
20°C at 09:00 this morning and 28°C at the same spot (well, the other side of the road!) at 12:30. 45°C in the conservatory until I opened the doors!
3.00pm and we have some thunder to the NW and it's raining quit heavily. It would ..I watered all the plants and shrubs at 11.00am..lol .

Yet again it got to 37ºC ..just under 100F in old money.. under the patio table brolly. At the back we face south..infact a touch SW so it gets really hot.
I keep talking about the sitting at the patio table so here it is..My wife made the quilt as the acrylic/polyester seat covers are not nice to sit on in hot weather.If it's not warm enough I can go into the summer house...in photo 2.


Where on the brolly is the thermometer, John? If it's near the top, you'll be getting an artificially high reading.
Where on the brolly is the thermometer, John? If it's near the top, you'll be getting an artificially high reading.

Ah yes. It did occure to me that maybe it's a false reading as the sun gets through the canvas. You can see the thermometer by the brolly pole in the centre of the table.The short light yellow 'thing'
Down on the table like that, the reading should be reasonably accurate, my worry was that it was up above the sliding collar, inside the "bell" of the brolly!
Strange day yesterday, after it stopped raining at about 09.00 we had no rain or thunder & lightning all day when everywhere else seemed to be having storms etc. It was quite bright & sunny all day but humid.

Today is less humid and quite a pleasant morning so far with a temperature of 21°-C at the moment and a light wind.
Dry here today, for now at least. It's quite windy and not so clammy as it's been. 18°c at the moment.

I was possibly going to the speedway tonight but it's been postponed, due to expected heavy rain. :(
Officially 24ºC here. Went into the pond.. 3' deep in the middle..at 1045 and have just got out. Had to clean the bottom of mud and cut off the excees roots/mud on the three lily clumps..very large clumps. I wear a full fisherman's rubber rubber chest waders. We have one large fish that kept coming to see what I was up to..Lol. Got a lot of muck out . It should do for a couple of years.
Bit dull here at the moment but not raining just yet. Currently at 19°-C with lightish cloud and fairly windy.
Well, the rain started at about 3pm and didn't stop until about 8pm last night. It was heavy, very heavy at times. I got soaked after jumping out of the car then standing in my buddy's doorway as he didn't hear the doorbell. I was stood there in T-shirt and shorts.

Today is brighter though, nice and cool at the moment at 15°c. I'm not sure what the afternoon has in store but I'm off down the river.
I saw that on the radar,Dale.

Much more pleasant today. Officially 23ºC but under my patio brolly...:) 28ºC. .All the 'stuff' I got out of the pond is drying well but I leave it all on the side for 48 hours so the water beasties can get back into the pond.
Quite a pleasant morning here although the temperature is only 17°-C at the moment. It's dry though with a few bright spells and not much wind..
Dull and grey here but at least it's dry at the moment. Currently 14°c.

Had a good afternoon on the river yesterday, the light wasn't too harsh for photography, which can be a problem there. Only 1 KF image but good to get, nonetheless. Fledglings are out too.

Going to site 2 today, as long as it doesn't empty down.
Well that was prophetic.

It did empty down, causing another soggy trudge back to the car.

Still hosing it down, 5 hours later.
Well it's been a lovely day here so far with a temperature of 20°-C at the moment and a clear blue sky plus a gentle breeze.
Just about warm enough to eat lunch outdoors but needed to be undercover because it was misting with extremely fine rain. Once that had stopped, we needed to keep moving when we stopped for an ice-cream at the beach on the way home.
A bit brighter this morning, quite a nice one with sunny spells. It stopped rainign overnight but we had a lot in over a 24 hour period, the rivers are raging and I'm hoping my Kingfishers are ok.

Currently 17°c.
Very nice morning here with a partly cloudy sky and a current temperature of 20°-C with a gentle breeze.
It's raining, although not heavy. everything is soaked though and it has been raining for a few hours. Just as I type that, I can see things brightening up behind the workshop blind. It's a calm day though, not blustery at all. Currently 13°c.

