now that is a bit of luck for you, great image - i love mono's of trains - i had taken some pictures at langollen (i think) last year on my Fuji finepix and it was great!
Just caught up again, some fabulous images, I think anyone who does a 365 is amazing to keep it going :clap:
Thanks everyone :)

Todays shot is going to be posted tomorrow as I am not gonna get home until the early hours.

EDIT - Ignore that, I got home earlier than I thought.
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My 365 - Day 181

Went to the Radiohead gig in Manchester tonight, was a good night with some lovely weather. They played as the sunset finishing off at dusk with a very impressive light show. In fact the whole thing was really well put together, excellent sound system and a good set. Venue wasn't too bad either :) Didn't think I would get away with taking a 40D in so just took the IXUS 75, who needs a wide angle lens when you can do panoramas!
Aye it was really good Whittie :)

My 365 - Day 182

Caught this little fella working hard on some wild flowers. Not much else to say about it really. Flower + Bee + F4 = Photo :)
Is it me, or is there loads of bee's around at the moment?

Think they're getting all the pollen before the flowers die for winter :LOL:

Good shot :)
Radiohead image AWESOME. The flower pic also good. keep it up mate, didnt realise how far into this you had come!!

My 365 - Day 183

I REALLY wanted a shot of some poppies this year. I thought I had missed them, but it turns out they are still going strong, just not easy to find. Thanks to a tip off of a good spot I managed to get some shots today (yay!) It involved climbing over a pretty wobbly fence, but it looks like many people have done it before, but it was worth it I think.
LOL pete.

Nice shot JL, better than the one you showed us before ;)
179 = I've never tried cider from pears ... :cautious: ... is it as good as the apple stuff ... :shrug: ... ;)

179 = superb chuufa shot JL ... (y) ... although you could lose quite a bit of sky on this one to give it bags more impact ... :cautious: ... even down to almost a square format ... :D

:thinking: ... Doubling up on your numbers again to make the torture last longer eh Tom ... :naughty:

I see you have numbering sorted here Tom ... :shrug:

181 = great take for a little 'un ... :D

182 = "Flower + Bee + F4 = Photo" - not much to add really ... :shrug:

183 = :LOL: @ Pete ... :D ... but a super take on the traditional poppy field shot ... (y) ... such vibrant colours and superb choice of composition ... :clap: ... really not sure about the tree though ... :cautious:


184 =
hehe certainly was nice, just realised the shot looks a bit soft though - think I might have forgotten to sharpen once I resized! D'oh
Just caught up mr JL. Those poppys are great.

I spotted a couple of fields full of them on saturday while on a bus between wakey and huddersfield - no camera with me - pratt!!! They were the deepest red I have ever seen in poppys.
Wow thanks everyone :D

My 365 - Day 185

Very boring shot of our poor bashed up IXUS 75 but I am really happy with it because I managed to get this looking like this "in camera". All my other shots like this (such as yesterdays) have had a lot of editing done on them, I always need to brighten the white background and clone out joins in the paper etc. Realised this evening that I should use a reflector to bounce the light down onto the paper instead of letting it go all the way upto the ceiling! Was a bit tricky getting the settings right as metering was pretty useless so was a case of trial and error :) Just need to find something interesting to photography like this now!
That's excellent Tom, i really like how you have got it more to the back on the right side :)

Tony (y)
My 365 - Day 186

Took a trip to see the Sauber BMW road show thingy in Manchester today and it was brilliant! Full of photo ops :) I have a ton of shots, but this seems to capture the scene quite well. It took place in the car park of the Trafford Centre (the building in the background). The bloke driving the car is a BMW World Touring Car driver and he seemed pretty good at doughnuts, though this first run was cut short as they put too much water on the track! :( Was still impressive, but F1 cars are LOUD!!!
Oh i really like this one, captured the smoke and the atmosphere very good

JL lookes like that car is having some serious fun! Donuts??? Good vantage poit...did you climb on something?

Can anyone count the number of point and shoots? Cool! Now, first prize to whomever can spot the SLR!!! :D

hehe certainly was nice, just realised the shot looks a bit soft though - think I might have forgotten to sharpen once I resized! D'oh

Hmmm ... :cautious: ... I reckon you were in too much of a rush to gobble it up to do a proper job Tom ... :naughty:

184 = Prefer Custard Tarts personally ... but a great shot even if it is a little soft ... ;)

185 = That's half decent ... :cautious: ... the image I mean ... :D

186 = Great shot JL and I really do think that composition is awesome ... :clap:

Keep on keeping on ... :clap:

My 365 - Day 187

Pretty pointless photo, but it has been a pretty pointless day. Haven't really got anything usefull done and haven't even been out of the house! Bored now :p
I haven't used the 40D without one :( but as soon as I put a grip on my 350D I loved it and so when I purchased the 40D I ordered a grip at the same time. I imagine the 40D would feel really small to me without it now. I just find it really useful for shooting in portrait and keeping battery power up. Plus it just feels right with my 70-200 attached.
Good old Canon there :)

First one of them sort of shots JL, B&W does it quite good :)
My 365 - Day 188

The sky looked promising for a good sunset this evening. By the time the sun was setting the clouds had returned, however :( I still went out and headed to this spot as I have taken a few shots here before but normally on the way home from finding other sunsets, so it isnt normally too good. I quite like this one though. There was a low mist across the fields which helped them stay lighter looking against the dark sunset. Its isnt a perfect shot as it was getting too dark so was shooting F6.3 to keep the ISO down :( so the sky is a little out of focus
like the colours in this one. hows the inspiration coping?