Really like the last two pictures you have posted (y)

Trying to get some insperation from you aswell :LOL:

Cheers Tony :) I am lacking in inspiration myself at the moment :p

My 365 - Day 110

Have been meaning to get a dusk/evening shot of the chimney for a while, but it never looks very interesting (heck it dont look interesting in the day, so night is pushing it!) but I noticed the red glow coming from the house below its window and the yellow glow from the parking spaces under the mill and thought it added a bit of colour. Set up a shot and noticed the sky was really colourless so thought this shot could actually work! Colourfull(ish) building and a black and white(ish) sky :p - Not sure I like the tight crop, but had to use tripod and the angle out of my window is a bugger and had to avoid window sills/wall edges etc :(
I like that last shot, nice and simple but the (HDR????????) has worked well.
Another superior Chimberley shot JL ... (y) ... the colours contrast well with the grey sky ... :D

But it seems to get longer each time you expose it ... :cautious:

A bit concerned about the orange glow between the two buildings ... :cautious: ... not on fire I hope ... :D

I hope your neighbours are used to you poking you zooms out of your upstairs windows and pointing them at their bedroom windows ... :eek:

Another great catch up time ... (y)

Hehe no fire no Ven - just an annoying street light - you can see the reflection of it in one of the windows on the mill (big building on left) - as for the neighbours....well no one has commented yet :p - the end four windows of the mill never seem to be lit either no one lives there or they dont like lights.
loving all of the photos jimmy_lemon, been following since day 1 , keep up the excellent work.
Cheers Chrisgrieve :)

My 365 - Day 111

Went into Marks and Spencer food place in town today for some lunch. Seems Sunday isnt a good day to get sandwiches - but found the bakery section and noticed they have propper Simpson stylee doughnuts :) So I had to buy one, just to photograph, of course!
My 365 - Day 112

Went to some nearby woods to get some sunset shots this evening. The sunset wasnt too amazing as the sun went behind a cloud just as it was setting, but did spot this interesting gate at the side of the road. Not sure why a gate saying "Public Right Of Way" would need to be wrapped in barbed wire!
Is that a pie poking out from underneath the fence? :D
Yeah I noticed that when I was processing the shot Marcel - no idea what it is, looking at other shots it seems to be a part of the felled tree that the fence is leaning against. But it does look like a pie and the other angles suggest it has a white base...almost like a polystyrene tray?? :p

My 365 - Day 113

Weather was so nice today that I went for a good long walk and found this little stream which was reflecting the sunlight nicely so though I would try and get some nice out of focus sparkly bits in the background, unfortunately the foreground wasnt the most exciting and is just some scraggly bush. Some nice blossom would have been nice. Might have to fake something nicer next time I am up there :)
Wow man, that is cool (y)

Keep them coming Jimmy, I haven't missed a photo and description on here up untill now (y)

Cheers Tony :D

My 365 - Day 114

Second night in a row trying to capture some sunset shots, again this evening the sun went behind a cloud as it got near the horizon. Got a couple of shots out of it though. Quite like this one. The hazy mist on the hill tops fades nicely into the orange of the sky.
hey mr lemmon
you are fortunate to live in such a beautiful place. well done in keeping up your shot-a-day project there are some great pics there. is brimham rocks near you? looks like a moonscape if my memory serves me right!
keep on keeping on (y)
Very nice. I really like day 113, there is just something about it that holds your eye.
I would say that is a pie under the fence, looks like it still has it's foil tray on.
My 365 - Day 115

Another sunset chase tonight. Headed west out of Skipton and found this. The sun was trying to hide behing that big cloud, but didnt quite manage it. Seem to have lost a ton of detail and sharpnes resizing this to put on here...not sure why :(
Cheers Jean and Tony :)

My 365 - Day 115

Took a trip upto the north east today and took a few snaps along Redcar sea front. Not the most scenic of sea fronts and not great conditions. When I got there the sky was perfectly grey. No sign of any detial in the clouds...just grey :( A little later some clouds started to appear. These colourfull illustrations on the railings were crying out to be photographed against the greyness behind.

