My 365 - Day 60

Weather has been horrid today and I still havent got over my cold, so decided to stay inside, but then couldnt think of an interesting shot. Have just taken this shot of my mum working away on her laptop. She has always been a bit scared of computers and she was frustrated using my dads old slow laptop, so we got her a new one for Christmas and since then she seems to be flying along, no longer asking how to print something or how to use Google. She might even work out how to find these shots one day, so guess I best be nice :p (Hi mum!)
My 365 - Day 61

It was the (fairly) Northern Talk Photography Curry Meet tonight in Bradford. I took monkey along for the ride, and although he wasnt too keen on the curry he really liked the coffee at the end.
Some more great images to catch up on JL ... (y) ... I reckon that last chimberley shot is your best yet ... :cautious:

Thanx for keeping us entertained so well not just with the images but the everyday little anecdotes that accompany them ... :D

Brilliant Jimmy!! Monkey does get around doesnt he?!
Some more great images to catch up on JL ... (y) ... I reckon that last chimberley shot is your best yet ... :cautious:

Thanx for keeping us entertained so well not just with the images but the everyday little anecdotes that accompany them ... :D


Thanks Ven :) Comments like that really do help me keep going :D
Brilliant Jimmy!! Monkey does get around doesnt he?!

hehe he sure does, though no one else rembered theirs, so he was a bit lonely. Also think the waiters thought I was a bit nuts having a toy monkey sat on the table, but meh!
My 365 - Day 62

I went for a walk upto Malham Cove today, and realised what an exellent location Malham is for photographs. I must remember to visit on a nice day! On the river bank in the middle of the village were this pair of very tame ducks. I dont think I have ever been so close to a duck before. The male seemed a bit more coservative, but the femal was walking upto anyone begging for food, she also seemed quite interested in my camera. In this shot she couldn't have been more than 10cm from the front of the lens. We didn't have any food, however, so they soon got bored and wondered off.
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Haha thats a great one Jimmy!
Aw, they are really cute.

Not the shot I was expecting today though!!

Yeah we decided we weren't upto Ingleton :( Not one of us was feeling 100% so we thought we would build upto it and make sure we can do the whole thing nice and easily when we get there, so it was a shorter 2 miles amble upto Malham Cove :p (Still found a nice cafe though, so thats ok!)
That's a shame, but I can understand, plus the weather was bit miserable this morning.
Haven't been up to Malham in years, crazy as its so close, must add it to my list of places to revisit.
Loving these as well :clap:(y)
My 365 - Day 63

I thought my cold was going, but today it seemed to come back at full power! Have had a headache most of the day which I have tried to ignore, but didnt get a 365 shot, so to help me think I thought I would have some paracetamol and then it dawned on me to just photograph this :) Not a great shot, but it is dark in my room so just gave it a quick blast from the speedlite. Think I am off to bed now :(
Nowt wrong with that one.

Love the ducks.

Hope you feel better soon.
Well I think it is worthy of a 365 - you can nearly hear it fizz - hope you feel better soon!
Well worthy IMO. Get well soon.
My 365 - Day 64

A pair of horses near the Village of Lothersdale near Skipton. Both very friendly and came over to say hello, werent the best posers in the world, but got this shot I am happy with :) You can just about see Lothersdale in the valley in the distance.
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Ooh Jimmy thats lovely!!! Gorgeous colours and makes me want to be out in the sun! :)
Another lovely shot.

Someone mentioned earlier (Venomator) about the depth of colour you manage to get and I have to agree.

I think I need to spend a bit more time learning about Photoshop elements and how to get the best from it as I don't seem to be able to get anywhere near the colours you do.
My 365 - Day 65

Not my usual sort of shot, but this little chap (chapess?) was sat on the bird table for ages today admiring its reflection, and taunting next doors cat! So I nipped upstairs to get my camera and managed to get two quick shots before it flew off. Happy with how this turned out as it was shot through double glazing.
:LOL: ... you can't really tell with Collared Doves JL ... :shrug: ... unless you catch them in the act ... :D

Loving the Mallard pair too ... (y) ... and the fizzy is a super shot ... ;) ... hope you felt better after and it seems to have worked 'cos you are back being out and about ... :thinking:

My 365 - Day 66

Went for a walk today armed with just the 40D and 70-200 F4L IS - spotted this tree across a field and snapped away. Not a great story behind it or anything, just looked nice!
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Dayum son, you're getting to grips with these colourful landscapes. Nice and highly saturated (which some might not like, but I do!)
My 365 - Day 67

Spotted this in a pub in Skipton, only had the IXUS with me so its not the best shot in the world, but I liked it :)
00.01 min late. Are you sure you just spotted that pub JL. :thinking: :LOL:

You keep amazing me with the versatility and range of images you're posting. Keep it up. (y)
My 365 - Day 68

Playing around with the IXUS 75 tonight I was shooting various things in my room, when I took this. It looked pretty impressive on the camera, and I dont think it looks too bad on screen. Totally pointless, but I like it for some reason.
Just looked through all the pics, absolutley AMAZING shots......loved them, cant wait to see more.

Great job fella

My 365 - Day 69

Manage to grab a shot of my dad looking over the hills of the Yorkshire/Lancashire border today, I was sat in the car messing about with the 70-200 but spotted this shot and as always the 70-200 mixed with the 40D did a great job of capturing it, very minimal processing on this one.
Oooh, I'm liking this one Mr L. Compositionally very good, and the tones captured give the layers (foreground / hills etc) a real layered depth. if that makes sense.
My 365 - Day 70

I am supposed to be eating healthy and excersising regularly, but today I really didnt feel like the excersise, and then when it came to tea I really didnt feel like the healthy eating either :( I didnt eat both of these though! Had half the garlic bread and half the yummy Cheese&Tomato with Sweetcorn :D Double excersise tomorrow maybe
My 365 - Day 71

This is very random, and not the shot I was planning on posting. I have had a shot in mind of the Chinmey (from my other 365 shots) standing out against the almost dark stormy sky with the really bright car in the foreground. I coudlnt go outside when I wanted as the rain was really bad, so went out when it stopped and the shot just wouldnt work. It was too dark and the chinmey was just lost in the sky and the car was completely blown out. So might try again tomorrow if there is an interesting sky (and not raining) - this shot is just one I took as a last resort so I had something to post :( Didnt frame it well really and I dont like the tight crop. They cant be all masterpieces!!!! (and Pizza Boxes) :p
The pizza box is missing something.Where's that silly 3 legged plastic thingy usually in the middle? I remember the Pizza Hut guy telling me I shouldn't eat it :bang:

The last pic looks OK to me, and I like the sound of the future chimney pic.
Really liking your day 69 shot Mr Lemon, it really captures the moment well.

Keep em coming.(y)
My 365 - Day 72

Still not the shot I am after but is furthering yesterdays test. I was hoping for more of an interesting sky really, but I quite like the blue in this. Think I need to work more on the fill in flash work on the right hand side of the car too and maybe not have the car headlights on. Hopefully the final shot will be worth all this trial and error. Not that I am sure why I want this final shot!
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