Not been on these forums for ages - in fact this may be the first time this year .... and then I stumble across this!!

Absolutely brilliant work Jimmy. The photos are cracking and as someone said earlier - making them into a book at the end of the year would prove an interesting insight into your life in 2008!!!

A mate of mine is doing a similar thing on another site - called To be honest though, I don't think the photos on there are as interesting as the ones seen here.

Great work mate - keep it up!

Also, could anyone give me links to the other people who are doing these - is it Marcel & Tom ? As I would look forward to seeing their efforts too.

Shows dedication to manage to get just one snap off every day!

Must go and dust down the old D50 and get out!


I like days 26 & 27. That is nice and sneaky in the pizza place. So that is a good use of live view.
My 365 - Day 28

Back in the car again. Manage to set up a very stable rig, but set it up in the dark and was so happy it was steady I didnt pay full attention and shot everything at 20mm not 10mm :( so not was wide as I would have like. I have smoothed the windscreen slightly while processing and it has given it a bit of an unreal look, so will avoid that in the future I think, but I quite like the sharpness of the dashboard and the amount of outside blur in this shot.
JL, you are really doing well with this - I do hope though that although you are distracted from your photography you are paying very careful attention to the road, Day 28 is clearly a built up area. I'd hate to find out that you are unable to finish your 365 due to an incident with a pedestrian, cyclist, copper :eek:.

great shots - I do wonder how you find the time and inspiration to do one every day (y)
Hehe 10 second timer from leaving the lights means I had my full attention on the road ;) Did overtake some police further on in the journey with camera still on tripod next to the window though :p - they followed me for a while, but then seemed to get bored as I wasnt speeding or anything.

There's a challenge for you. Set your camera up in your car again facing out other side window and take photos of cars you are overtaking. A patrol car would be good.
My 365 - Day 29

Rubbish day weather wise, and I wasnt in the mood to day any more 'studio' shots, so went for a different take on the "Chimney Out Of My Window" shot :)
Each and every one brilliant!

It is one heck of a challenge and I agree with the book idea. I can't wait to see what else you come up with. I would never have thought about shooting in the car. Inspired.
Love that first car shot.

Jeez, what are going to be like by the end of the year? :LOL:
My 365 - Day 30

Too tired to give this much of a discription. Have been in London all day and managed to get chance to visit the new look St Pancras Station. I have got to say it is very impressive, having been the old one many time this make over makes it about 1million times better :) and it also has some great photo ops! and didn't get hassled by any security either. Very rushed processing on this, as I have only just got in and REALLY need sleep :(
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I like that wet chimnet shot JL.

If I had my camera at work now I could take shots of bloody horizontal rain/sleet/hail. Oh so much joy when you have to use public transport !!
My 365 - Day 31

Today was the deadline for this months "Colourful" competition. This isnt the shot I have submitted, but it was one of the ideas I tried today. I realised after cutting the peppers in half that they were pretty dull so decided to try and backlight them so that the texture shone through. So I set this up with the half peppers held up with blue tac and cocktail sticks and then lit the long exposure with my speedlite including a flash from behind each pepper. It needed a bit of work to get the whites a constant white all round, but I am happy I got this all in one shot and havent had to stick 3 shots together :)
My 365 - Day 32

Went shopping today so played some Trolley Bandits :) Turns out Morrisons trolleys arent too good :( the loop/scope is quite low and close to the handlebar. Ah well got me a 4 pointer! More about Trolley Bandits here -
My 365 - Day 30

Too tired to give this much of a discription. Have been in London all day and managed to get chance to visit the new look St Pancras Station. I have got to say it is very impressive, having been the old one many time this make over makes it about 1million times better :) and it also has some great photo ops! and didn't get hassled by any security either. Very rushed processing on this, as I have only just got in and REALLY need sleep :(

Love this shot,so much detail in the roof..and for what it's worth I think the book idea should be looked into.

Great to have a couple of days out and find your thread again JL ... :D

Love the Raindrop Chimney m8 ... (y) ... finally got it framed spot on imhgo ... ;) ... and how long did you have to wait for the drip trail to run down almost the entire length of the chimney ... :cautious:

And the Pancreas is really cool too ... :D

I have been trying to get shots like you pepper one but the background is never white, how can you get it so it is so white
I have been trying to get shots like you pepper one but the background is never white, how can you get it so it is so white

I used my flash (Canon 430ex) hand held using the pilot button to trigger is and basically fired the shots behind the peppers first then just kept firing at the white sheet behind so that that is VERY over exposed and therefore white. I always have a few spots I have to clean up in photoshop. To do this I just make a layer behind that is just coloured white, then use the eraser tool to delete anything that isnt quite white :)
My 365 - Day 33

Yay! Finally got a decent covering of snow. I had to be up at 7 this morning to help with stage building for the village panto but managed to get out in the car at sunrise. I have a ton of shots and it must be one of my best ratio of usable shots from an outing, which has suprised me as I was just a case of heading out with 40D and 17-40 in hand. This shot is a lane that travels across the hightest point near here. I was the first car to travel it since the snow fall and I came across this scene which just had to be photographed. The lighting was amazing and the snow stopped coming down just long enough to fire off a few shots. I was eager to keep moving and try and get some more shots before any other cars started to use the road and leave tracks.
My 365 - Day 34

