it was know and reviewed by Marcus on Photography online YouTube programmes. It was selling used for apx £850-£1000, now it is around £1200 mark.
As all you need really is good dynamic range, and high resolution.
Reading through the spec sheet on battery life.

Last weekend I shot 9,800 frames on my 1DX Mk II and was about half way through my second battery.

Take those battery spec numbers with a pinch of salt - I shot ~9k images on my R3 at Silverstone a couple of weeks ago, and also only used ~1.5 batteries. They always err on the side of caution and use worst case scenarios.

In terms of the spec for the R1, I don't think Canon care too much about pixel count but are more concerned with sensitivity and producing usable images from high ISO settings. ~24Mega-pickles seems to be the sweet spot for their pro-customers.
If I was a landscape photographer the 5D SR is a much cheaper option. Before it was know and reviewed by Marcus on Photography online YouTube programmes. It was selling used for apx £850-£1000, now it is around £1200 mark.
As all you need really is good dynamic range, and high resolution.

As a 5Ds owner you better believe that you are doing 5 shot brackets of everything... it has such a poor DR and shadows are f*****g noisy. You get by if you know what to do... AF is also inadequate for 50MP sensor even for landscape use. Unless you literally don't care about making the use of 50MP sensor, I guess most have no idea what it even truly means...
As a 5Ds owner you better believe that you are doing 5 shot brackets of everything... it has such a poor DR and shadows are f*****g noisy. You get by if you know what to do... AF is also inadequate for 50MP sensor even for landscape use. Unless you literally don't care about making the use of 50MP sensor, I guess most have no idea what it even truly means...
I am so surprised it is that bad !
So time ago I was thinking of going on one of those Landscape workshops hosted by YouTuber influencer, ie Thomas Heaton, Brendon Van Son, Gary Gough ect
My weapon of choice would be a used 5D SR purchased from WEX, or LCE etc for around £1,000 - £1,200 as I can not afford to spend big money on modern FF camera, and pay for a very expensive photo workshop as well.
The wife would ask for a new car if I was going to spend that sort of money on just myself,
I am so surprised it is that bad !
So time ago I was thinking of going on one of those Landscape workshops hosted by YouTuber influencer, ie Thomas Heaton, Brendon Van Son, Gary Gough ect
My weapon of choice would be a used 5D SR purchased from WEX, or LCE etc for around £1,000 - £1,200 as I can not afford to spend big money on modern FF camera, and pay for a very expensive photo workshop as well.
The wife would ask for a new car if I was going to spend that sort of money on just myself,
For that sort of money the 5D mkIV is a far better option imo, yes the resolution is lower but I never found 30mp insufficient and the dynamic range is excellent.
Thanks all
The R7 is currently above what I’d want to pay, and as there’s no major hurry I’ll store away this info for when I decide to go for it.

And it may end up being a 2nd R6 at that point. Although the ‘extra reach*’ of the R7 is compelling.

* I understand it’s not ‘real’ but with only an R6 as an alternative to crop, it very much is in the practical sense.
A little late to this but I bought the R7 as a second camera to the R5, choosing the crop body as it offered something different (ie the crop factor) to a 2nd full frame camera.

In practice while that extra reach is very useful for wildlife (coupled with the 100-500mm is a good combo) and the focus tracking is excellent it isn't without its issues.

In short it would have been a better camera if Canon had been a bit more sensible with the spec 24mp and 20FPS instead of 32mp and 30FPS because the technical gubbins inside the camera can't always keep up with 30FPS and the high ISO noise isn't good compared to the FF R cameras... my comfortable limit with the R7 is probably 2 stops lower than with the R5

