My 365 - Day 169

I got 5 large prints done at the end of last year when Photobox did a special deal. So far I have one framed and on my wall, but I have two other frames knocking around which I have never bothered to fill :( So this evening I thought I would do one, left it too late to be banging nails into the wall, but at least it is framed :) (even included a lovely reflection in the shot to prove I took it in my room, it is supposed to be there, honest!)
My 365 - Day 170

One of the many things still to do on my "to do list" from over 2 weeks ago now was to tidy my room. I completed this job today :) including a couple of other jobs of framing some more poster size prints and getting them up on the walls. I had to take a photo to remind myself just how tidy my room can be, but instead of the usual I thought I would see how Photoshop handled a panorama of a square room. The answer is erm....pretty oddly. There were a few bad joins but those were sorted with some quick cloning, but the VERY wonky walls aren't really fixable. Still makes quite a quirky shot I think. Wasn't going to use this as my 365 shot, but it is peeing down outside and doesn't look like it is going to get much better :(

P.S - that might not look too tidy to some, but for me that is insanely neat :p
169 = Great sunset ... (y) ... must have missed this one ... :cautious: ... and what's wrong with nailing late at night ... :naughty:

170 = What a great effect ... :D ... and Sooooo tidy ... :eek: ... reminds me what is waiting for me back at home but I don't think I want to stay here much longer with the freakin' cold wet rain and b'stard millyuns of midges ... :nono:

Sounds like you are having a blast Ven :(

My 365 - Day 171

I am working on some maps for a client at the moment, and while trying out a method of photographing a huge map. It wasnt a great success as it is a very detailed map and it is just too hard to get a nice crisp shot, this was one of my test shots, mainly for lighting and reflections and just to see how the camera coped with the lines etc, I quite like it though for some reason. I have always liked maps since I was small though, a bit odd in that way (and many other ways too)

P.S - Re-reading that it sounds like I made that map. I didn't, it is an official Council one. I am adding shading and labels etc for my client :)
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My 365 - Day 172

Not a great story for this one, I spotted this shot whilst cleaning my bathroom the other day :) but it looked much better today with the sun shining and nice sky. This is the window I normally take the chimney shots from (look back through my 365 to see others) but this is with the window closed. It is my bathroom window so it is frosted glass. I quite like its effect on the view, though it does look like a Photoshop filter :|
You need to squash your face up against the other side and take a self portrait! :D

(As for how, if its an external window?....That's just details :p)
I should have used the window cleaners ladders Marcel ;) they were here earlier :p

P.S - Ticked another thing of my "to do list" (Day 155) - All the broken links to shots earlier in this thread are now fixed :D
Cheers Whittie :)

My 365 - Day 173

I was hunting around for a snack earlier and decided to have some fruit. Found these in the fridge and then noticed the long stalk on one of the strawberries, decided I could make a shot out of my!
My 365 - Day 174

Took a trip over to Blackpool today in the hope of getting some storm or heavy wind shots, big waves crashing over trams, that sort of thing. We werent able to get there for high tide and by the time we did get there the only crashing waves we saw were the ones going over the Riverdance ship which grounded on the beach north of Blackpool some time ago. This shot shows the Riverdance on its side and the Blackpool Tower in the distance. I dont often do rectangular crops for photos as I don't like them that much, but this shot was crying out for it.
My 365 - Day 175

The weather this afternoon was so nice I took a stole down the lane out of my village. It has been a while since I have been down there and there are now lots of wild flowers etc all growing in the hedges at the side of the road.
Nice detail JL (y)

I have not got a clue what flower that is :LOL:

Cheers Whittie :)

My 365 - Day 173

I was hunting around for a snack earlier and decided to have some fruit. Found these in the fridge and then noticed the long stalk on one of the strawberries, decided I could make a shot out of my!

My god im starving now you asshole :D
Thanks for the kind comments :)

My 365 - Day 176

Spotted this pretty large lamb whilst out and about today. He wasnt really fussed that we were walking past him, but he had a piece of grass in his mouth and was just chewing on the end of it, in a propper cheesy Clint Easwood way.
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Just realised I forgot to paste in the description for this one! oops :p

I was about 20ft away from it, they are pretty tame now.

EDIT - Description now added.
My 365 - Day 177

Went for a walk along the canal in Skipton today, noticed this barge coming towards us with a dog hanging its head around the side to see where they were going. The dog wasn't to fussed about me, but as they went past it turned to see what I was doing. Not an amazing shot, but I like it.
Must visit this thread more often

Must visit this thread more often

Must...... you get the idea:D

Some cracking pictures in here Tom(y) I love 165 & 167, the composition and processing is superb in both of them.

