Thanks all again for the encouraging comments :)

My 365 - Day 100 - YAY!

Finally hit triple figures :) So to celebrate I got some new kit, I finally have a remote shutter release! It is really nice too, can use it wirelessly or wired (as the wireless reciever sat on the hotshoe has a shutter release button too - and doesnt have to sit on the hot shoe) It is the Phottix Cleon Wire/Wireless Remote C8 - about £26 from ebay - Bargain!
Congrats at the ton of shots.
Keep up the good work.
My 365 - Day 101

Fianlly got round to cleaning the sensor on my 40D today, and also did the old 350D aswell for good measure. I had forgotten how easy it was. Also updated the firmware on my 40D so now just need to actually get outside and take some photos I guess :(
JL I don't know if this is any interest to you. I found it on the Fuji site.

13 April
Guided Tours of Railway
Keighley & Worth Valley Railway, Haworth Station, Keighley

01535 645214 - for more info.

See behind the scenes - all those nooks and crannies, those locked sheds and tantalising sidings that you can't quite see the end of. Now you can find out what's going on, what is where, why it's in bits and what's happening? Or simply have a decent afternoon out with someone who knows a fair bit about the Railway and is happy to talk and answer questions? You will travel in reserved accommodation on the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway with a look behind the scenes at all locations on the line, sheds, stations and offices. A buffet lunch will be included.
Not a good shot technically, bit I found a way to make exercise more fun :) and thank god for wireless internet!

Great idea Tom ... (y) ... but :eek: ... how precarious is that precious lappy ... :cautious: ... or, without wishing to appear personal, have you got big velcro pads ... :D

Congratulations due in the next two too ... :clap: ... the long overdue cleaning and the nifty looking wireless remote ... ;)

Keep 'em coming even if I can't get to them everyday I really enjoy the thrill of not knowing what's coming while I am catching up ... :shrug: ... sad or what ... :help:

Day 98 and all my other HDR/Tonemapped shots have broken their links - or more like I broke them messing around with Flickr :| so gonna have to fix that sometime!
My 365 - Day 102 - *2mb gif, may take some time to load all 11 frames*

With flickr now allowing video it has awoken my interest for some timelapse photography again. This time I thought I would try something different and try some HDR timelapse. As a test I went for single shot HDRs or "Tonemapped" sequences. It is going to take a while to batch process all the shots so I have knocked together a quick little animated gif as a small test to see if the processing is working ok. So here is a short section, that will equal about 1 second in the final timelapse, of the chimney during sunset.
hehe thanks :) hopefully will look quite good when I have finished the whole thing.
Actually it is quite mesmerising Tom ... :cautious: ... especialy for your ardent Chim Chiminee fans ... :D

However ... :thinking: ... the more one watches the more irritating the ickle birdies are about halfway through ... :shrug: ... Jackdaws I believe ... but they really distract the eye imhgo ... :eek:

But the image/s themselves are quite stunning and the animation is pure class :clap:

It will be about 3 times faster in the end Ven so the birds shouldnt hopefully even be possible to see, and yeah I think they are jackdaws, they live in the chimney and spend the whole day sunbathing on the roof tops.

Also thanks Richmond and Tony (y) Think I am going to have to leave the pc processing the shots while I am at the Zoo meet on Sunday :| it takes forever :(
thats very good .. just looks like the chimley has a move on.. :p
My 365 - Day 103

Glanced out of my window about 5 minutes ago and saw the lovely blue of the sky and this lovely little cloud (or is it 2) floating towards me. Grabbed camera, which handily had 70-200 attached, and fired off just the one shot :) So this is my one and only shot today. Got to save the snaps for the meet tomorrow.
My 365 - Day 104

Took a trip to Chester Zoo today, not really a Zoo fan but it was a chance to meet a load of people from talkphotography and try some photography I never normally have chance to attempt. I didnt do anything sensible like make a note of the name of this guy, but he was one of the many reptiles I have got some shots of. The 40D and 70-200 F4 IS was again a winning combination :)
Cracking light Monsieur Limone. Like Glo says, his head just pops right outta there.

Just spotted the h'animated chimberly :clap:
I've been a bit skeptical of video on Flickr, but I think in this case it's where it's ideal (y)
Nice Lizard Tom ... (y) ... and the cloud ... :cautious: ... well it's a cloud ... :shrug: ... but I think I can see where you are coming from ...

... or going to ... :wacky:


My 365 - Day 105

I took enough photos yesterday to do me for a week at least, but need to keep this up. Waited for a photo op to appear. It didnt :( Last job of the day was to put some washing on for overnight so tried thought I would see what a 10-20 and washing machine would produce. As it turns out, nothing very exciting!
Nice and sharp but not very intresting, having a lazy day in from all that driving ahh jim? :LOL:

TG (y)
Would have been very interesting after the washing had gone in I bet ... :naughty:

Has the base dome confused the focussing ... :cautious:

My 365 - Day 106

This has been on my list of shots to try for a while now. I wanted a nice clear shot of the hands flying around the face. Not as easy as I was hoping! This is a 15 minute exposure and in one way it isnt long enough to get a good blur all the way around, but on the other hand it is so long the minute hand has pretty much turrned invisable. Might have to re-think this and try again.
That is pretty awesome, You should let the hour hand go right round so you get the whole blur there (y)

Keep them coming

Tony (y)
My 365 - Day 107

Really wasnt in the mood for taking any photos today. Weather was poo, I am not feeling 100%. Monkey decided to try and help me by googling ideas...he wasnt getting very far so I just took a photo of him on his laptop. Just to make this not "some crap on my desk" I decided to use my speedlite/flashgun to light the shot, even with a nice bit of bounced light off the ceiling :)
Ahh nice one, I think he is hungry though he has his whole mouth open :LOL:
And why has your laptop moved from the exercise bike? ;)

I know exactly how you feel about not being in the mood. You've still pulled a goodun though.
Keep up the good work :)
My 365 - Day 108

Random shot, but went for a walk today and just took this as I walked past. Was trying shots like this on the whole walk, trying to capture passing cars or whatever, just to see how good I could align a shot at set settings to get a shot - just without looking. I dont know why but I quite liked this shot. So yeah....random!
:eek: ... Yet again three more to catch up on ... :cautious: ... where does the time go ... :shrug:

Love Monkeh ... :D ... and the random one works for me too ... ;)

Not sure about the clock ... reminds me of what I said at the start but you got to try these things right ... ;)

My 365 - Day 109

Ok I hold my hands up to this shot just being a "stuff on my desk" shot, but not had chance to do anything much today. Took the car to the garage and helped my mum sort out some family tree stuff - neither of which have great photo ops. The only interesting thing that happened today was delivering a book I forgot I had ordered :) Only read a few pages so far, but hopefully it will be as good as Dave Gorman's other books (Google him if you have no idea who he is!) - Just dont get him confused with Adam Bloom (google again) as my mum once did in Edinburgh.