193 = excellent moody bad weather image JL ... (y) ... anyone can 'do' good weather shooting right ... :D

My 365 - Day 194

I went to take a look at Clogfest which took place in Skipton today (well I think it lasts the whole weekend). Seems I missed things happening in other parts of the town, but it was still going strong at the canal basin. You certainly didn't get anything like Clogfest in Derby (where I use to live).
194 = Great colours front to back ... (y) ... looks like a full on activity event ... :cautious: ... did you get your clogs ... :D

CLOGFEST??? Crazy stuff, never she sh*t like this in the big bad city!!! Nice pic.
My 365 - Day 195

A fairly "meh" shot today, but I feel pretty "meh" :( full of cold and just knackered all day. It was a lovely day weather wise and at one point decided I should go out and take some photos, took a few shots of the hanging basket by the front door before I went, just taking these shots seem to wipe all my energy so I gave up on going for a walk :( so all I have taken today were those few shots of the hanging baskets! So here is the best of the bunch.
195 = and this is you on an off day ... :eek: ... lovely sharp, vibrant shot imhgo ... (y) ... sorry to hear you are not feeling 100% Tom and hope you're back fighting fit soon ... ;)

Is the background part of a wicker hanging basket thingy then ... :shrug:

hehe thanks Ven and yeah the background is the wicker basket - DOF is too narrow really :( Thought I was playing it safe with F7 but seem not :( Didn't even get the whole of the branch/twig with the flowers in focus grrr :p
Hope you get better soon mate, Clogfest looks rather random :LOL:

Like today's, lovely colours.

Cheers :) and yeah Clogfest was a tad random, seemed like really nice people though which is why I don't really want to say anything bad, but it was just....random! They weren't even what I thought clogs would be, they were just wooden based handmade shoes (I think) I was expecting full wooden carved things :(
Nice comp and colours JL. Hope you get well soon, manflu sucks :( Have you a ladyfriend to bring you hot soup and coffee all day? :D.


WOW, I have only just had a flick through your 365 Jimmy and some of the images are absoultely fantastic! 192 has to be my favourite though :D
Cheers Romper :D

My 365 - Day 196

This is my sisters friends daughter, she (and her dad and my sister) are off on holiday and visited us on the way to say hello and have some tea etc. We got a fashion show of this young ladies holiday outfit including some lovely sun glasses.
196 = Now that was really unexpected ... :cautious: ... and a great little capture it is too ... (y) ... and a super display of pots and plants too ... ;)

Are you having an early night too Tom ... :naughty:

What a wonderful images.... captures it all summer day, holiday... and fashion..

My 365 - Day 197

Slightly annoyed about this shot as it would have been so much better about 20 mins earlier! They had just finished "harvesting" the grass in this field, I could have got some interesting shots with the slightly higher sun over the top of the tractors etc. I still like the shot, but just wonder what it could have been :(
Another cracker JL. You must have hundreds of excellent sunsets by now, trully awesome stuff.
Just played catch up on this thread again. Day 192, stunning.... nothing else to say really, just stunning:clap:
197 = Another lovely sunset ... (y) ... although it does look rather dark this end ... :shrug: ... might just be me but it makes me wonder too about the 'the one that got away' ... :cautious: ... and now you are starting to sound like a fisherman ... :LOL:

I reckon you must be TP's very own Sunset Meister easily by now JL ... :clap:

My 365 - Day 198

Not the shot I had planned for today. I wanted to go back to the location of yesterdays shot but as I headed out the rain clouds rolled in so I tried to get a shot of whatever I could before the rain came in :( I still quite like this shot, however.
Awesome sky and vivid green field. You can always spot a JL shot a mile off, you definately have your own take on things, like it a lot.

My 365 - Day 199

Nothing exciting today, been working on my website all day. Sat down to eat my tea (the pizza) and realised the weather is rubbish so no chance of any outdoor shots before dark and I want to spend the evening working on my site not worrying about this 365 - so took a shot of what was infront of me :)
Ooooh im hungry, and I wanna go design a site...screw you, I need to sleep!!!! :bang:
198 = Yet another locked gate ... :D ... but :agree: with Gary it has JL stamped all over it ... and that Green ... :love:

199 = Reckon I prefer Marcel's CJDs ... ;) ... I'm not hungry and I have no inclination to design anything let alone a web site ... :eek: ... but I do need to sleep ... seriously ... :shrug:

just caught up on the last few images, absolutely stunning sunset,
and the green of that field :eek:
keep up the excellent images. (y)
My 365 - Day 200

Uh oh! Monkey found my stash of sweets. Not in the mood for anything creative today :(
Like the comp and lighting... nice shot.....dont let monkey near the local school with all them sweets..

200 = Double century's up JL ... :eek: ... another milestone passed already ... :D ... and I love that creative Monkeh image Tom ... (y) ... superb detail and lovely composition and lighting ... :clap:

My 365 - Day 201

Last night was a local festival, I guess that is the best name for it. It is basically just a big party that takes place in a field above Skipton. The weather got better as the night went on, but I forgot to repeat this shot with the better sky!

P.S - Didn't get home till late, hence why yesterdays is only going up now.
That is awesome. Maybe the one i like the most out of your set (y)

wow cheers Tony :)

My 365 - Day 202

It looked like it was going to be a great sunset tonight, and I think it was...but I was watching Top Gear. Went out as soon as it finished and managed to just grab the last 10 minutes of the sun going down. Found this spot and snapped away, quite like the result too (and yes it is a sunset over a gate)
201 = Great WA effect on that one JL ... (y) ... looks a rather lively affair ... :shrug:

202 = Another lovely 'set ... ;) ... but priorities m8 ... :cautious: ... couldn't you record TG ... :shrug:

quite like the result too (and yes it is a sunset over a gate)

:D ... Locked again I suppose ... :thinking: ... and you clearly haven't invested in those bolt croppers yet ... :eek:

201 = Great WA effect on that one JL ... (y) ... looks a rather lively affair ... :shrug:

202 = Another lovely 'set ... ... but priorities m8 ... :cautious: ... couldn't you record TG ... :shrug:

... Locked again I suppose ... :thinking: ... and you clearly haven't invested in those bolt croppers yet ... :eek:


Didn't check for locked this time as there was no foreground interest the other side of it really, and the land over there is all mines and full of big holes by the looks of it :(

And yesterdays shot doesn't really show the liveliness as all the music and dancing was in the tent on the right, nicely bloked by the other tent, grrrr.
Shots that (sort of) prove the liveliness here - :p (its lively for a small village anyway! hehe)