I have been at rehersals for the village panto all day today, I took a quick shot of one of the new toys, these cool LED lights. I got to play with my 70-200L F4 IS for the first time in low light today. Was using ISO 1600 for most of the day (lowered it for this shot) and shooting around 1/60th mainly at 200mm and most of the shots are pin sharp (most of the blurred shots are user error). So I officially now love that lens :)
Loving these shots, and they're all really interesting in their own way.
Love how you can turn an uninteresting scene into something magical with a bit of thought and creativity (namely the trees and the peppers).
Good work!
My 365 - Day 35

Another shot for my collection of shots of the Chimney across the road from my office. I haven't had much chance to get any other shots today, got a few of the chimney at sunset, but they are very similar to previous shots, so went for something different. I left this as late as I could to still hand hold a shot and get some detail in the foreground and the dusk sky. I also learnt you cant seem to 'HDR' night images very easily. This is hand merged from 3 different exposures, however.
Those last three are so different and yet all are cracking in their individual ways ... (y) ... and loving the improvement in the Chimney shots now ... ;)

My 365 - Day 36

I havent taken up painting. This is a backdrop from the village panto. A lot of time and effort goes into these backdrops, and at they always look excellent on stage.
:woot: ... well done JL ... :clap: ... you've made it two thirds of the way in your 365 ... (y)

Well ... :cautious: ... you've got the 3 and the 6 innit ... :shrug:

BTB ... loving the colours in Day 36 ... :D ... and one can see all the work that's gone into it too ... (y)

Im new to this forum and new to photography, just came across this just now and WOW. Your doing a great job, its realy inspiring.
Thanks Elcapone and Ven :)

My 365 - Day 37

Had some lovely sky here today so took a trip out to take some shots. One of the places I visited was Bingley 5 Rise - A set of 5 locks on the Leeds Liverpool Canal in Bingley, West Yorkshire. I have been a couple of times and still not seen a barge going through, same today, but I noticed the sun starting to set so fired off a few shots of the locks. Nothing amazing and location I am going to have to revisit and actually get some shots of a barge going through :(
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That is really gorgeous JL ... (y) ... I can never make the locks round here look that good ... :shrug:

#37 is a cracker

that's not to say the others aren't too shabby either
Thanks Elcapone and Ven :)

My 365 - Day 37

Had some lovely sky here today so took a trip out to take some shots. One of the places I visited was Bingley 5 Rise - A set of 5 locks on the Leeds Liverpool Canal in Bingley, West Yorkshire. I have been a couple of times and still not seen a barge going through, same today, but I noticed the sun starting to set so fired off a few shots of the locks. Nothing amazing and location I am going to have to revisit and actually get some shots of a barge going through :(
I used to walk past the 5 rise locks every single day to go to work in Bingley for about 4 years - rain, sun and snow! It won't be long before the barges start coming through now - the lock keeper - used to make me laugh he had a real ruddy complexion and always wore a black bakers type hat - always mumbled a good morning - there always used to be swans, geese and of course ducks on the canal - ay those were the days :LOL:

I still live less than a mile from the 5 rise but haven't been for ages - did you try taking a shot from the bottom upwards? that would have given more of an impression of the scale of how high (or the drop whichever way you look at it) is??? You will probably be aware if you follow the canal path you come to a set of 3 rise locks and then further on you come to the Fisherman's Pub - all interesting in their own way :D

In the background, I noticed the Damart Chimney another Bingley landmark :LOL:

Fab pictures throughout :clap:(y)- but I'm probably biased knowing where some of the locations which you have photographed - off to reminisce now :D:LOL:
Thanks for the reply Snugglepuss :) I didnt bother taking a shot from below this time as the sky behind me was a bit dull :( and it was really cold :p so chickened out and didnt go any further than the first lock. I had spotted the 3 other locks further down from the road, but havent walked down that far before, will have to do so next time! Saw plenty of ducks and geese there - they wouldnt stay still though :p
Jimmy, you will have to try and take one from the bottom of the locks if you get chance - it is a really spectacular sight - I suppose the problem will be, is that the bottom is quite dark and dingy because of where it is located! So I understand what you are saying about taking the photograph from the top!

When I was a little girl - a long long time ago :LOL: we used to walk over the little bridges and if a barge was coming through and the lock was empty it was really really scary :eek: you have to see it empty, to understand the sheer height of the locks :LOL:

If you go to the next set of locks you will find that the light quality is much better, the lock keepers house is there as well and there are usually a lot of barges moored close by, there also is a rickity bridge which is turned around by the locks, at the same time as when the barges come through - it always reminded me of the Billy goats gruff :LOL: Lots of different types of photo opportunities :D

Thank you so much for posting the picture, I have recalled some lovely memories :D(y)