My 365 - Day 38

This just caught me eye as I was out shopping today. Behind all the scaffolding is an old mill, which is currently being converted into apartments. It isnt too easy to see, but the yellow sign on the arch says "See You Later", obviously aimed at shoppers leaving Morrisons, but seemed quite apt as the old mill will no doubt appear from its protective bubble sometime soon. Not a great deal of thought went into the metaphore, I just saw it and took the shot :p
My 365 - Day 39

Very random, but I cleaned my bathroom today, so to celebrate I took a photo. Not much more to say about it really, its just a wide angle bathroom :)
My 365 - Day 40

I took a quick trip out today to grab a few shots while the weather was so good. I popped to Linton Falls, near Grassington in the Yorkshire Dales. I have been once before on a fairly overcast day shortly after heavy rain and the falls were almost not visable, seemed to be a good amount today showing the rocks and causing good motion blur. Unfortunatly the nice weather brought out lots of other people and I couldnt seem to get a shot with the brige empty :(
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My 365 - Day 41

I was taking photos at the village panto dress rehersal today. First time I have done a propper two body shoot. Had my 70-200 f4 L IS on my 40D and my 17-40 on my 350D. It was very usefull and meant I could get a great range of shots. This is one of the first that has jumped out at me. I love how much detail you get from 70-200, also the lack of noise at 1600 iso on the 40D is amazing.
My 365 - Day 42

I spotted these lambs in a field near where I live yesterday, so made it my mission to get some shots of them today. At first they were at the other side of the field, but as soon as I hung around near the fence the adult sheep came over to investigate, not sure if they thought I had food or if they were protecting their lambs, either way they came nice and close and my 70-200 performed wonderfully again (I love this lens!) and I managed to fire off about 100 shots of about 6 lambs. A few others to come soon, but this was my pick of the bunch.
I reckon there'll be loads of Ooohs & Aaahs at this one JL ... :D ... nicely composed though ... (y)

AND ... do we get the feeling you like the 70 -200 ... :cautious: ... whatever that is ... :shrug:


You're doing well, it not easy to do, I have tried a couple of times to do a photo a day, mainly going out at lunch time with my camera during the week. Longest I managed was about 7 weeks and that was during the summer months :LOL: going to give it a go again, will try and get a set of themes that I can use. Been looking at Marcel's self portait photo a day as well not sure if I should try the self portait route or not, that would be a challenge! Anyway keep at it looking forward to seeing more.
Looks like the lamb is mid bounce. You are doing very well to keep on top of this.
My 365 - Day 43

Another lovely sunset tonight so I went out to a location I discovered last night to try and get some more shots. Yesterday I got a shot I really like looking at the sunset over a gate ( so I thought I would try something similar again. This was the result.
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That's a super image JL ... (y) ... and equal to the 'original' but ... :cautious: ... different processing right ... :shrug:

Very nice.
There has been some cracking sunsets round here this past week, the sunrises ain't been to bad either - apart from Monday when you could not see your own feet never mind the sun!!!
Both tonemapped, but the lack of mist today didnt give off so much of an orange glow to the hills etc. I have just noticed a random brighter patch on right middle, which is a bit random and annoying now I have spotted it :p
You seem to have this tonemapping down to a fine art JL. Day 43 is my newest favourite so far. :)
My 365 - Day 44

I have posted quite a few heavily processed shots over the last few days/weeks so thought I would post one pretty much straight from the camera. I am not sure why I took this shot, but it was written above a gate, so for some reason that made me take it! (dont ask) All I have done to this is a resize and a sharpen. It could probably benifit from some more very carefull sharpening, but I like it as it is :)
Can't beat the old classic "Out of the camera" stuff (y)

BTW Love the new image tag / signature.
My 365 - Day 45

Took a wander around Grassington in the Yorkshire Dales today, the weather was nice at times so got a few shots I was happy with, this was one of them. My niggle with this is that the clouds just coming over the top of the pub have ended up looking like the dreaded 'Halo' from HDR shots, but I am sure it is just the clouds, I havent processed it enough to make it halo.
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Fab pictures as always - at first I thought Marcel, finding a picture would be more difficult, however, I think that you have probably set yourself a more difficult task in finding different scenes etc everyday!

