Hehe, having seen that scene in real life, I must say that gives me boggly eyes :D
Interesting use of the stitch there Mr.
hehe thanks all, that shots was really just an experiment to see how far you can push it, seem that the answer is "not that far" Photoshop just couldnt cope with the stitching really :(

My 365 - Day 131

Was asked to take some shots for a friend of a friend today. I dont pretend to know much about computers, but it is easy to see when someone has paid a lot of time and attention to something and this PC has certainly had that. I enjoy experimenting with still life/product photography but this is first time I have ever had to produce some good results from it! Looking through the shots I think there should be a fair few good'ens :)
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My 365 - Day 132

The weather was lovely this morning and I ended up in some local bluebell woods, I have never seen so many bluebells in one place. It was a fairly hard place to shoot as the sun was very patchy and the ground very un-even. I decided to use my tripod for most shots today, as I dont often use it, and probably should! Quite happy with this shot. It looks quite over saturated, but the colours really were vibrant! maybe not this much though.
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Hey Tom ... :wave: ... :D

I cannot believe how the time flies ... :shrug: ... but I do think you have extended your torture by at least x1 image ... :cautious: ... see below ... ;)

130 x1 = It must be me then because I can't see much evidence of stitching and like Marcel it makes me go google-eyed if I look at it for more than a few seconds ... but it makes a good image imhgo ... :D

130 x2 = Some great (expensive ?) gear there and very well rendered so I reckon the owner will be well chuffed with your take on it ... (y) ... but I agree with Pete it does need more fruit gear ... ;)

131 = That really is one beautiful scene you have captured there very nicely ... :D

Great variety in your images and a pleasure as ever to look through them ...

Numbering fixed now, cheers Ven ;) and I spit on Apples :p and as for stiching, look at the for sale board ;)
Numbering fixed now, cheers Ven ;) and I spit on Apples :p and as for stiching, look at the for sale board ;)

No worries ... ;) ... would not want to see you prolong your agony ... :naughty:

I see now ... :bonk: ... I was looking for some vertical issues ... :LOL: ... still not too bad though ... :shrug:

My 365 - Day 133

Tonight was the premiere of the filming of the local village panto. It is just a chance for the cast and crew to meet up and watch the panto from the audience point of view, as most of them dont get to see it from front of stage during the run. The reason they are infront of a pub. by the way, is because that is where the premiere takes place.
My 365 - Day 134

The chimney I have shown a fair few others times in my 365 but from the 'front' with the rest of the mill and the other houses built from the out buildings etc. It was a lovely sunny day with excellent sky today so spent a good hour wandering around the village taking photos. Just got to find time to process them all now!
Thanks both :) yeah it is an HDR shot George.

My 365 - Day 135

Had a wander around Ilkley today. It is a pretty place but I was lacking any real ideas on how to get some nice shots. This one jumped out at me because of its neatness and symmetry.
Hehe yeah it is one of those double boxes TG ;) Not sure why they have them, but there is a post office inside so guessing they expect losts of post? who knows!

My 365 - Day 136

Have been meaning to try something like this for ages, and somehow I just thought about it when I saw this scene (or half of it). So I had a little play :) quite happy with the outcome.
My 365 - Day 137

I havent been upto much today, some bits of admin and a good chunk of photo processing. Seem to have a big backlog to get through. Expect lots of pictures soon :)
Wow JL, I've just spent quite some time catching up on your 365 (366).

I haven't been disappointed but there are just to many pics to pick out any to comment on. So I'll just say, well done and keep it up.
134 & 135 ... your usual excellent standards Tom and it is really good to see the Chim Chiminee from a different angle ... (y)

136 ... is a cracking effort ... :cautious: ... but damned if I can see the stitching ... again ... :D ... but certainly my kind of image aside from the cheating ... ;)

137 ... is certainly different and not a bad entry at all especially with your treatment ... :D

Great to see you are not flagging though and we are very nearly half way through the year too ... :eek:

Ive seen his photographic standard go higher and higher since he's done this (y)
Thanks everyone :)

My 365 - Day 138

Todays shot was going to be another chimney shot...but trying to process the HDR in Photomatix I encountered a problem I have been having on and off for a while now. I cant seem to find any reason for it! In the shot above you can see that the outputted tiff the image goes very murky and grey compared to the preview it gives me in the tonemapping window. Tempted to reinstal to see if it helps, but I cant be arsed tonight!..Oh and yes this isnt actually a photo, but it is a screen grab of a photo that would otherwise have been my shot today, so in my rules it counts :p
My 365 - Day 139

Went out for a random drive around to take some photos today with Marcel Booth ( He had spotted this waterfall from the M65 near Brierfiel, Lancashire. I am still having problems with Photomatix and this shot has come out looking very murky. I have tried to fix it in Photoshop...but it isnt great :(
My 365 - Day 140

A sunset over a gate for a change :) I really should find a new subject, but I just like it too much! Seems photomatix liked this shot and behaved itsefl :) which was a relief as I was struggling to get this shot through photoshoppery alone.
My 365 - Day 141

Had some nice weather today so went to a local village to get some shots. I have only really even driven through this place before so hadnt noticed a lot of the buildings. This is one of the pubs in the village, and going on its name I am guessing it isnt the oldest. It is a shame about the car, but there are so many cars in Cononley is was almost impossible to get a shot of anything without having a car in the way, plus it was bin day! so there are bins everywhere :(
This project gets better and better.

