Michael23's 52! Revised Slide Show Added

Hi Michael

great shot for Wind & quick off the mark as well (y) The SC works really real , the processing works a treat on the windmill brickwork..great shot :clap:

Weird....come on , what is it ? Looks like some sort being out of Doctor Who...

Love the 1st shot for Wierd...bang on theme & love the processing...have seen these beersd at christmas markets & wondered what they taste like but I'm not a beer drinker either :)
Damn, was hoping to find a windmill. Great image and I like the SC.
Thanks for the comment, I really like this one.

Hi Michael

great shot for Wind & quick off the mark as well (y) The SC works really real , the processing works a treat on the windmill brickwork..great shot :clap:

Weird....come on , what is it ? Looks like some sort being out of Doctor Who...

Love the 1st shot for Wierd...bang on theme & love the processing...have seen these beersd at christmas markets & wondered what they taste like but I'm not a beer drinker either :)
Hiya Lynne, thanks for your comment. Pleased you like the sot of the windmill, Now the other pic, I spotted it whilst photgraphing some ducks, I saw some twigs sticking out of the water and I thought now there is an opportunity. The result is from messing around in hdr software and colour toning it. I think it's quite cool!
Here is the original

Weird original by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Now I am not sure whats going to happen, I am currently computerless as my laptop is completely dead. Need to find money from somewhere for a new one somehow. Will still be taking pics for the 52, but depending on how my situation pans out my project may well become behind, but as soon as I get access to a computer I will post them, thankfully I have the tp app on my phone so I will be able to keep up with other postings. (y)
Hi, Michael, I'm not sure about your wind :)lol:). It maybe my PC but the sky's almost totally blown and there isn't much detail in the blacks.

I like the juxtoposition of the windmill and the flag. Especially the size of the flag and how it seems to dominate the windmill.

I'm also not sure about how the flag post enters the frame; I'd like to see the whole flag pole.

Overall, you've done well to get two winds into one.

Cheers and I need to pull my finger out and get mine done..
Hi Michael.

Now weird I really like. It's certainly weird, completely abstract and unrecognisable - like Lynne I think there's something Dr Who about it. Full marks for creativity on that one (y)

Wind is definitely on topic, absolutely crammed full of wind :LOL:. Looks like I'm alone with this, but personally, I'm not a fan of the flag and SC. It's just a personal taste thing, but for me the windmill on its own makes a lovely classic image and it doesn't need anything else in the frame.

It's a bit of a shame that there isn't more interest in the sky. Was this shot in RAW and is there anything you can pull back or was it just one of those plain grey skies?
Even if there isn't I think that it works well enough in B&W, but a bit more cloud drama would set it off perfectly.
Hi, Michael, I'm not sure about your wind :)lol:). It maybe my PC but the sky's almost totally blown and there isn't much detail in the blacks.

I like the juxtoposition of the windmill and the flag. Especially the size of the flag and how it seems to dominate the windmill.

I'm also not sure about how the flag post enters the frame; I'd like to see the whole flag pole.

Overall, you've done well to get two winds into one.

Cheers and I need to pull my finger out and get mine done..

HiAndy, you are correct that the sky is blown, I tried and just couldn't get much out of it. There is probably a bit less detail in the wall, but the bricks of the windmill its self are much better. Now, the flag pole, I was standing on top of a mound of earth, a very uneven mound! So I had to do a straighten which lost some of the pole, which was a bit annoying.

Hi Michael.

Now weird I really like. It's certainly weird, completely abstract and unrecognisable - like Lynne I think there's something Dr Who about it. Full marks for creativity on that one (y)

Wind is definitely on topic, absolutely crammed full of wind :LOL:. Looks like I'm alone with this, but personally, I'm not a fan of the flag and SC. It's just a personal taste thing, but for me the windmill on its own makes a lovely classic image and it doesn't need anything else in the frame.

It's a bit of a shame that there isn't more interest in the sky. Was this shot in RAW and is there anything you can pull back or was it just one of those plain grey skies?
Even if there isn't I think that it works well enough in B&W, but a bit more cloud drama would set it off perfectly.

Hi Sarah, thanks for your comment and thoughts. The original was in a raw file, and I did have some shots of the windmill on its own, but I really quite liked this one. Unfortunately I can't revisit the file as all of the pics I took on this shoot, were lost when my laptop died.n :( Thankfully though the windmill is only 10 minutes away, so at least I can revisit the scene. And thank you for your comment on my 2nd weird picture.
Hi Michael,

You've got me thinking about how those beers taste, and yes, the names are weird.
As for the second weird, yep, it looks weird. I saw the original before I saw the PP version, but as I hadn't read any text I didn't make the link, I'm not sure a can now :thinking:

Now for wind, windmills didn't come into my head at all as an idea for this week, even after Lynne's weird post of a windmill (yet to check Lynne's thread, I wonder if she's been back to the windmill!). I think I'd prefer it without the flag. As Andy said, the way the flag enters the frame is odd. I'd rather no SC too, as it places the emphasis on the flag and I think the windmill is better for the theme.
you know michael....and maybe i'm wrong..but i'm sure one of those beers featured on Penn and Teller last week...??? billed as british wine.. :D
Hiya Michael,

I'm doing a quick catch-up here.