Well done you in managing to capture great shots everyday (y)
Might be worth making both of the 365 days shooting threads into sticky's

Just my two cents
I really like the GATES image ... (y) ... but with the top bit including the dark patch chopped off as it strengthens the whole imhgo ... :D

I really like the Black Horse image ... (y) ... but with the yellow lines chopped off as they are so distracting imhgo ... :D

AND ... Wouldn't you just love to chop something off from all these whiners JL ... :naughty:

Impressed you keep coming up with the goods each day ... :clap: ... and they are quite different ... :cautious: ... mostly ... :D

I really like the GATES image ... (y) ... but with the top bit including the dark patch chopped off as it strengthens the whole imhgo ... :D

I really like the Black Horse image ... (y) ... but with the yellow lines chopped off as they are so distracting imhgo ... :D

AND ... Wouldn't you just love to chop something off from all these whiners JL ... :naughty:

Impressed you keep coming up with the goods each day ... :clap: ... and they are quite different ... :cautious: ... mostly ... :D


hehe, just realised I havent mentioned it anywhere, but for these 365 shot I am trying to go for getting all my shots framed and straight in camera, found I was getting very lazy with my composition and alignment recently, so when I started this I though I would not crop or straighten anything (unless it REALLY needed it) just to make my concentrate on taking my shots more, hence the random bits of cars and yellow lines etc, Seems I am still not paying full attention when shooting :(
Day 45. I understand your determination to get the composition right in camera and I hate myself for saying this, but the only niggle I have with the hotel pic is the double yellow lines. It's a very photogenic building but my eyes keep getting drawn to those yellow lines. Can't you, just this once, crop them out?

Just my opinion.
Yeah I will crop it, or clone them out if I ever use the shot for anything :) but for my 365 it will remain un-cropped as a reminder to me to watch out for stuff like that ;) Thanks for all the continued replies everyone :) Really does help me to keep going!
My 365 - Day 46

Awfull photo today, but havent had chance to take anything else! It is mid run for the local panto and I have been roped into helping backstage lugging props on and off etc. Took this shot as a reminder of what first posistions were for this set of props, but as I havent really taken any other photos today this one is now my 365 too ;) Prizes for anyone that can guess what panto it is! (Without visiting the url on the photo and finding out!)
Peter Pan....Captain Hook?

I promise I didn't check the URL...its the only one I can think of that would have a ships steering wheel :D
hehe, just realised I havent mentioned it anywhere, but for these 365 shot I am trying to go for getting all my shots framed and straight in camera, found I was getting very lazy with my composition and alignment recently, so when I started this I though I would not crop or straighten anything (unless it REALLY needed it) just to make my concentrate on taking my shots more, hence the random bits of cars and yellow lines etc, Seems I am still not paying full attention when shooting :(

Aah ... :thinking: ... I understand now ... :cautious: ... but that's no excuse for getting it wrong so often ... :LOL:


My 365 - Day 47

Like yesterday I havent had chance to get out and take any photos (even thought the weather has been lovely and clear :( ) So here is a quick snap from the final night of the local panto. Not techinally perfect by a long way, but I am impressed by the quality the little IXUS 75 can produce in tricky conditions.
Some amazing shots along your journey so far JL. Can't wait to see the other 290 odd!
My 365 - Day 48

Have been keeping an eye out for any lambs nearby, but seems the ones from day 42 are still the only ones outside at least. When I went to get some shots today this lamb in particular was quite happy to pose nicely in the sun.
Awww!!! or should that be ... mmmm!!! :LOL:

Very Cute JL, I snapped some yesterday but havent looked yet.
Ill be happy if the, dare I say 'white' fleece looks well exposed as yours!
Keep it up young man ;)
My 365 - Day 49

A quick shot I spotted whilst watching some ducks trying to walk across a frozen pond. The ducks were going to be the shot for today but as most of them seemed to have great balance I didnt manage to get any nice humerous 'Duck Slipping onto ass' shots so it is just some ducks on ice, which is ok but nothing amazing.
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