I love Day 136 superb. Day 140 isn't to shabby either.

Keep up the good work, I'm enjoying watching the results(y)
138 = two for the price of one ... ;) ... you won't find me complaining about images of 'our' Chim Chiminee ... :D

139 = that looks like a wonderful location for some great pics and I certainly wouldn't kick that one out of my album ... (y)

140 = you are so very fortunate having scenes like that right on your doorstep ... :shrug:

141 = given the direct overhead lighting that's a very well took image ... (y) ... looks like it might be a lovely village but I'm not keen on the beer garden at the New Inn though ... :cautious:

My 365 - Day 142

Not overly happy with this shot. It always looks nice driving down this street, but just doesnt come seem to work in this photo. I rushed the shot and didnt meter too well. Might have to give this another go with more golden sun light.
142 = Hey ... :cautious: ... NO CARS ... :eek: ... It is only the light that lets this down just a little as it has tremendous depth and, even though I'm not a yuge fan of this type of 'road' shot this one does capture the imagination for some reason ... (y) ... reckon very early sunny morning woud do it justice though ... :shrug:

Some good un's since I last commented. You just keep getting better and better.
Thanks all :) Ven no cars, but it was sods law that everytime a car came towards me one would come the other way and they would have to squeeze past my car...happened 3 times! no others cars apart from then either.

My 365 - Day 143

Got dragged to Focus today (the DIY store) took the 350D (sans grip) with 10-20 (sans hood) to try and get some sneaky shots of anything that looked interesting...nothing looked interesting! but then I spotted these fellas at the exit of the outdoor gardeny section thing, so took a few snaps. They all had different poses and expressions and I think make quite a nice photo, not sure I would have one in my garden though!
My 365 - Day 144

Went for a wander in Heaton Woods today (on the edge of Bradford) I spotted these buttercups (I think) next to a bridge in the middle of a little stream. Was a bit too bright to get a very milky water effect without an ND filter, so just went for a bit of water blur.
*Yawn* - Guess I best get a shot processed from yesterday :| Didnt get home till 1:10am this morning so wasnt going to stay up processing a shot. Guess it is going to be impossible to post a shot on the days it is taken if I go away for a weekend or something anywho, so get use to it! :p
143 = damn fine shot that Tom with striking use of limited DoF too ... (y)

144 = now why is it whenever I take a shot like that it is just another photo but when you do it the ordinary becomes quite impressive ... :cautious:

145 = :thinking: ... :cautious: ... :shrug: ...

... :popcorn: ...

... :D

My 365 - Day 145

Went to the Streets Ahead bank holiday event in Liverpool last night. When we arrived it didnt look too promising, but it was an excellent night in the end! It started with a band, then some insanely loud fire crackers, then a marching band that looked like it was from Doctor Who, then a huge fight broke out between some mechanical dragons all wrapped up with some amazing aerial acrobatics. This bloke was part of this final section, I couldnt quite work out what the story was, but it was very impressive! soooo many shots it is going to take a while to sort them all. I didnt arrive home until gone 1am so this shot is uploaded late, but was taken yesterday, so meh!
My 365 - Day 146

Looked up from my PC to see the buildings nearby covered in orange sunlight, so grabbed all my hit and headed to the top of the hill, managed to get there just to see the sun go behind a big cloud. Got a few shots but thought I would hang around to see what happened, glad I did! It turned into a lovely sunset. In this shot the sun has just dropped behind some clouds right on the horizon but the clouds were reflecting the orange glow perfectly.
My 365 - Day 147

Was the day of the local village duck race today. I took lots of shots last year, but now I have new kit I thought it was worth taking the camera again. It was a VERY slow race this year as there has been a lack of rain for a few weeks meaning the beck wasnt exactly flowing fast (barely at all in places) but I got a good set of shots. Metering was a pain as the beck is quite low and dark, the people around were catching the light and so were fairly bright, and then the sky was very bright (as it tends to be) so this is tonemapped shot to try and bring some sky detail back etc.

P.S - that is Marcel getting in the way on the right :p
My 365 - Day 148

Today I sorted out a propper processing....erm...process. I am now shooting in RAW and using Lightroom to process my shots, outputting them as full size tiffs and 800 pixel "web" jpegs. I have now also sorted an action in Photoshop that add a black border and my tag to the web shots. Its all so easy now! No more excuses for having a big back log of shots to process now :(