
Not too bad a morning here with a temperature of 17°-C at the moment, a few bright spells and a gentle breeze.
Back to normal here this morning, dull, grey, overcast but dry. A cool 17°c.
The forecast for today was sunshine. At 8.30 am I was ready to go to the WWT Slimbridge site (9 miles from here) then my wife insisted I have a bit more for brekky than I'd had. So, I went to the summerhopuse where we have brekky on nice ,warm mornings and waited. Ten minutes later the skies went overcast,quite dark clouds and...it started raining.. The rain stopped after 15 minutes but the light was very poor so I abandoned the trip. It stayed like that all day. Good job I didn't leave earlier.
It's back to normal down here in Kent this morning, raining quite heavily with a strong wind and a temperature of 16°-C.
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Quite a nice bright morning here but still only 17°-C with quite a bit of wind about. Still nothing like it should be for practically the end of July.
It's a nice morning, bright and sunny but with some clouds lurking. Currently a pleasant 15°c.

Last night was fun though, I was out for a ride, I climbed up one side of the valley on a single track road, the views from the top are pretty spectacular, you can see the coast and over to Arran and also north to the Trossachs, including Ben Lomond. Last night, I couldn't though:oops: :$. It was lovely where I was but I could see some narly weather out over the coast and to the north. Sheets of rain and that glowy, yellow, grey colour the clouds go............... it could only be a storm. I had a T shirt and shorts on and couldn't help think, if that comes this way, I'll be getting drenched. I carried on with my loop though, it's about 12 miles. Long story short, I was nearing home, probably about 3 miles to go when I heard, then felt the first drops on my head and shoulders. Right enough, it had come this way and boy, did it come down. I was drenched in seconds............ we had proper thunder and lightning too, and it occured to me that I'm sitting on a carbon fibre bike:runaway: . It made for an interesting end to my ride.
Lovely morning here with a temperature of 15°-C at the moment and a gentle breeze.

"I've been out since first light trying to get some decent early morning Harbour snaps and have now stopped to try on some breakfast and meet some other toggers at my usual fav' greasy spoon. Then I think I'll just drift about for a time or two doing a bit of street snapping (luvly just my kinda day). :)
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Quite nice here today. Dry and bright at the moment, some grey clouds hanging about though. 15°c.

Apparently, it's to get very hot down South in the coming days.
Hopefully not TOO hot tomorrow! There's a classic bike run on and the relatively slow speeds involved can make riding gear a bit on the warm side! I've got plenty of options as far as kit goes BUT once the decision's made, I'm stuck with it. Might have space for an extra layer.
Lovely morning, bright and sunny just now, little wind and currently 17°c.

Could this be the start of some warmer weather?
Another really beautiful morning here, sunny with a light breeze and a temperature of 19°-C at the moment.
Hopefully not TOO hot tomorrow! There's a classic bike run on and the relatively slow speeds involved can make riding gear a bit on the warm side! I've got plenty of options as far as kit goes BUT once the decision's made, I'm stuck with it. Might have space for an extra layer.

Overdressed a little! Then didn't have enough luggage space to remove any more layers... It was OK while we were moving but the run took us through some narrow lanes and too many campervan drivers can't reverse. Had we been the only road users, we could have squeezed past but get 2 of them head to head.
It's been a lovely morning, dry, bright and sunny with a light breeze. It's curently 17°C outside but already 23°c indoors. :oops: :$
I got caught in that torrential rain on Saturday morning coming back up from Carlisle on the A74, I think at one point we were all doing about 20mph as visibility was only a few metres in front. Then on Sunday I'm in the garden trying not to get burnt! lol What a country.
Third really beautiful morning in a row here, currently at 20°-C with a clear blue sky and only a light breeze.
Officially 29ºC today but under the patio table brolley..34ºC. (93.2F) We were going to eat out there at 5.00pm but it was too hot.
It's forecast to be even hotter tomorrow. 31ºC.

We got an Email on Friday saying that the bin collection woud be an hour early tomorrow...ie 0600. It didn't state why but,no doubt the 30/31ºC forecast. It's what happened last summer in all that heat we had.
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The thread finally lives up to its name, although it's cooler up here than down south.

A bright and sunny morning for us, a bit cloudy now and again but pleasant enough. 15°c at 11am.............. nice.
26c when I was mowing the lawns, quite hot out. It was about 22c when I had my early evening walk.
It's the fourth day in a row that it's very nice at this time of day. Currently at 24°-C sunny with only a very slight breeze and feeling very warm
26c when I was mowing the lawns, quite hot out. It was about 22c when I had my early evening walk.

26ºC now. (1240) I've just done that myself..ie mow the lawn ..and a strim..but our neighbour's back lawn. She's on her own now after her husband died..only 64.

We're due 30/31ºC later.
The thread finally lives up to its name, although it's cooler up here than down south.

A bright and sunny morning for us, a bit cloudy now and again but pleasant enough. 15°c at 11am.............. nice.
Yes..but it's not going to last,Dale. We're due heavy rain and TS on Thursday.
28°C in the shade at the moment. When I got home about 30 minutes ago, it was 48°C in the shade in the conservatory - door now open so it's down in the mid 30s now!
25°-C now outside but up to 29°-C inside with doors & windows all open to get a bit of a breeze through the house.
Hot n horribly sticky. Roll on Thursday for thunder storms (I hope).
Beautiful morning here. It was a dry and clear night too, I spent a bit of it out the garden, burning some wood (well, quite a lot) leftover from when our fence came down in the storms earlier this year. I was also on Aurora watch later on but saw nothing.

As mentioned, it's a gorgeous morning, dry, bright, little wind and a pleasant 14°c. Quite cool indoors too at 18°c but that won't last.
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I had two days of visiting customer's gardens in heat up to 38C. Monday was slightly hotter, but yesterday had much more humidity and was much more unpleasant.
I'm a bit late on parade today, but currently the temperature is 22°-C with hazy sunshine and a fairly light breeze. Although a bit humid it does feel more comfortable than yesterday and cooler.
Officially (Met Office) 30ºC today but 36ºC (96.8ºC) under the patio table brolly. Also more humid. Looking forward to a TS from 0600-0800 and possibly from 1900 for an hour.
Hot enough today for Mrs Nod to wish she'd had the AC in her Mazda sorted a few weeks ago!
Another humid and(for me) far too hot day in London. I left for a walk about 6am and the temperature was really good. By the time I returned, just gone 8am, the heat was starting to build and it is still too warm now.

38C again today and an afternoon thunderstorm sent humidity off the scale. I won't be fishing on Friday, but will probably do a spot of swimming in the river and a picnic in the shade of trees. It should drop to 30C or below next week.
Quite a bit of rain overnight with lightning at about 03.30 but a long way from us so no storms as such just yet. It's stopped raining now but is very humid with no breeze and a temperature of 22°-C at the moment.
We're kinda back to what has been normal here. It rained early this morning although its stopped now and is drying up. It's a bit clammy and humid although only 16°c.

We got to 24°c yesterday, over 30°c indoors and I don't even want to think what it might have been in the workshop, as it crept up on me out there and became close to unbearable, something I will need to address.