My 365 - Day 120

There was some lovely sun around this morning, so went for a walk about. Lots of flowers starting to come out in gardens. This shot is straight from the camera, I was impressed how well it captured the red. The greens could maybe do with a bit of a contrast bootst. But I like it as a shot.
I like this one (y) I have got more and more in to flower photography now, and this is how i want mine to progress to :)

Could i ask you JL, what that font is called and where you downloaded it in your picture?
I've come to the conclusion you are a 'jack of all and master of all as well'. :clap: :clap:

Very well put innit ... :D

Your blossoms are blooming lovely JL ... (y) ... the Cherry Blossom has come out really well imhgo ... ;) ... and doesn't need more DoF for me ... :shrug:

My 365 - Day 121

I havent been out of the house today :( Spent most of the morning faffing around then had to get some video editing done this afternoon. Nothing else really interesting to photograph, so here is an interesting shot of the edit suite (I dont think!)
Nice, worth some there ahh? :)

Is that at work or in your home?

I asked you this question before but don't think you see it, What is the font called that you use in your pictures? and where can i download? :LOL: (y)
Thats a bit naughty old chap. Your TL-productions is pretty much identical to his, and would be almost like nicking his logo?;)
I am TL PHOTOGRAPHY now matey :LOL:

Shows you have been looking at my 365 thread much don't it :D:D

Ohh poop

I have managed to change my name on flickr now :)

It hasn't been TL PRODUCTIONS for ages in my photos :)
Hey Tony, sorry yeah I had missed that before. I have had a look but realised that in my action I have my url as a transparent png image and so cant get it to tell me what font I used :( I have had a look at my list of fonts on this machine but none seem to fit, so I think I must have made that logo before I formatted :| So in short I dont know what the font is...which is a big pain in the ass because I was going to use it on my website!!! Arse! and yeah it would have looked very similar with the TL Productions :p I am pretty sure I found the font on under the handwritten section.

My 365 - Day 122

Well...I have seen the inside of the light shade. I noticed the opening at the bottom of this light shade was just about the right size for the 10-20. So had to experiments to see what it looked like inside :) Not exactly my choice in light shade, but it came with the house!
Hey Tony, sorry yeah I had missed that before. I have had a look but realised that in my action I have my url as a transparent png image and so cant get it to tell me what font I used :( I have had a look at my list of fonts on this machine but none seem to fit, so I think I must have made that logo before I formatted :| So in short I dont know what the font is...which is a big pain in the ass because I was going to use it on my website!!! Arse! and yeah it would have looked very similar with the TL Productions :p I am pretty sure I found the font on under the handwritten section.

Thanks mate (y) I am having a look though that site now :LOL:

By the way, Lovely last shot. Nice and sharp (y)
Damn ... :eek: ... the lamps not centred ... :shrug:



It was pretty much impossible to get it centered :( the whole thing isnt cemetrical and the bulb doesnt come out of the centre. It bugged me, but after about 50 shots I gave up :p
My 365 - Day 123

I would claim that I realised todays shot was going to be 123, but it just happens to be a coincindence that I took a picture of some teddies. These are my (older) sisters collection. She made me promoise to say they werent meant for her, but for some of her younger visitors (the fact they are sat in a chair in the sitting room 24/7 makes me think otherwise)
Yeah yeah.....always "my sisters" or "my friend"...go on, admit like givin em a big ole Lemony cuddle at night to drift off doncha :D
Yeah yeah.....always "my sisters" or "my friend"...go on, admit like givin em a big ole Lemony cuddle at night to drift off doncha :D

There is nothing wrong with that..........:runaway: :D

Nice picture Tom, but you have to get out more mate :LOL:
My 365 - Day 124

Every year Skipton has a Waterway Festival held on the canalside (Leeds and Liverpool Canal) and it always attracts a load of canal barges and people. The weather was so nice I had to go out and take some shots. It isn't the most exciting thing to photograph as it is quite spread out. This shot didnt seem very colourfull when I looked through all my shots, even though it had lots of elements in there that should have brightened up the I decided to have a go at tarting it up :) I went way over the top, but I dont care! lol
no fraid not Richmond - very similar development though. They are turning all the old mills around here into flats/apartments.