That said it cost 1/3 of the price of the R5 so that is to be expected and for the money it is excellent.
On the new models, I've gone for R1 with a pre-order. Critical reasons being the larger pixels will mean better in low light, cross-type AF points will be a boost to that new tech, and the faster sensor readout and ability to fire flash with an electronic shutter will mean electronic shutter speeds will be possible for everything. No idea yet when it might show up.
On the new models, I've gone for R1 with a pre-order. Critical reasons being the larger pixels will mean better in low light, cross-type AF points will be a boost to that new tech, and the faster sensor readout and ability to fire flash with an electronic shutter will mean electronic shutter speeds will be possible for everything. No idea yet when it might show up.
Hopefully, you might get the usual announcement in about 2 weeks saying there is a delay! I will be interested to hear about it. I won't be upgrading as my R3 does what I need it to. What will you use it for?
I am so surprised it is that bad !
So time ago I was thinking of going on one of those Landscape workshops hosted by YouTuber influencer, ie Thomas Heaton, Brendon Van Son, Gary Gough ect
My weapon of choice would be a used 5D SR purchased from WEX, or LCE etc for around £1,000 - £1,200 as I can not afford to spend big money on modern FF camera, and pay for a very expensive photo workshop as well.
The wife would ask for a new car if I was going to spend that sort of money on just myself,
I don't want to spend forever typing up a dissertation on a 5Ds (R) so here some key points:
  1. You will need only the best, mostly Sigma ART primes. Forget zooms, you will rarely see output exceed 24MP outside of centre. If that's what you have just forget it.
  2. R >> non R. Best primes will get through AA at optimal settings, the rest will not.
  3. Great for all kinds of studio work because contrast is manageable, presuming you get it in focus and ideally at narrower apertures.
  4. AF is not great particularly in low light. LV AF only really accurate at 16x mode. In todays standards that's horrific.
  5. DR well below 5D3. You will be bracketing A LOT. Sunset 5-7 brackets
  6. ISO100 acceptable SNR, then it very quickly gets noisy particularly in shadows. Have Denoise AI ready. ISO 1600 is filthy, 3200 tragic
  7. this is tripod only (2s delay or remote) or studio or 1/500s ++ camera.
  8. You really need 50MP for printing 2M+ wide, and that is really that.
So usable for studio and landscapes in highly controlled environment with top Sigma ART prime glass, or an odd Tamron. This may be you but most likely not.

Without such glass just get 5D3 for next to nothing or R6 mk1 depending on budget.
Hopefully, you might get the usual announcement in about 2 weeks saying there is a delay! I will be interested to hear about it. I won't be upgrading as my R3 does what I need it to. What will you use it for?
For events of all kinds, usually with fast action and tricky lighting. The R5 has done a fantastic job over the past four years and dramatically improved the hit rate and quality of results compared to the 1DXM2 which was a step up from the 5DM4 before that. With the R5 I'm able to capture everything I need, people love the pictures. But I know there were opportunities missed for even better imagines. The R1 is going to make possible some shots that have been too much for the R5. For example, the eye AF locking on with faces further away, and the cross-type sensors helping when there is not much contrast. The R3 looks great too, but when that came out I decided to stick with R5.
the question on all this technology is an interesting one. Note the point about the 5D without the low pass filter,

In a pang of nostalgia a couple of weeks ago, I fired up the 20D and took it to donington. I only took 150 shots, and i am not printing them (and I didn't know if they were any good until i got home(!) ) but really, after modern post processing, if i showed someone side by side the R5 and the 20d photos - can you really tell the difference? I'd say not.

Of course the R5 does give you more opportunity to do the complex stuff, crop more and slower shutter pans everyone now seems obsesed with (electronic shutter, 20fps, IBIS etc) but apart from those extremes i was amaed that really, all these mega pixels and features is no substitute for knowing what you are doing!!!

The point being, am i going to get incrementaly enough value by upgrading from an R5 to a Mk2, or an R3/1 - I might get a few extra shots, but is it 5-6ks worth? for others maybe, for me, not so.
I can't see a new version fixing that. It's to do with distance between the rear element and the sensor. Even the 100-500 can only use the TC from 300mm.

Of course you could get the EF version

I think the idea was that the "Z" version would be internal zooming as well and add TC compatibility but how much you can believe these "rumour" sites who knows...!
I think the idea was that the "Z" version would be internal zooming as well and add TC compatibility but how much you can believe these "rumour" sites who knows...!

No idea what rumour sites you visit but I've never heard of a 'Z' version if anything for Canon. Perhaps a Nikon Rumour site?
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the question on all this technology is an interesting one. Note the point about the 5D without the low pass filter,

In a pang of nostalgia a couple of weeks ago, I fired up the 20D and took it to donington. I only took 150 shots, and i am not printing them (and I didn't know if they were any good until i got home(!) ) but really, after modern post processing, if i showed someone side by side the R5 and the 20d photos - can you really tell the difference? I'd say not.

Of course the R5 does give you more opportunity to do the complex stuff, crop more and slower shutter pans everyone now seems obsesed with (electronic shutter, 20fps, IBIS etc) but apart from those extremes i was amaed that really, all these mega pixels and features is no substitute for knowing what you are doing!!!