At first I was trying to figure out how you created your 2nd image for 'Weird' so glad you posted the original. You have been very creative with that which is good. It looks a tad dark to me but guess that is what you were aiming to achieve.

I echo what others have already commented about the 'wind' photo. Not sure about the flag, but they certainly both fit the theme. I guess you could get some really great photos of the windmill on its own and as you say it is not too far from you so maybe something to consider for a re-shoot at some point with some nice dramatic sky .... or clear blue and a colour version.

Well done overall.


Dawn :)
Hiya Dawn, thanks for your thoughts. With regards to the darkness of my weird photo, I was aiming for that, it looks quite good viewed on a dark bg like tp black or on flickr and have the room lights off, helps it to stand out. All the points taken on board with regards to the windmill photograph. I actually quite like this one, but it would be a boring place if we all liked the same stuff. I will get back to it at some point, and hopefully the light will be in my favour. It was so bright my camera gave me a stupid exposure of 1/4000 @ f20! I had never seen the sky so bright. (y)
Thankfully my dad has let me borrow his laptop for a few days and I have managed to get my evolution photograph sorted.

I was at an emergency vehicles day at Crich Tramway Museum. I was hoping to get my shot done whilst I was there, and I did. The most awkward bit was trying find 2 vehicles together that were the same but of different ages. So not quite as new as I wanted in this case, but I liked it and it certainly shows the evolution of the fire engine and how they have changed so much.

Week 32 Evolution by scilly puffin, on Flickr
well done michael..thats a cracker of a shot, nice angle, some1 might say you should have gotten down lower and from more to the right..but nahhh conveys evo to me...... beautiful colour too (y)
Looking at the number plate on the new one, I'd say things have evolved even further since this machine hit the road!

The colours look a tad over exposed on my monitor, and I think it needs a slight rotation CCW. Other than those minor points, it's a nice shot and on theme.

The museum looks like it has loads on offer for a togger.
Hiya Michael,

Great shot for evolution.

Well done

Dawn :)
well done michael..thats a cracker of a shot, nice angle, some1 might say you should have gotten down lower and from more to the right..but nahhh conveys evo to me...... beautiful colour too (y)
Thanks Kev, pleased you like it, I am quite please with this one.

Looking at the number plate on the new one, I'd say things have evolved even further since this machine hit the road!

The colours look a tad over exposed on my monitor, and I think it needs a slight rotation CCW. Other than those minor points, it's a nice shot and on theme.

The museum looks like it has loads on offer for a togger.
Hi Neil, I was hoping for a new unit to be around, but it didn't work out that way. The colours are looking ok on this screen, there is a bt of over exposure on the word dennis. It is well worth a visit if you are ever in the area.

Hiya Michael,

Great shot for evolution.

Well done

Dawn :)

Thank you Dawn.
Hi, Michael, did you get any front on?

The older one is superb. I really, really like the design, especially the side panels. I can imagine myself buying one of them and converting it...:)

Well done for this one...

A bit of a tough theme this one, I am on the look out for anything which would suit the theme. But Ihave decided to go for this particular shot. Taken at the Cromford Steam Rally, a team off diggers and there drivers were doing a digger dance, and there finale was to do something they hadn't done before! I remember the commentator saying this would be a record, not only is it the highest they have got there diggers up during these maneuvers, it was also the first time they sent a Steam Traction Engine under the arch! There are more on my flickr.

573 by scilly puffin, on Flickr

This pic is a crop of one on there, I felt there too many destractions around the edge, and to much blown sky I couldn't revive. (y)
Hiya Michael,

Excellent shot for record. I saw this set of pics on Flickr, they are great and Reuben was well taken with the photos too ... he thinks they are 'super cooool!'

The chap driving the steam traction engine must have been very brave .... there is no way I would have attempted that :LOL:

It must have been a brilliant event to watch.

Well done


Dawn :)
Like it and really like the drivers faces - a mixture of pleasure and concentration.

The yellows are very yellow...

The close crop does emphasise the mightiness of the machines.