365 shot coming soon...
Have just caught up after not being able to get on the internet for a while, great photos!! You continue to astound me by getting such good shots day after day! I love no 114, the sunset particularly, amazing colours :) great stuff!
My 365 - Day 125

Took part in Shoot Liverpool ( today. The basic idea of the day is to explore Liverpool and photograph answers to certain clues. This was one of the open clues which just asked you to represent "See no evile, hear no evil, speak no evil"...this is what our team came up with. This is just one shot, long exposure, with the flash fired to capture each pose. The model is Marcel (
:D, great stuff. I bet you had some kind of genius flash expert on hand to help out with that.

Either way, jolly good shot, worked quite well really (amazing that the cam can pick up so much definition in skin tone etc from such a short burst).
Hehe it was a good shot wasn't it. Kudos on the idea JL (y)
(And benneh that was some brilliant flashing too :D)

Don't forget pete either, he was the caller of positions :D

etc :)
Hehe it was a good shot wasn't it. Kudos on the idea JL (y)
(And benneh that was some brilliant flashing too :D)

Don't forget pete either, he was the caller of positions :D

etc :)

lol :D Tis an ace shot mate :)
My 365 - Day 126

Started editing together some of the video footage I shot yesterday during Shoot Liverpool. Filmed us going around taking our shots last year, so thought I would do the same again this time around :) I really should have spent a bit of time on this shot to make it look nice. I went to the effor of hunting out the nifty fifty (Canon 50mm 1.8) to get an interesting shallow depth of field, but didnt have my tripod to hand so had to shoot at 640ish ISO to get a hand holdable it has come out pretty noise :( (a LOT more noisy than I was expecting to be honest)
My 365 - Day 127

Noticed the sun reflecting on the edge of the small waterfall on the local beck, so had to get a quick shot. Decided to see how slowly I can hand hold the 70-200 F4L IS (with IS on) and managed this at 1/13th of a second. It is soft at full size, but probably usable.
Here we go again ...

123 = a bit girly m8 ... :cautious: ... but we understand us guys do ... really we do ... ;)

124 = lovely colourful image but I fail to see how you have overcooked it as it looks right imhgo ... :D

125 = awesome shot shame about the model ... :eek: ... who did you say did the flashing ... :shrug:

126 = Marcel gone P&S ... :eek:

127 = An ordinary shot turned special ... (y) ... what an eye you've got and apparently a steady hand ... ;)

Great catch-up sequence as usual JL ... (y)

My 365 - Day 128

Was in Accringron (of Accrington Stanley fame) today and decided to have a go trying to get a fisheye effect from the Sigma 10-20 again. It seems to work really well, but I have learnt you need to shoot a lof of waste at the side of the shots to get the right perspective without having to clone in lots of white corners etc.
Well that one is three shots (taken portrait) starting at the top and working down the a sideways panormama...then stiched (Using the auto stich things in CS3) and it gives you that effect :)
My 365 - Day 129

A bit of a moodier shot than my last sunset/gate shot. Wasnt a great sunset as there were very few clouds in the sky and the lovely orange glow didnt seem to want to spread too far. As I arrived there were lambs waiting by this gate, by the time I had setup they had all been called away by their mothers :(
That does work really well JL ... (y) ... I always envy you your sunsets as they invariably come up great and whenever I have tried them they have been dismal failures ... :shrug:

I've got a week on Skye next month and would really like to pull off at least one half decent sunset ... especialy with the 'new' MF gear too ... :D

Keep 'em coming when you are stuck for ideas because they do inspire well ... ;)

My 365 - Day 130

Decided to have another quick go at the fish eye effect with the Sigma 10-20 today. Didnt go too well. Even though I shot in manual Photoshop couldnt blend the shots together very well. I think it might be that the shots from the 10-20 have darker edges and Photoshop just cant cope with this :(