Keep em coming (y)
My 365 - Day 178

I just can't seem to get a shot of this car (or any car) that I like. I dont know what is it, but I just cant seem to get the right angle for the shot or anything :( Maybe I just don't have the right locations! It annoys me though!
:woot: ... !'m BACK ... :cautious:

171 = Maps ... :eek: give me SatNav anytime ...

172 = I would have recognised our Chim Chiminee even through bathroom window glass ... (y) ...

173 = Nice snack but makes me feel queazy as I've just finished a big dinner off with a best in class Lemon Tart topped with fresh raspberries ...

174 = Just got back from the wet 'n windy North late Sunday and had to leave at 0530hrs for a round trip to Blackpool on Tuesday ... great image that though Tom ... ;) ...

175 = Despite the harsh overhead lighting that's a good 'un ...

176 = All that Greenery and I see no mint ... :eek: ...

177 = Excellent colour rendition and very nice life style image ...

178 = It's a car spoiling a damn fine view ... :shrug: ...

You nearly lived up to your promise though Tom ... 14 varied images ready for my return ... :clap: ... I don't know how you do it but I for one am impressed at your staying power ... you keep taking and I'll keep a-coming back ... :D

Tom, i've just spent the last twenty minutes or so looking through your 365, i'm not saying the images at the start weren't good... but you can see you've been improving no end!

I really do think your pictures are amazing, and love seeing your latest pic in the 365.

Keep it up mate :)
I've seen your photography increase at an alarming rate...
A rate which actually makes me a little jealous!

That last one is dayum! material.
Your shots are truly stunning. I go away for a few months and you get this good. You should have kicked me out of the country sooner!
when shooting cars i prefere them to be at eye level, try crouching or even lay down and see what angles you can see.
I like the PP on this last one JL - I would be happy with it

Cheers Gary :)

:woot: ... !'m BACK ...

171 = Maps ... give me SatNav anytime ...

172 = I would have recognised our Chim Chiminee even through bathroom window glass ... ...

173 = Nice snack but makes me feel queazy as I've just finished a big dinner off with a best in class Lemon Tart topped with fresh raspberries ...

174 = Just got back from the wet 'n windy North late Sunday and had to leave at 0530hrs for a round trip to Blackpool on Tuesday ... great image that though Tom ... ...

175 = Despite the harsh overhead lighting that's a good 'un ...

176 = All that Greenery and I see no mint ......

177 = Excellent colour rendition and very nice life style image ...

178 = It's a car spoiling a damn fine view ... ...

You nearly lived up to your promise though Tom ... 14 varied images ready for my return ... ... I don't know how you do it but I for one am impressed at your staying power ... you keep taking and I'll keep a-coming back ..

As always many thanks for your honest and detailed feedback Ven, it really is much appreciated.

Tom, i've just spent the last twenty minutes or so looking through your 365, i'm not saying the images at the start weren't good... but you can see you've been improving no end!

I really do think your pictures are amazing, and love seeing your latest pic in the 365.

Keep it up mate

Cheers Whittie :) I think this 365 has helped me and my photography, but there are still times when I come back with shots that I know I have done similar far better in the past

I've seen your photography increase at an alarming rate...
A rate which actually makes me a little jealous!

That last one is dayum! material.

As above :p and ty

I think your ideas have been rubbing off on one another, both are excellent photographers

Ideas rubbing off each other or we just nick each others shots when out shooting together! and he is a far better photographer than me, just don't tell him!

Your shots are truly stunning. I go away for a few months and you get this good. You should have kicked me out of the country sooner!

Yay! Renee ello :) many thanks for the kind comments (y) and you shouldn't have left the country at all, meets just aren't the same without you :(

when shooting cars i prefere them to be at eye level, try crouching or even lay down and see what angles you can see.

Cheers mate. Lots of people have told me that since posting this pic. Lesson learnt! :D
My 365 - Day 179

Not a very exciting, but I haven't had a very exciting day :( I am, however, going to see Radiohead in Manchester on Sunday and am going to take the Ixus along to get some shots (and a 365 shot of course). Anyway, I haven't tried the Ixus 75 at 1600 ISO before, so thought I would give it a whirl, I needed something with light and dark areas to test it on, and so took a shot of the bottle infront of me :p So yeah, it is pretty noisy, but might look ok in black and white :D
Oh dear, he is on the cider again. tut tut :D

Looks good to me as it is (y)

My 365 - Day 179

Didn't have a shot done for today so took my camera with me into Skipton as I had to buy some oil for my car (exciting!) as I past by the railway station I saw lots of people looking over the walls and then a big cloud of steam. Stopped the car and went to have a look and I though I had timed it perfectly to see a steam training leaving the station. It turns out the engine has just broken down :( so I came home and got my bag of lenses (only had my 10-20 on me to start with). Turns out this train was supposed to have done 3 journeys today, but the first two were cancelled and then it broke down on this third run.