I see that storm Debby over in the US is about to shift the jetstream, potentially bringing warmer weather for us soon.
Very hot two days coming up for us down this end, especially in the SE. 30-32ºC. Wind and that soaking through you drizzle today so it was stop-start with front lawn edge trimming this afternnon.
Cool cloudy and very windy in Lincolnshire , Bring back the warm.
Quite stormy here, very gusty with driving rain showers, very autumnal. Currently 13°c.
Hot again today and hotter tomorrow is forecast. I've lost my patio table thermometer..Lol.

Today I moved all the 'stuff' in the back garden to the front drive to be taken away tomorrow morning between 8.30-09.00 . Added to it will be all the house throw-outs too that is piled up in the garage. We've had a massive clear-out so only managed half the day sitting at the patio table enjoying the sun. I'll take a rest tomorrow.
Spent a day at the river, a new location. I had to wade out into the water to put a perch out. It was at this point I found out that my expensive wellies are not wellies, they are sieves. Feet got soaked in seconds, not nice but at least it was fairly warm as it has been a warm day. I got home, jumped in the bath....... mistake as I like a hot bath and it was only when I got out that I realised how warm the air temperature was. I've spent the last hour, on the garden swing, cooling down but it is very pleasant out there. Currently 14°c. dry, no wind and only just gone dark.

We are under a thunderstorm alert from 2am, been there before and never got any.
Apparently there were a couple of claps of thunder while I was "at morning ablutions". 1) It wasn't me! and 2) I didn't hear them.

Weather is warm and sticky at the moment.
I started watching the thunderstorms progress towards us last night. I gave up at 2am and went to bed. Back of 6am this morning, crash, bang, wallop, it had arrived. It woke me but I didn't mind, it was almost time to get up anyway. It didn't really come to much though, 5 or 6 claps, one was loud and shook the house but that was it. Disappointing.

Currently quite muggy, the rain soaked grass is drying out and creating quite a humid atmosphere as we're in the bottom of the valley. Currently not raining though and 18°c.

We're stll under a thunderstorm warning but there is no sign of any.
l looked at the radar this morning, about 9.00am and mid to east Scotland was having torrential rain and no doubt thunderstorms.Looked really bad.

Had to stop work in the garden this afternoon due to the heat .1648 now and, officially, it's 27ºC.but is more than that even in the shade, out the back. Still haven't located my trusty thermometer.
I started watching the thunderstorms progress towards us last night. I gave up at 2am and went to bed. Back of 6am this morning, crash, bang, wallop, it had arrived. It woke me but I didn't mind, it was almost time to get up anyway. It didn't really come to much though, 5 or 6 claps, one was loud and shook the house but that was it. Disappointing.

Currently quite muggy, the rain soaked grass is drying out and creating quite a humid atmosphere as we're in the bottom of the valley. Currently not raining though and 18°c.

We're stll under a thunderstorm warning but there is no sign of any.
My wife's friend in Dumfries said she'd never seen such heavy rain as there was this mornig at 7.00am.
We had a gorgeous evening last night, dry, clear and cool, with little wind. I never got the temperature but I did get this at about 11-30pm.................


Not weather related as such but it needs to be clear to see it, obviously. Hand held for 1.6 seconds with my little Canon M5 and a very quick edit.

Today is a bit grey so far, dry though. 16°c.
Quite a nice bright morning here with a temperature of 19°-C at the moment and a fresh breeze.

"I've been away on my travels for a time or two, hence no input from me"
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Raining here, 'light rain' according to Alexa but IMO, it's quite heavy and steady.

Yesterday was a lovely day though, even managed to take my daughter to Dumfries House, a cracking place for a walk about. I even managed to burn through the last exposure on a roll of film I've had in a camera for a couple of years. Hopefully, it's ok.

It was raining at bedtime though.

At the moment here, it is 15°c.
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I was going to trim the lawn edge ,back garden, today but it was quite cold this morning and there was a strong wind so I've left it. Should be ok tomorrow.

7.30pm now and it's raining. Apart from a few very hot days not an impressive summer so far.
Here in the London today, for me, has been the first day for over a week when the temperature and or humidity has not benn awful.

Yesterday was sunny most of the time but very, very windy. Today it was raining during the early hours but it stopped at about 06-30 and is still not raining. It's very overcast with a temperature of 19°-C at the moment and not too much of a wind.