My 365 - Day 50

Popped out to get some shots at sunset, there seem to have been great sunsets for the past 5 or 6 days. Today the mist didnt lift at all so can still be seen in the valley, nicely reflecting the orange from the sun. I quite like this shot, which is normally a bad sign as shots I like never get many comments or views! Probably should work on that :p
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That is a wonderful sunset. I was traveling home in the fog so didn't see any sun let alone see it set. :LOL:

I'm assumeing this is another HDR/tonemapped image ? I love how you've fetched out the details in the dry stone wall.
My 365 - Day 51

Woke up and could see tree tops in the distance all covered in frost, thought it would be even better up on top of the Pennines, it wasnt however, but I managed to find a great spot on a small country lane. I have loads of shots, but this one stood out for me.
All seem to be excellent photos.

I keep seeing this thread and Marcels, and had never bothered looking until today. I am glad I had. I have to admire the drive and determination of both of you to keep onto of this challenge. hope you last the course.

Have you considered making a book of all the 366 images that you capture? I think it would make a coffee table book, even if its for your own viewing pleasure, it would be great to see them for the years to come.

OMG, I dont belive it! How could I have missed this thread! :thinking:
You have you great shots there Jimmy! I too am doing the same as you take a photo a day, and belive it or not for the same reason too! I found I wasn't taking enough pictures so made a new years resolution to take one a day! I didn't think of putting it all on here though as I thought it may take up too much space, so I joined a group on flickr and Im uploading them onto that. I've even had a shot go to number 23 in explore which I was stunned at!
They can all be found at my flickr site
Im glad others are doing it too, Im also glad you and the others struggle some days and find 'fill-in' shots, makes me glad tbh! ;)

Well keep up the good work my man, and I look forward to your comments on my 365 work as I comment on yours on flickr! :naughty:(y)
Thanks everyone :) added you on flickr now Clawz, good to find more people doing it too.

My 365 - Day 52

Spotted this on the floor of the entrance to an India restaurant I went to tonight to celebrate my sisters birthday. I was carrying my trusty IXUS 75 around with me hoping to see a shot for my 365 and spotted this just as we left, I wish I had spent a little longer on the shot (IE more than a split second) and got the whole outer circle in and no included my foot which I had to clone out :(
My 365 - Day 53

Went over to Liverpool to the opening night of Pete Carr's "Port Of Culture" Exhibition in Liverpool tonight. Got to put a few more faces to names. This shot was taken whilst messing about with my camera in a bar later on. No real meaning to it, just liked the motion blur the long(ish) shutter speed got me.
Empty glass!! I like the light reflections further back in the picture as well :)
Wow just discovered this thread great shots and 365 days good luck. What a great idea!
You are getting a good selection of shots.
Enjoying catching up on a few days shots. keep it up lad.(y)
My 365 - Day 54

Misserable day weather wise today, but thought I would try and make the most of a local vantage point. It was very overcast and very grey, but with a bit of HDR/Tonemapping I have brought some colour back into the shot. Expect more shots from this point in the summer!
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That would be the perfect place I would LOVE to do my little 'project'! Looks so picturesque!
My 365 - Day 54

Visited 'Focus On Imaging' at the NEC today, got to play with lots of toys including a 500mm F4 (I think) Canon L Lens, it is sooooooo lovely! I want one! The fact it was also attached to a 1DmkIII made it even more fun :) This is one of the candids I caught using the 500mm lens.
My 365 - Day 54

Misserable day weather wise today, but thought I would try and make the most of a local vantage point. It was very overcast and very grey, but with a bit of HDR/Tonemapping I have brought some colour back into the shot. Expect more shots from this point in the summer!

that is a beautiful view, cant wait to see more shots from there.
My 365 - Day 54

Misserable day weather wise today, but thought I would try and make the most of a local vantage point. It was very overcast and very grey, but with a bit of HDR/Tonemapping I have brought some colour back into the shot. Expect more shots from this point in the summer!
Thats a view I would like to have from my window, its a lovely place to get pictures from. Look forwards to seeing more from there later.
Brilliant shot from the NEC JL. Was he yawning then? I also got to play with the big lenses, but haven't loaded my card yet.
I think he was warning Gilly :p I hope so, that or he was shouting very quietly
Day 54.

I didn't realize I lived so close to such a beautiful view. Amazing what you miss when it's on your doorstep. :bonk: :)
My 365 - Day 55

Today was the first day I really couldnt be bothered to find a shot to take for this 365. But I needed to do one so gathered together my haul from Morrisons earlier. It is my patented (or not) cure for the common cold, which I seem to have picked up from somewhere :( I blame the NEC!
Just catching up after a few days away ... :eek: ... is it really that many ... :shrug:

Some super images I have missed JL ... (y) ... really loving the depth of colours and the lighting in your landscapes ... ;)

Re the cold you have my sympathies m8 ... :cautious: ... just recovering from a terminal dose of MAN-FLU myself ... :eek: ... close call but I pulled through ... :D

Just to let you know I'm staying out of this thread until the man-flu has passed. I don't want to catch it!
My 365 - Day 57

Took a drive ovet to Embsay, near Skipton this afternoon as it is somewhere I havent really ever explored, spotted some good shots for some decent weather. The weather today was rubbish here, but managed to take one shot I was reasonably happy with. This sign seemed to be crying out for black and white, but was a bit dull when I did that so added a slight tint to it too, and a touch of grain.
My 365 - Day 58

Another shot for my collection of shots of this chimney, I looked out my window and saw the sun starting to go down behind the chimney with some interesting clouds in the sky so fired off some quick shots, this is the result.
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Do you HDR them? Looks like it. :thinking: Beautiful shot though! Very atmospheric!
Yeah that last shot is HDR clawz, just noticed the shocking cloning in the top left too! oops! Teach me to get a shot straight in camera and not need to clone :(
My 365 - Day 59

Had to go to Skipton train station today, so took my camera along. It is as interesting station as it has some attractive elements, but has a real feel of neglect to it (like most stations in England seem to) yet it has flowers on the platforms etc, but the lovely roofing over the platforms is filthy! It's an odd mix and I struggled to find anything worth photographing. I think I should have taken my 10-20 as the 17-40 just didnt seem wide enough to get a feel for the place in general in one shot, hence the odd angle for this one. I quite like this sort of angle, but no many other people dont.
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Pity you didn't take the wide angle JL. When I look at this with my head to one side I can see it's potential. I'm one of those who don't particulary like this, quite severe, angle.

For a 'neglected' station you've made it look rather grand. Another visit during the year ?
Just for you Richmond I will make sure I visit it again at some stage :) and try and show of some more of the grubbyness :p To be fair it is only the really messy roof that brings the place down, its a shame :( ah well :)

Oh and yeah sorry about the angle :p I know a lot of people wont like it.