I love that picture muchly, love the PP aswell. Normally i don't like things like that done but for this, it has made it look the biz (y)
My 365 - Day 116

For some reason I love taking shots with gates in, I also love sunsets. So any time it looks like there is going to be a good sunset I am going to be up at one of these gates, so expect some more of these :p
that redcar shot isn't far from my house, i'm about 5 miles away, i love day 114 shot, really nice :)
Day 116 = Prefection (y)

The "DOF" in your photos always seem to be spot on :)

Nice one

Just spent an awesome half hour catching up on your thread, some brilliant photos, and some real dedication.(y)

I think that you are amazing to do this type of project, I barely find time to brush my hair most days:cautious:, so to be not only bothered to take the photos in the first place, but inspired as well, excellent. :clap:
JL I love your gate pics, I'll not tire of looking at 'em. So the more the merrier. (y)
Hey JL ... long time no dropee by sorry ... been out and about and keep missing yours when I do get the chance to drop in ... :shrug: ... always manage to catch up in the end though you don't lose me that easily ... :D

Here we go then ...

111 - great use of narrow DoF and super colours ... yummy !

112 - weird indeed and that certainly does look pie shaped ... :shrug: ... fungus perhaps ?

113 - nice try, look forward to the faked attempt ;)

114 - that has to be one of the best sunsets I have seen from you m8 ... superb colouration and the depth to the image is stunning ... :clap:

115 - really like this one a lot but dunno why really, I love the foreground colours and the sense of infinity behind and even the sky is sort of interesting !

116 - a technically good image imhgo but for me it could do without the overhanging branch in the foreground ... :shrug:

That's me catched up once more ... < pokes self in eye and says must do better in future >

Still it does make a great comparison in your ideas by leaving it for a few days ... :D

Keep 'em coming 'cos you are doing grand to date m8 ...

Thanks everyone :) Really does help me continue when I get so much possitive feedback :) that said crit is always welcome too.

Ven - Few people have said they dont like the branches in the last shot. I personally love them, hence why they are in the shot, but now I look again maybe the plain sky would have been nice too.

My 365 - Day 118

Very grey day today. But I was in Ilkley so decided to try and get some shots of the Cow & Calf Rocks in the mist. HDR/Tonemapped to bring the rocks out of the mist a little.
Lovely shot again today (y)

Like the way the sign is really bright and the rest follows (y)
Was the laziest shot ever. Taken out of the car window (wound down) :p was chucking it down with rain (can see it a little infront of the sign) the bloke up the path walking his dog didnt seem to care lol
Some people are built for all weather :LOL:

That is still a lovely shot (y) i wish i could get shots like that from the car window (woundup so i didn't get cold :LOL:)
Ven - Few people have said they dont like the branches in the last shot. I personally love them, hence why they are in the shot, but now I look again maybe the plain sky would have been nice too.

:agree: JL ... :cautious: ... it is entirely subjective and as long as you like it who gives a hoot about anyone else ... :naughty: ... don't get me wrong it is a lovely image and if I could do half as well as you on landscapes I would be seriously happy ... :shrug: ... just saying it as I see it m8 rather than just blagging it ... :D

Was the laziest shot ever. Taken out of the car window (wound down) was chucking it down with rain (can see it a little infront of the sign) the bloke up the path walking his dog didnt seem to care lol

Now that is a seriously fine image with bags of interest front to back and everywhere in between ... (y) ... really weather atmospheric too ;)

And why wouldn't you take it from the car to keep your precious gear dry !

Us dog walkers have to be a fairly hardy bunch out in all weathers rain or shine cold or hot ... :shrug: ... or let the dogs crap in the house ... :LOL:

FWIW I like the branches in the last shot. They add frame, depth and a sense of foreground and scale for me.
I nearly missed this latest one. It's on page 9 of 'new posts'. For some reason I don't get notification of the threads I've subscribted to on TP.

Great 'lazy' photo btw.
My 365 - Day 119

First bit of blossom I have seen locally, this was catching the afternoon sun perfectly so I had to take some shots. Slightly bigger depth of field would have improved this shot, teach me to shoot quickly before the sun went in again :(
I've been trying to figure what 'type' of photographer you are. :thinking:

I've come to the conclusion you are a 'jack of all and master of all as well'. :clap: :clap:
I've been trying to figure what 'type' of photographer you are. :thinking:

I've come to the conclusion you are a 'jack of all and master of all as well'. :clap: :clap:

hehe, thats very kind of you. I have been trying to work that question out myself for ages. I get bored taking photos of the same things over and over, so its always fun to try something a bit different.

Just off out now while the sun is out :) will have to call this an early lunch break I think :|