It's not bad at all. I also like the blue colouring.

Keep up the good work.
My 365 - Day 73

This is our neighbours cat who seems to think our house is her place to sleep during the day while her family are out. We have given up trying to keep her out of the house now! Not a techincally perfect shot, but I loved the way she was looking right down the barrel. She soon got annoyed and wandered off.
My 365 - Day 74

It is invasion of the lambs around here at the moment. Spotted these four really young lambs exploring the rocks in their field. This one seemed much more interesting than the rest, each one had a go at kicking and trying to each it.
Superb - all of your photos :D

BTW cats always know where they are best off (y) :LOL:

I just had a real fright with the lovely fluffy lambs - I have been on a first aid course and everytime a gory bloody picture was coming up, they showed a lovely picture of a cute lamb :eek: pleeeaaase don't let me log on later and find a leg half chopped off or a leg bone sticking out of the errr leg :eek:

Seriously - fantastic, as always (y)
Thanks Snugglepuss :)

My 365 - Day 75

Completely stuck for an idea today, weather was nasty and didnt fancy messing about, so thought I would get a quick shot of bed all laid out with my kit ready for a day of photography tomorrow :D Should be fun if it doesnt rain!
I only just about got it all in the bag, lol - actually the flash didnt fit in the end :(
It was good thanks Tony :)

My 365 - Day 76

Went for a wander around Newcastle today with a few others from - had a great time and have ended up with a ton of photos to sort :) This was pretty much one of my last shots this evening. I was stuggling with getting a sharp shot with my long exposures. I think it might be down to my £10 tripod! Anyway, this came out pretty well :)
looks pretty sharp to me JL. Beautiful shot. (y)

I'm guessing the weather up there was good. It was terrible down here, wet, windy and cold.:shake:
My 365 - Day 77

Had to visit Manchester Aiport today and discovered the viewing area around the side. Wasnt sure I really wanted to pay £4 to get in, but I thought I would probably get a good shot for this 365. Didnt realise there was a concord there! This isnt the best angle to show off that it is concord but I quite liked it :)
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Updated the shot with a slightly lighter version. The dark plane was bugging me. It is starting to Halo slightly now though :(
My 365 - Day 78

Popped into Lister Park in Bradford today with this shot in mind. Have been a few times before and never come back with a shot I was happy with. Fairly happy with this one, could have done with a bit more blue sky, but I had just missed it and could only see grey clouds in the distance.
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Just looked through this entire thread and I think you've been doing really well. Excellent variety in the pictures and all have been really good.

I'm thinking about doing something similar myself as I need to take more pictures, I just don't think I'd have the time to take as much variety as you and it would just end up as pictures of my desk or out the window!

Best of luck with the remainging 288 days I'll keep my eye on this thread.
Thanks Bry and bsoltan :)

My 365 - Day 79

Seem to have been doing a lot of small jobs today. One of the things on my list was to tidy my room. That one didnt get done :( but did the rest! So I thought I would just ignore my room, put my feet up and watch some telly :p
Sometimes it is great not to have the opportunity to get on TP for a while and then come back and review how you're doing JL ... :shrug: ... trouble is there are then far too many to comment on each one ... :cautious:

The landscapes ones are always excellent and the range of subjects is simply awe inspiring ... :clap:

As you may have guessed I've been watching the Chimney series throughout ... :thinking: ... the latest with the car is certainly different but I am not sure about it personally ... especially with the headlights on it does distract from the main subject ... :shrug: ... is this the motor we have been trying hard to keep out of these images ... :LOL:

Well done once more JL ... (y) ... your resolve is amazing ... you deserve to put your feet up sometimes ... ;)

My 365 - Day 80

I am not really a huge fan of selective colouring, but was a bit bored so thought I would give it a go. Kept an eye out all day for something suitable, but didnt really find much, but spotted this at Skipton train station just now, and thought it might work. Nothing special - just a bit of fun :)
Just looked through yours shots again and wow jimmy. They are stunning, keep up the good work
Thanks for the continued comments :) and Ven nah that aint the same car :p and it was too dark without the headlights on reflecting off the garage door :( Might try again with a lamp or something, or just leave it be as I dont really like the shot anymore :(

My 365 - Day 81

Taken in the wee hours of this morning (but just today!). I snapped this at Manchester Airport whilst waiting for my sisters plane to arrive. I really need to go back with a better camera, the IXUS 75 was stuggling. Amazing location though, really blue and dark and moody. So a reshoot for this one for sure!
My 365 - Day 82

Was a bit stuck for a shot today. Remeber seeing something similar to this on Talkphotography some time ago so thought I would have a go. Originally it was going to be monkey hunting in the fridge, but I couldnt find him - so instead you get my ugly mug :p
My 365 - Day 83

Got loads of snowy landscapes from today, but this little thing caught my eye when going through my shots. There were a few lambs in this field and none of them seemed too sure of the snow, but this one was far more interested in me that the snow and kept staring at me for a good 5 minutes. I know the crop is a little odd, but I went for the face dead centre of the frame.
Hi JL,
Day 81 at Manchester airport is a stunning shot.
Well done buddy
My 365 - Day 84

I think I mist the healthy looking daffies this year, that or the recent snow has left them all looking a sad like this one :(
Looking good again (y)

Jimmy - How do you do HDR? seems abit confusing. Could you or someone exsplain it to me please?

Tony (y)
Have you had a read of Pete Carr's HDR guide Tony - ?

HDR at its basic level is merging multiple exposures of one shot - so that you have one exposure (IE shot) to show detail in the hightlight (normally the sky) one for the midtones (normally the subject of the shot) and one for the shadows (anything in shadow). So you have 3 (or more or there are different degrees of bridhtness or shadows you want to reveal) shots that are identical apart from their brightness. You then use software (such as Photomatix) to combine these shots and twiddle with it until you get the balance you are after to show more detail in the shot. You can then of course take it further if you wish and "over-cook" the shots so they go beyond the realistic to something sometimes more interesting :) But overall I aim to try and reproduce what I could see with my eye at the time, as your camera just cant capture the same as the human eye can.
wow tom, cant believe you never pointed me at this thread before now. Some absolutely stunning shots! Nice work keep it up.
My 365 - Day 85

Last month I took some photos at the local panto, these were then turned into a Photo CD and sold to help with fundraising for the panto. Sales havent been amazing so far so a display has now gone up in the Post Office window. So now I have some of my photos on public display :) Go me! lol