The point being, am i going to get incrementaly enough value by upgrading from an R5 to a Mk2, or an R3/1 - I might get a few extra shots, but is it 5-6ks worth? for others maybe, for me, not so.
I have some times take my 7Dii and my R7 on wildlife shoots and I can tell the difference.

When R7 Eye AF locks on the hit rate is much greater than the 7Dii, plus the DR is much better on the R7.
However, if all I could afford was the 7Dii I would still use as my main camera ( Obviously if it is my only camera I have, ! ), and as long as I put Canon L glass on it the IQ is still pretty good.
I had a R5 for a while but sold it as I wasn't getting the use out of it to justify the cost. However keeping a close eye on the price of mk1s now, still got that Canon itch to scratch and the 100-500 is just a sweet spot for size/sharpness/versatility. And can already pickup the kit I had for $700 less than I sold it for.
Well, every day is a school day.
I've never heard of them before but then I have no interest in video.

Looking at the price of that 24-105 though, I'd hate to know what they would price a 70-200. May as well get the 100-500 or 200-800 and be done with it.
The 24-105 is a ‘luxury’ lens by any standard. There’s a small number of 24-70 shooters been begging for a longer lens without the loss to f4. This lens is for them.

I don’t see the market, because in my experience; event shooters that wanted something faster than the f4 zoom took to primes and were happy.

I’ve no idea how many they’ve sold, but I had a play at The Photography Show and it’s unwieldy. The 24-70 is a beast to be carrying all day, but the 28-70 f2 and the 24-105 2.8 are ridiculous
The 24-105 is a ‘luxury’ lens by any standard. There’s a small number of 24-70 shooters been begging for a longer lens without the loss to f4. This lens is for them.

I don’t see the market, because in my experience; event shooters that wanted something faster than the f4 zoom took to primes and were happy.

I’ve no idea how many they’ve sold, but I had a play at The Photography Show and it’s unwieldy. The 24-70 is a beast to be carrying all day, but the 28-70 f2 and the 24-105 2.8 are ridiculous

Went to wex in BIrmingham (luckily only a half an hour drive for me, if that) one saturday morning to try it, as they had it in stock. They wouldn't let me put it on a body.... so the closest I got to trying it was holding it... then i decided it was too heavy, too big and too much money. Had they let me put it on a camera it might have been different, I don't know!
Went to wex in BIrmingham (luckily only a half an hour drive for me, if that) one saturday morning to try it, as they had it in stock. They wouldn't let me put it on a body.... so the closest I got to trying it was holding it... then i decided it was too heavy, too big and too much money. Had they let me put it on a camera it might have been different, I don't know!
Of these i've only tried the 28-70 f2. It's very good, but also very heavy. My friend says it replaces all her primes except 50 1.2. Personally I prefer the results with primes, but that does mean carrying around more lenses.
Of these i've only tried the 28-70 f2. It's very good, but also very heavy. My friend says it replaces all her primes except 50 1.2. Personally I prefer the results with primes, but that does mean carrying around more lenses.

Yes I remember reading your test thread - depends what you need I guess different lenses will suit different people and purposes. For me quite happy with my 24-70 2.8 bought a few months ago after I tried that 24-105
Went to wex in BIrmingham (luckily only a half an hour drive for me, if that) one saturday morning to try it, as they had it in stock. They wouldn't let me put it on a body.... so the closest I got to trying it was holding it... then i decided it was too heavy, too big and too much money. Had they let me put it on a camera it might have been different, I don't know!

I would be posting that on the new Wex sponsor thread, I would want to know that a sale was possibly lost because they wouldn't let you try it properly.
A strange thing happened today. I realised I had not downloaded some images from a trip, having done two cards' worth the week before. I transferred them into Lightroom, set to Copy as usual. When I went to review the cards, all gave a 'no image' response. I had not reformatted the disk, just placed them in the wallet, reversed to show that they had files. I found them on the SD card which is also copied to in the same format. I decided to put them in the R3 and all of them then showed the images when I put them back into the R5.

Any notions, please?
A strange thing happened today. I realised I had not downloaded some images from a trip, having done two cards' worth the week before. I transferred them into Lightroom, set to Copy as usual. When I went to review the cards, all gave a 'no image' response. I had not reformatted the disk, just placed them in the wallet, reversed to show that they had files. I found them on the SD card which is also copied to in the same format. I decided to put them in the R3 and all of them then showed the images when I put them back into the R5.

Any notions, please?
I'm not grasping the specific issue. It sounds like something may be off with either your settings for saving images to cards (which formats to which cards) and/or the setting for which card to use to playback images to the camera screen.
I haven't changed anything and have had the camera working normally for a almost two years. They have always been set up to save in RAW to both cards. I will check the last part about playback once I can find it on the menu! Thanks TimHughes.

