145 = Better late than never ... :LOL: ... and worth the wait too as it is stunningly different ... (y)

146 = Oh to live in walking distance of sunsets like that ... :shrug:

147 = Duckinell ... :naughty: ... And not one of them is Green ... :eek: ... and Marcel really does wear that hat in public then ... :cautious:

148 = Processing process processed then ... :D

Job done ... ;)

Hell yes I do! (and thanks kmlc)

Looking good Mr Lemon, a good workflow is what you need (y) Once you settle into your own streamlined way of doing things you 'll never lookback. :)
My 365 - Day 149

I know this shot is VERY similar to yesterdays shot, but to be honest the weather has been horrid and I have barely been out of the house, so no real photo ops :( I did, however, today dig out an old monitor, as I was getting annoyed having only one monitor. I used dual displays for ages, but stopped, but now they are back! now I just need some monitors the same size!
Who is that in the photo on the left computer screen? :LOL: :LOL:

I like them keyboards aswell (y) they look funky
Thats Marcel on the left screen taking his 365 shot from a few days ago :p
I havent really set myself any rules apart from that, as the more I think about it, the harder it is going to be.

I might give up if I end up posting shots of stuff on my desk :(

Reality check time young sir ... :cautious:

But I hope you just stop the stuff shots and don't give up ... :shrug:

Soz ... couldn't resist ... ;)

My iMac should be arriving in the next week and, apart from having to go to Scotland for two weeks on holiday :rules: I am looking forward to using it's 24" alongside my wall-mounted 21" ... :eek:

Tried it once before and not sure I will ever get used to it fully or fully use its potential ... :puke:

I broke that rule months ago Ven :p there is a shot of my mouse and even one of some bottles on my desk :( ah well! hehe

Really is hard to find something to photograph round here when it is just grey and wet all day :( not really anyting 'indoors' round here (apart from my desk) :p
My 365 - Day 150

Really lacking in inspiration at the moment, this is a photo I have hanging on my wall. It was taken by a photographer who has a stall every year at a Craft Fair at the Edinburgh Festival every year. His name is Robert Grieves and he has some stunning photos! I would add a link to him, but cant seem to find any links for him online :(
well done on these jimmy,been watching for a while now, and they looking good.(y)
How do you get a perfect picture everytime? :LOL:

I like the idea of that and how did you light it so well?

Cheers Fletch :) and the lighting on that was my 430ex flash bounced off the ceiling Tony :) not sure I would call it perfect, but thanks :)
I would call them perfect :LOL: They all seem to be in focus and everything :D
Day 150 = Well I suppose at least it's not on your desk Tom ... :naughty:

Question is then ... :thinking: ... who owns the copyright on Day 150 then ... :cautious:


My 365 - Day 151

Pretty poor weather again, and no real urge to go out as I bought a new game (havent bought a game for years!) Spent a good few hours playing this today, so only seemed right it was my 365 shot.
Phew, caught up at last.

I understand how difficult it must be to shoot something different each day. Or, gather your kit together when the weather/light is against you.

You do have two standbys though that I really like. The chimney and 'your' gate.

Have you thought yet what # 183 will be ?
Was tempted to go for a Chimney or gate shots Richmond :p but went a bit further away for todays, as it wasnt raining for once! No matter how far I would have walked the last few days George it would have just been very grey and wet looking things, hehe. The game is pretty cool :) Drifting is a pain in the arse though!

My 365 - Day 152

(uploaded the old way as the Flickr uploader doesnt seem to like this photo!)
I saw there was an interesting sunset tonight so headed the opposite direction to where I would normall go, and ended up in Gargrave. Noticed the sun was going down just behind the station so parked up and fired off a few shots, didnt come out too bad I dont think :)
My 365 - Day 153

My mum and sister took part in the Race For Life in Bradford today, I tagged along with my camera to get some shots, weather didnt help as it was drizzly and very overcast, so high ISO :( I think this shot came out ok though, no idea who the runner is, but this was taken at the finish line.
151 = I reckon you are taking the michael now ... :LOL:

152 = Now that is much more like it ... (y) ... great perspective and superb sunset as usual ... :D

153 = And there's me thinking she was your sister ... :shrug: ... great DoF separation ... (y)

Tell me something Tom, just between the two of us ... ;) ... do the images you take reflect your moods at all ... :shrug:

JL - I have thoroughly enjoyed checking out all your photos, just loving your HDR's. I hope your Mum and Sis enjoyed the race for life.
JL - I have thoroughly enjoyed checking out all your photos, just loving your HDR's. I hope your Mum and Sis enjoyed the race for life.

Cheers - that has reminded me that I need to go through this thread a fix all the broken photos :( and yeah they enjoyed it, though they walked pretty much all of it.
Day - 152

When you upload images like this I can forgive the lack of chimney or gateway JL. :clap:

Day - 153

I wouldn't mind betting that young lady would love a copy of this. (y)
My 365 - Day 154

Went to a village quiz night tonight, we managed to win (Yay!) Won £30 so went to the pub to celebrate, this shot is the inside of said pud. Not a great shot, but it shows the pub good enough. Going to have to remember to take the 350D (without grip) and Sigma 10-20 with me to more places, it really is quite a small, but good little package for shooting random bits and bobs (as long as you dont wanna zoom much)
Cheers Tony :)

My 365 - Day 155

Ok, you have had some outdoor shots, so afraid it is back to boring inside ones :p had a mountain of jobs building up and kept forgetting things, so made a 'to do list' to organise myself a little, lots of interesting spelling mistakes too ;)
Oh right, that far down the list am I? *huff*

5th from bottom, that's friendship for you! :p
Last time I take you to Subway! :D
Oh right, that far down the list am I? *huff*

5th from bottom, that's friendship for you! :p
Last time I take you to Subway! :D

ooooo sorry if giving you a free card reader isnt top of my list Mr Booth :p lol :nono:

I am hoping it will appear in the two room cleaning operations :|
LOL You know I'm only kidding chief :D

As a further note, I find "to do" lists incredibly satisfying. I love making em, then ticking them off, one by one :D
My 365 - Day 156

I was driving around looking for a shot for my 365 today and saw some cows in a lovely green field, and with a bit of layby on the side of the road. As I pulled up I noticed a couple of cows had noticed me. In the time it had taken me to get my camera (and myself) out of the car there were about 6 cows up against the fence staring at me. I walked over and most of them backed off a little, but the one in this photo was far more interested in seeing what I smelt like! I tried various shots of the cows but pretty much all of them contrain this guy (I think its male, it has horns!). I tried to get something like the pig shots (in my 365...a few weeks ago).


I like this shot (y) Like the cow standing in the background looking to the right :) Spot on again ;)
do you have your fotolia link so i can have a ganders please,

great shots btw