My 365 - Day 92

Was a bit bored sat in the car today, so thought I would take a photo of the dashboard - as you do!
Nice shot. Shame the needle isn't pointing at 80 though :LOL:

Probably possible as I found the camera actually sat on the wheel nicely with the lens resting inside, was going to try some long exposures with the rev needle moving, but had to go :(
My 365 - Day 93

I think this is the same tree as day 66 - it seem to be just in the right place for sunset/dusk shots :) No story really behind this one, went for a walk this evening, got lots of shots of tiny lambs etc, but done those a million times now, so got a few shots of this trusty old tree, bit of a tweak later and got a photo I like.
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My 365 - Day 94

Spotted a big group of pigs I hadnt seen before in a local field, they were very friendly and seemed very interested in my camera, they really would stay still though :( This is the best of the bunch, really not sure why the DOF seems so small for F11, and really only the very closest bit of the snout is in focus, but I liked the shot anyway!
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That pig shot is superb JL ... (y) ... and so much better it would have been without its mate ... :shrug: ... but the WA really makes it a great image ... :D

My 365 - Day 96

Is it a photo? is it modern art? is it the nasty state my sensor is it? - YES! Have been meening to clean it for a while now, but just checked it and it is pretty nasty :( So I guess tomorrows job might be sorting that out :)
This is my first visit to TPF this year and I've just spent over an hour looking at this thread. It's absolutely inspired! And the pix are so well done, they're not just throwaway ones to fill a quota. I am VERY impressed at the quality of the pix and the commitment. Keep it up, bud! :clap:
Many thanks ajdesq - not sure the "not just throwaway" comment works with the last two :p but many thanks :) and cheers Ven for your continued support (y) and everyone else too.
My 365 - Day 97

This shot was taken less than an hour after this one - ! The weather today was just crazy here. I took the sunny shot thinking it looked like the middle of summer, an hour later and suddenly there was REALLY thick snow falling, none of which settled. It was interesting to watch :)

P.S - I also used this as a bit of an experiment, both this shot and the uber sunny one were processed in exactly the same way, I just wanted to see what they would come out with in very different conditions but with the same processing (hence the vignetting on this one)
Thought this last was another dirty sensor shot before I scolled down. :bonk: :LOL:

Amazing, our weather, thats for sure. I visit every day JL but, as I've said before, 'I'm running out of ways to say great shot'. :)
Yeah it was a little odd them asking for money before I even went in Andrea, but he was wearing some Skipton Caslte uniform type thing, maybe he has guessed I wasnt actually planning on going in :p I have taken a walk behind the castle alongside the canal before and to be honest all I could see was a bank with a wall at the top - was very impressed, plus it was middle of summer and to path was heaving with pushchairs! :p

Also, sorry not a landscape shot today, had family visiting so havent had chance to get out, but did go for a walk around the village :)

My 365 - Day 90

Had some lovely weather today, so good infact that the washing is starting to appear on the washing lines :)

I have that shirt, Ben Sherman? One of my fave's!! :)
In fact I have both the black on the left and the white on the right....

Do you shop at TK MAX too? Ha :)
JL said:
and cheers Ven for your continued support

:confused: ... no worries m8 ... it is you deserves the credit for keeping so many of us so comprehensively well entertained ... :clap:

I really do like the Chimney series JL ... (y) ... and this last is no exception capturing the atmospheric conditions superbly well imhgo ... :D

Would have been good to see everything covered in snow after the fall perhaps ... :shrug:


Would have been good to see everything covered in snow after the fall perhaps

Yeah it would have been nice, but not one flake settled :( There was a bit on the hill tops this morning, but not enough to make an interesting shot really :(
My 365 - Day 98

Weather was glorious this afternoon, so went for a bit of a walk. This is a shot I have wanted to get for a while, but the weather has never been good for it. I still could have done with some white fluffly clouds, but never mind. All the daffies are starting to die off here now, so might not get chance to do a reshoot. The bare braches overlapping the church are bugging me a bit though.
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Thanks both :) Maybe a lamb thrown in to make it the full netshell macmike? :p
I have taken a walk behind the castle alongside the canal before and to be honest all I could see was a bank with a wall at the top - was very impressed, plus it was middle of summer and to path was heaving with pushchairs! :p

If you keep going and through the woods until you get to a mill pond with a bit of luck you will see a heron's nest in a dead tree and good views of it, last two years there have been successful raising of chicks so I am hoping it happens this year, not long now. Also the woods are spectacular for Ramsons - the wild garlic.
Cheers Biko - the woods is on my list of places I must visit. Someone mentioned the Herons last year, and I have seen some over head and on the aire recently, so might take a wander in and see whats going on, thanks for the tip :D
My 365 - Day 99

Not a good shot technically, bit I found a way to make exercise more fun :) and thank god for wireless internet!
Jimmy, jimmy, jimmy

Want to go in to production with me making exercise bikes with laptops built in? :D


Tony (y)
Nice. am loving the spring shot! You are nearly at 100 now! Go you! :):D
I wounder if he is reading this on his new exercise bike contraption :D

You really should look into a book deal. I'm in awe of your creativity.
book deal, i think that is the thing i was thinking of hehe