
Quite a reasonable morning here with a temperature of 17°-C at the moment and partly cloudy. Just a gentle breeze but apparently showers are expected later in the day.
Dry but overcast, with sunny spells, it does look like the cloud may burn off later. Some weather sites have a rain warning in place for us though, so we'll see.

It's currently 18°c, getting quite toasty.
Quite a bit of rain overnight with showers & bright spells now. 16°-C at the moment with quite a strong wind.
Overcast here, with the odd, heavy shower. It was so heavy earlier, that it woke me. It's to brighten up later though, this seems to be the script so many times this year, a dull start, giving way to better weather, to varying degrees later on in the day, or just dull and wet all day.

A bit breezy and currently 16°c.
Started off cool and damp (after heavy overnight rain, it was barely drizzling at 05:45) but has warmed and dried up as the morning wore on, although it's a bit breezy with it!
Had to wear the fleece for the first 4 holes then came up out of the valley and the fleece came off. Even had the roof off when I picked Mrs Nod up from work and just had a tee-shirt on top.
Overcast, dampish, but 21° so it’s blooming close and sweaty out. Off to Italy soon so keep the summer till mid August and the BTCC at Knockhill.
We're due 28ºC on Thursday. Yesterday was absolutely awful. Like October. This morning we even got a flood warning. Here in Gloucester we have two rivers that meet (a confluence) at Tewkesbury which, as a result, has suffered severe floodings on many occasions .The Severn and the Avon and we get rising river levels days after heavy rain in Wales.
Lovely sunny morning here with a temperature of 16°-C at the moment and a gentle breeze.
Pretty much the same as yesterday it started a little overcast but is sunny now with hardly any breeze and a temperature of 19°-C.
The fine weather continued all day yesterday. It ended up being a very pleasant day and didn't get hot, just bearably warm. I think we got to about 22°c. 3 lawns got cut.

This morning though has been back to normal, dull and grey, with heavy showers. Not windy though and 16°c.
It's been an odd sort of day here, not as sunny as yesterday, kinda hazy sunshine but feeling quite warm. Temperature is 23°-C at the moment with barely any breeze and beginning to feel quite humid.
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Lovely day here. 27ºC. Strimmed and mowed the neighbour's lawn and ours. Now watching arrivals at RAF Fairford. (See "Transport" thread)
Quite a murky day today, light rain off and on. Not sure what temperature we got to but it was pleasant and not too hot. Currently 16°c at 11pm.
It's 22°-C here at the moment and feeling quite warm, sunny with hardly any wind.
Still dull, grey and muggy here. The sun is breaking through now and again, warming things up, then it clouds over, trapping the warmth. I almost feels thundery, bring it on but I don't see any forecast. It is warm (for me) at 19°c, with very little wind.
Blue skies with 28ºC so it's probably going to get to 30ºC by 4.00pm. 28ºC is the current temperature from the Met Office . The forecast was for 28ºC. The thermometer on the patio table under the brollies, where I've just had a cuppa, is showing 34ºC.

I'll just water the plants, its too hot to do any work.... anyway, I've been banned... :D
I would suggest waiting until it cools down before watering the plants - at least until they're not in full Sun.
Old wives tail about watering plants in full sun. For years I worked in commercial horticulture, and we watered everything in full sun, only way to do it when you have overhead spray lines, and it never caused any problems. Even the RHS have now started to say that it is safe to do, they are only 40 years behind the times!
I would suggest waiting until it cools down before watering the plants - at least until they're not in full Sun.
Yes.. you're right. I was aware so I carefully placed the hose underneath the plants on top of the soil so the leaves and flowers didn't get wet.
Old wives tail about watering plants in full sun. For years I worked in commercial horticulture, and we watered everything in full sun, only way to do it when you have overhead spray lines, and it never caused any problems. Even the RHS have now started to say that it is safe to do, they are only 40 years behind the times!
Oh.. I replied to Nod before reading your post. If it's good enough for the RHS to water normally it's good enough for me :) I did recall reading that the water droplets with the sun on them act like a magnifying glass and burn the leaves but whilst I took that on boardd I actually thought the droplets would evaporate before any damage was done. They're all looking fine,though.
Quite a nice morning here with hazy sunshine, a temperature of 18°-C and a gentle breeze.
Old wives tail about watering plants in full sun. For years I worked in commercial horticulture, and we watered everything in full sun, only way to do it when you have overhead spray lines, and it never caused any problems. Even the RHS have now started to say that it is safe to do, they are only 40 years behind the times!

It's more the wasted water from evaporation than the damage to plants.
A brighter start today, although it's not sunny, just drier and brighter, for now at least. A pleasant 17°c.
It's more the wasted water from evaporation than the damage to plants.
I heard a bit on the radio suggesting we should water plants early in the day so as they grow in the sun the moisture is there to benefit them,
No need to water most of ours today - Mother Nature is doing it for us...
It's tipping down here, heavy, sutained rain but it is supposed to ease later on. At least the pond gets a much needed top up. Quite cool at 15°c now but I'm not complaining about that.
I put the patio brollies away after getting them out yesterday. Amazing. 30ºC yesterday, 20ºC today and about 2.00pm torrential rain which I knew was coming so got a few necessary jobs done before it arrived but still got wet finishing mowing the front lawn.I was a running..almost,, with the mower..:D
19°-C here at the moment, reasonable sort of morning with a few sunny spells and then cloud with a bit more wind than yesterday but dry.
The rain eventually stopped but we had a significant amount, the pond actually got to the overflow. I let our dog out the garden just after midnight and it was clear as bell, the stars were very bright.

A bit dull and grey this morning but pleasant enough, currently 13°c.
Only 16°-C here at the moment, very dull & overcast with showers and a highish wind.
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Same as the weaather as where George is... including the high winds. Unusual to have high winds in July.

Heavy rain forecast for tomorrow afternoon.
Pretty much the same as yesterday here but with a few bright spells and a temperature of 18°-C at the moment but still very windy.
............. and, so far, it's been a lovely morning, bright with sunny spells and a pleasant breeze. Not too warm either at 17°c.

There are some odd jobs to be done later, we'll see. ;)
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This morning we had murkey skies and heavy drizzle turning into rain up to 11.30. The sun is out now (22ºC) so I, too, can do some outside jobs but the garage floor needs a HP hosing after a good clear out yesterday. Clear-outs are good for the soul :D.
It finally happened. 23°c earlier and I was feeling uncomfortable:runaway:. I know that's pretty tame by some standards but it's begining to get to my threshold. It is cooling off now though, 20°c.

Tomorrow does look like its going to be slightly cooler. (y)

I was about to say, it's been a variable weather year but it hasn't been. It has for the most part been dull, wet and cool with some unseasonable, hefty winds, almost (so far) a complete contrast to the previous 2 summers.

I've had to wait until now (well, back of 5pm) to take the dog out as it's been too warm for her. Even a walk to the nearby river involves some tarmac pavement, which would be too hot for her to walk on.
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