Edit: it is set to Card 1 and it is not something I have ever changed. All very strange.
Last edited:
On the new models, I've gone for R1 with a pre-order. Critical reasons being the larger pixels will mean better in low light, cross-type AF points will be a boost to that new tech, and the faster sensor readout and ability to fire flash with an electronic shutter will mean electronic shutter speeds will be possible for everything. No idea yet when it might show up.
+ the virtually no buffering issues.

The estimated timing is November.

Maybe a little harsh but all the points definitely come through

Canon's strategy does seem odd, I agree. That said I do think the R5M2 will sell very well. It's an incredible all-rounder and will make sense for many people invested in the canon system. R1 is niche but then weren't all the 1 series? I'm not a cropper so 24MP sensor is not an issue, actually it's probably an advantage with better low light performance.
That said I do think the R5M2 will sell very well. It's an incredible all-rounder and will make sense for many people invested in the canon system.
I'm definitely not against the idea of owning R5 II myself, but before this happens the price needs to be right. I think this would be a pretty clear video upgrade over R6 mk1. For stills is it that much better than my 5Ds while on tripod and using the very same lenses? Probably there is not that much in it actually. Z8 is a bigger step here without that AA filter and it just sits in the hand so much better. For handheld work (events and portraits) I'd actually ideally prefer Z9 with native grip, only shame about that EVF, but probably I will survive with LCD only.

I'm not a cropper so 24MP sensor is not an issue, actually it's probably an advantage with better low light performance.
It could be actually much closer call between same gen sensors, particularly if you have the time to run denoise, and optionally where needed scale down the images to the same resolution. I appreciate at some point you will be just getting noise on high res sensor while low res will still have some recognisable structure and colour. That's probably a 5 digit ISO setting with some underexposure. So super low light action, astro, etc are all candidates for lower res cameras.
Now obviously 24MP is plenty for most work. The main exceptions are when you have to make very large wall art, billboards, trade posters or crop very distant action. Or maybe you have a client who is just simply hellbent on getting that extra resolution just because he can ask and get away with it.
I'm definitely not against the idea of owning R5 II myself, but before this happens the price needs to be right. I think this would be a pretty clear video upgrade over R6 mk1. For stills is it that much better than my 5Ds while on tripod and using the very same lenses? Probably there is not that much in it actually. Z8 is a bigger step here without that AA filter and it just sits in the hand so much better. For handheld work (events and portraits) I'd actually ideally prefer Z9 with native grip, only shame about that EVF, but probably I will survive with LCD only.

It could be actually much closer call between same gen sensors, particularly if you have the time to run denoise, and optionally where needed scale down the images to the same resolution. I appreciate at some point you will be just getting noise on high res sensor while low res will still have some recognisable structure and colour. That's probably a 5 digit ISO setting with some underexposure. So super low light action, astro, etc are all candidates for lower res cameras.
Now obviously 24MP is plenty for most work. The main exceptions are when you have to make very large wall art, billboards, trade posters or crop very distant action. Or maybe you have a client who is just simply hellbent on getting that extra resolution just because he can ask and get away with it.

It always depends. If there's no need to change, you can keep your wallet safe!
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It always depends. If there's no need to change, you can keep your wallet safe!
All relative on each persons requirements. I am not a Pro, and it just a hobby for me.

Personally I would love an R3, or R5, however I do not have that sort on funds to spend. The used market for me is where I hang out for gear acquisition. So any offers or discount on new gear will reflect on used prices, and hopefully in the future I can pick up a reasonable priced R6ii

The R6ii has the enough usable amount resolution, very good Eye / subject tracking AF, good video features, optional battery grips, what is not to like.

The camera arms race I am hoping the new tech will trickle down to lower cameras like up coming R7ii, or future R6ii.
All relative on each persons requirements. I am not a Pro, and it just a hobby for me.

Personally I would love an R3, or R5, however I do not have that sort on funds to spend. The used market for me is where I hang out for gear acquisition. So any offers or discount on new gear will reflect on used prices, and hopefully in the future I can pick up a reasonable priced R6ii

The R6ii has the enough usable amount resolution, very good Eye / subject tracking AF, good video features, optional battery grips, what is not to like.

The camera arms race I am hoping the new tech will trickle down to lower cameras like up coming R7ii, or future R6ii.
I'm just a hobby photographer - nothing wrong with dreaming about owning the top kit - it's way too expensive for some hobbyists, like me!