Thanks for all the comments. I cant multi quote on my phone. They were superb to watch and something I will be looking out for again. Will be going to the steam fair again next year. It could well be the same team, I'm sure they were local but cant remember now lol. It is a shame I missed the 4th bucket and not realised that till after they had finished. I wonder what it felt like up there in there cabs, and I doubt I would want to be driving the traction engine my self!
Hi ya Michael

really great shot & idea for Record... love the sharpness of the colors & the drivers all watching the engine going through the archway...brilliant :clap: the little niggles have already been mentioned

Work....good thinking for the theme (I'm still stumped !) Youv'e captured the detail really nicely & sure looks like a lot of work went in to making them .The only niggle is the background...no objection to the wood just wish there was'n the gaps between them...maybe a solid background would've been more suitable to avoid the eye being distracted...but thats only my thought

Nice work mister :clap:
Very sharp and really colourful.

I'd like to see the pair on a grass field, without the fence.

Despite looking a tad unhappy I rather like the right hand doll.

Fantastic colours Michael. I perhaps would have merged two pictures to give the impression of two dolls or maybe even a third in the middle mid-transition.
Hey Michael

Sorry i've been dreadful at keeping up with your and in fact everybody's 52!

I echo andys comments about a better setting... a field or a hay bail or something!

I think I prefer the left doll and would have stuck to just that photo rather than merge both... Colours are bold and punchy which I like!

Again for me im not sure the photo works for the theme without the explanation... so im a bit jury out on this one... sorry to sound a bit neg!

Nice matey .

Nit pick :D the fence is to big for the shot .. I am sure you could have knocked something up or left it out..

Well done to whoever made the dolls Nice work..(y)

Regards Dave(y)
Hiya Michael,

Is this one of those inside-out dolls? My grandmother (RIP) used to collect dolls, and had hundreds of them and I know she would have loved these.

I can well imagine the time and effort that has been put into creating these, so well done to the creator.

I agree with the others about the background .... could be improved on.

For the idea of the theme though, I can fully appreciate the connection, so well done.


Dawn :)
Hi ya Michael

really great shot & idea for Record... love the sharpness of the colors & the drivers all watching the engine going through the archway...brilliant :clap: the little niggles have already been mentioned

Work....good thinking for the theme (I'm still stumped !) Youv'e captured the detail really nicely & sure looks like a lot of work went in to making them .The only niggle is the background...no objection to the wood just wish there was'n the gaps between them...maybe a solid background would've been more suitable to avoid the eye being distracted...but thats only my thought

Nice work mister :clap:
Hiya Lynne, thanks for your thoughts. Glad you like my record photograph, all the niggles taken on board, and I shall remember them for the next time. The fence didn't really bother me when I did the picture, and I had nothing available to get rid of the gaps. I see your pov about the distraction. New versions below.

Very sharp and really colourful.

I'd like to see the pair on a grass field, without the fence.

Despite looking a tad unhappy I rather like the right hand doll.


Hi Andy, I like the idea of the grass field, and I will most probably give that ago at some point.

Fantastic colours Michael. I perhaps would have merged two pictures to give the impression of two dolls or maybe even a third in the middle mid-transition.
Hi Colin, if I had the software to merge the pics, I would have given it ago. Thanks for your reply.

Hey Michael

Sorry i've been dreadful at keeping up with your and in fact everybody's 52!

I echo andys comments about a better setting... a field or a hay bail or something!

I think I prefer the left doll and would have stuck to just that photo rather than merge both... Colours are bold and punchy which I like!

Again for me im not sure the photo works for the theme without the explanation... so im a bit jury out on this one... sorry to sound a bit neg!

Hi Mark, firstly don't worry about being behind in keeping up with the threads. Just pop by when you can, your thoughts are very much appreciated be it once every now and then or every week. I understand your thoughts on the bg, and don't worry about it sounding negative, it all helps. See other pics below. (y)

Nice matey .

Nit pick :D the fence is to big for the shot .. I am sure you could have knocked something up or left it out..

Well done to whoever made the dolls Nice work..(y)

Regards Dave(y)
Hiya Dave, thanks so much for popping by. I appreciate your thoughts.

Hiya Michael,

Is this one of those inside-out dolls? My grandmother (RIP) used to collect dolls, and had hundreds of them and I know she would have loved these.

I can well imagine the time and effort that has been put into creating these, so well done to the creator.

I agree with the others about the background .... could be improved on.

For the idea of the theme though, I can fully appreciate the connection, so well done.


Dawn :)
Hiya Dawn, yes it is an inside out doll, made by a lady who is a resident at the nursing home my mum works at. See below for different versions.

Great shot again, realy like the idea. Keep it up :)

Hi Joe, thankyou for popping by. Pleased you like the idea,

Ok, now I have caught up with your commentsand critique, here are a couple of edits. At the time of taking these, I decided to take some head and shoulder shots too. I used the 2 main images as they showed the dress in its entirety. I had a play and placed the pictures side by side, so it would show both phases of the doll. These 2, had a gap in the fence and I have done a bit of cloning, to get rid of the gaps to give it a solid background.

Week 34, Work by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Week 34, Work by scilly puffin, on Flickr
