like the colours in this one. hows the inspiration coping?

Thanks - inspiration is about the same as normal, IE none :p

Fantastic. I just wish I could see more of it!

Cheers :) there isn't any more of it to see to be honest, there is a road running right along the bottom of that frame, to the right it is a bit messy as the river, then the train line, then the canal all cross the the left is erm....just field :( lol
I love the last shot, and whilst some more foreground light would be good, its still awesome. Keep it up JL.
Hahaha awesome, reminds me of Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story :D

"Your Mocking me....Aren't you?"

Love it :D
catching up inthis 365- sunset picture has turned out very weel i think and the monkey one is awesome.
"I facebooked you mum" t'shirt should be worn
Fly monkey, FLY :)

Awesome JL :)

The picture adds to it aswell (y)

hehe thanks - Monkey has recovered slightly now and it serm...sitting somewhere....oh face down on my desk slightly squashed by a 350D with 70-200 attached...poor thing :p

My 365 - Day 190

Finally got my arse into gear today and starting working on some ideas for my website, I always go off an idea before I finish making the site, so I thought I should post a pic of this one so I can't go back! Well I can, but hopefully I wont :p Not sure why the 10-20 decided that the top bit of monitor was blue, but add a little colour :p
Cop out :p Surprised you didn't leave the lens cap on and say "Its dark out" :p
I'm liking that layout JL. Building it by hand / dreamweaver / visual studio / other method?

Delete where appropriate :D

My 365 - Day 191

Haven't felt 100% today but went out to get some fresh air. The weather was pretty horrid, not even an interesting sky to make the most of! I explored a road I haven't been down before and have spotted a few possible new locations. The shot above is a gateway along the Pennine Way. This isnt the best angle but it was raining pretty hard at this stage and it made me rush a little so composition is a bit off :(
188 = Great sunset JL ... (y) ... but then you don't do bad sunsets do you ... ;)

189 = I know it's only a fun shot ... :cautious: ... but it seems like a rush jobby on this one ... :shrug: ... still a great concept and the idea has been executed well ... (y)

190 = It's definitely your poota screen ... :cautious: ... again ... :D

191 = I love this style of yours Tom ... (y) ... and thinking very hard about it I reckon the only observation I can make is try it with the gate ajar to lead us in with the muddy footprints rather than shutting us out ... :shrug:

i like it, its def making the most out of a horrid day.
very nice :)

Cheers :)

Looks familiar (as one of your old 365 days?)

Hope you feel better tomorrow

Thanks and not take any shots of this isn't too far from some other shots though - same style of walls etc...and probably the same hills in the background.

My 365 - Day 191

Haven't felt 100% today but went out to get some fresh air. The weather was pretty horrid, not even an interesting sky to make the most of! I explored a road I haven't been down before and have spotted a few possible new locations. The shot above is a gateway along the Pennine Way. This isnt the best angle but it was raining pretty hard at this stage and it made me rush a little so composition is a bit off :(

Nice shot, you definately have a thing for gates :D

Keep em coming!!

188 = Great sunset JL but then you don't do bad sunsets do you ... ;)

189 = I know it's only a fun shot ..but it seems like a rush jobby on this one ... still a great concept and the idea has been executed well ..

190 = It's definitely your poota screen ... :cautious: ... again ... :D

191 = I love this style of yours Tom ... (y) ... and thinking very hard about it I reckon the only observation I can make is try it with the gate ajar to lead us in with the muddy footprints rather than shutting us out ...

Cheers Ven as always :) The gate was padlocked so couldnt open it I did try and I wanted it as a leading line into the landscape behind, but it was shut fast!

Nice shot, you definately have a thing for gates

Keep em coming!!


Gates are win! :) cheers :p
My 365 - Day 192

Spoilt for choice for todays 365 - I got a shot in mind as I saw a car splash through a nearby road that was semi flooded. I was on the way to pick my dad up from the train station, so convinced him to drive through this flood/large puddle and I could get some shots. That shot worked quite well (as is in my Flickr Photostream) but after dropping him off at home I went back to the same spot and took some shots of the flooded fields. I really like how this one came out :)

The shot that almost made it -
Last edited:
That is a superb shot, look at the lights and reflections!!! What a talent :)
My 365 - Day 192

Spoilt for choice for todays 365 - I got a shot in mind as I saw a car splash through a nearby road that was semi flooded. I was on the way to pick my dad up from the train station, so convinced him to drive through this flood/large puddle and I could get some shots. That shot worked quite well (as is in my Flickr Photostream) but after dropping him off at home I went back to the same spot and took some shots of the flooded fields. I really like how this one came out :)

The shot that almost made it -

that is niice!! good choice x
Cheers Ven as always :) The gate was padlocked so couldnt open it I did try and I wanted it as a leading line into the landscape behind, but it was shut fast!

Dan shame that and why aren't I surprised that you'd already nicked my idea ... :cautious: ...

Bolt croppers on the next trip then ... :naughty:

192 = Simply stunning Tom ... :clap: ... that has got to be the best (not just your best) sunset/reflection image I have experienced on here ... :eek: ... awesome just does not do it justice ... :shrug:

WOW jimmy, that last photo is amazing, really like the reflections and the burst of light in the middle.:clap::clap:
I think the last image is the crown in your thread so far it is cracking...

I think I will just feed my camera to the waste disposal unit....:coat::sulk::exit:
aw thanks everyone :D feel free to click on it and follow it through to Flickr and comment or fav :p That is one image I wouldn't mind making Explore, hehe
My 365 - Day 193

Was tempted to go with a very different sort of photo today as yesterdays similar sort of shot proved so popular. But the weather has been so bad that this is all I have ended up with. This is from the same spot as day....erm.. 54. I think I said then you will probably see this view again. Can't see much of it today though. It has rained pretty much none stop! This view looks down the Aire Valley (with skipton off on the left). Possibly some (more) flood shots tomorrow as there is bound to be a few road closures after all this rain.
Like todays shot JL, but have to agree with everyone else - yesterdays shot - blew my mind, amazing!!!