A bit late to the party with mirrorless, having procured an R7 a few months ago. I use that in tandem with a 6Dmk2. Maybe in time I will look to get an R6ii and then it will replace the 6Dmk2. I enjoy shooting the R7 more than the 6Dmk2 however the one thing that I wish the R7 did better, is better ISO handling when shooting in dark woodland with a faster shutter requirement. The 6Dmk2 is better in that respect. Both good great cameras on the whole for hobbyist use.

The thing I like most about the R7 is the autofocus blows the 6Dmk2 away especially when I am going away to sports events and definitely much more keepers on the R7 compared to the 6Dmk2.

The R7 is also pretty good with landscape when a decent wider lens is attached. Which surprises me that there aren't much landscape stuff on Flickr with the R7, most of it is wildlife.

Just gonna enjoy my kit and use it to the best of my ability.
@SnapperMatt , hopefully my experience my be of some help?

When I retired ~16 months ago my employer asked what I'd like as a leaving present. I opted for an R7 as a way to 'dip my toes' into the world of Canon mirrorless cameras.

I am a long-time (longer than I car to recall!) Canon user and have progress through several 35mm film bodies and a similar number of DSLR's.

I have always found the transition to a new body pretty intuitive based on my knowledge of how Canon do things.

I mainly photograph wildlife and fast cars. The step to the R7 was the most awkward I have experienced - many of the controls I am familiar with have moved / changed, and autofocus AI is a whole new world to me.

However, with a little perseverance and plenty of trial and error, I am now quite happy with the body and particularly the focus technology it offers. I still use my 'L' EF lenses (100-400ii, 24-105ii and 16-35ii (which, with the crop sensor has become my 'walkabout' lens of choice). I don't have any particular issues with the way the body handles with the 100-400 attached, even though this is made even more front heavy by the need to use the EF-RF adapter. Yes it feels different to my old 5Dii, but after a few hours using the camera I really didn't notice this any more.

I am now waiting for Canon to get a wobble on and release the R5ii which will return me to my favoured 2 body (1 crop, 1 full frame) set-up.

A few images taken with the R7 and EF100-400ii

I love your quetzal!
I'm just a hobby photographer - nothing wrong with dreaming about owning the top kit - it's way too expensive for some hobbyists, like me!

A bit late to the party with mirrorless, having procured an R7 a few months ago. I use that in tandem with a 6Dmk2. Maybe in time I will look to get an R6ii and then it will replace the 6Dmk2. I enjoy shooting the R7 more than the 6Dmk2 however the one thing that I wish the R7 did better, is better ISO handling when shooting in dark woodland with a faster shutter requirement. The 6Dmk2 is better in that respect. Both good great cameras on the whole for hobbyist use.

The thing I like most about the R7 is the autofocus blows the 6Dmk2 away especially when I am going away to sports events and definitely much more keepers on the R7 compared to the 6Dmk2.

The R7 is also pretty good with landscape when a decent wider lens is attached. Which surprises me that there aren't much landscape stuff on Flickr with the R7, most of it is wildlife.

Just gonna enjoy my kit and use it to the best of my ability.
R6 MK1 is nearly the same camera other than external raw video recording option. You just may as well look for good copy and reply the rest.

Other than that don't expect super high resolution cameras like r7 to be very clean in the dark. It's just not going to happen any time soon
I'm just a hobby photographer - nothing wrong with dreaming about owning the top kit - it's way too expensive for some hobbyists, like me!

A bit late to the party with mirrorless, having procured an R7 a few months ago. I use that in tandem with a 6Dmk2. Maybe in time I will look to get an R6ii and then it will replace the 6Dmk2. I enjoy shooting the R7 more than the 6Dmk2 however the one thing that I wish the R7 did better, is better ISO handling when shooting in dark woodland with a faster shutter requirement. The 6Dmk2 is better in that respect. Both good great cameras on the whole for hobbyist use.

The thing I like most about the R7 is the autofocus blows the 6Dmk2 away especially when I am going away to sports events and definitely much more keepers on the R7 compared to the 6Dmk2.

The R7 is also pretty good with landscape when a decent wider lens is attached. Which surprises me that there aren't much landscape stuff on Flickr with the R7, most of it is wildlife.

Just gonna enjoy my kit and use it to the best of my ability.
The eye AF & tracking AF on the R7 is Alien technology compared to my 7Dii, and a game changer for me.