weekly Nat's Photo52 *2012* Week 51 Negative added 25 Dec

Week 6 - Industry by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/200sec f3.2 60mm ISO200


I was recently put on a blood thinner due to my leg being in a cast and having gone from a very active lifestyle to basically sitting down all day. One of the original ideas I had for Industry had to do with pharma research but I did not have access to the necessary props, so I gave up on that. This is similar to my original idea, though it's obviously about the finished product - something already on the market.

I know it's not terribly exciting but at long last my week 6 photo is done.
Well done Nathalie for getting such a good imaginative shot out of your circumstances. Clear image with nice colour. Can't wait to see the cat(s)
One of my cats has been sick. I could bring him home last night and he is doing fine, but his sister is very unhappy with him at the moment. They used to be the best of friends and now she won't let him anywhere near her. I'm hoping it's temporary, but until she stops acting silly, there's not going to be a photo of feline friendship!
Blimey industry is going back a bit :LOL: Well done for going back to it. I like the shot although the writing in the background is making my eyes go funny. :puke: Composition is good as is your handling of the exposure.
Hi Nat,

Well pharmaceuticals is one of the biggest industries out there! You've done well to make the most of your injury, it is a little bright in places, but other than that good composition, the yellow sharps tin works well against the white drugs label & the syringe!
Fingers crossed you'll be mobile sooner rather than later.
My props for Flow have been dispatched so hopefully, early next week I'll have that done.

Friendship, I am still waiting for the cats to make up.

Change I'm actually feeling really inspired about.
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Hi Nathalie

Industry - well done for getting it done. Good comp and the exposure is pretty good as the colours and whiteness of parts look difficult to balance. Hard with all that text, some upside down, some on the side, not make it too busy so well done.

Good to see you are inspired by Change - I have had few inspiring thoughts yet!

Week 40 - Change by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/100sec f9.0 60mm ISO640

Autumn (abstract).

I was really happy when this theme was drawn, because I knew it meant the chance of shooting something nature related. I hopped outside on my crutches, gathered a pile of leaves and brought with me inside to play around with.

I found it quite difficult to come up with a composition that worked. I tried single leaves against different colour backgrounds, small piles of randomly arranged leaves and finally, very carefully arranged compositions. This was the result of the latter and I picked this because of the pod - without it there was no focal point.
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If that doesn't make it onto your wall...:bat:

Great interpretation, composition, beautiful colours.

Crit, gotta mention it (y) I'd like to see a tad more on the top, maybe 1/4 cm and slightly deeper DOF because the lower section of the pod is slighly OOF.

Overall for a lady on crutches you've done fantastic :clap:

Thank you!

Andy, I've uploaded a new crop with more space at the top. Better? Can't do anything about the DoF now -- this pile of leaves is no more!
Excellent and so quick love the yellow and the pod does add a focal point I wouldn't change anything about it :clap:
Cheers. I did think I wouldn't be the only one to photograph autumn colours this week, which is one of the reasons I wanted to get mine in quick.

What lens was this with? How was it lit?
I used my 60mm micro for this and natural light. I take many of my photos by the large kitchen windows, either on the window sill or the kitchen table.
I love the warm autumn colours in this one Nathalie.
Very shallow dof brings the viewers eye to the focal point of the pod but once in the frame, I find myself looking around and finding the lovely detail in the leaves too.
Good work on this one despite your limited mobility. Wishing you a speedy recovery too. Iain
Oh, and I obviously missed the SOOC discussion completely! Not that I've done a huge amount to it, but it is a crop, for starters. I might give it a go some other week.
Hi Nathalie , hope you're healing well (y)

Change ....beautiful colors , really should make it on to your wall lady :clap:

Week 38 - Flow by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/200sec f11.0 60mm ISO200


I saw some really cool photos of smoke and decided to give it a go myself. This is certainly not SOOC; it's been inverted and I've played around with the colours too. It was an experiment, very different to anything I've done before, and I must say I did like the end result even if it does say digital art more than it does photography.
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Hi Nat, well that pot doesn't seem to be hindering your artistic flair, if anything I'd say it's given you a little push to get imaginative, whatever it is it's working! I think that's a great shot, love the composition going top left and tailing off bottom right. It almost looks like ink in water! The blue really works against the bright white BG too :clap:

Now can we play guess the shapes or faces? The bit bottom right looks like a slightly wonky uterus, or is it Sid the Sloth from Ice Age? Ok I need to lay off the cheese this late at night :coat:
I hope you're tendon recovers well and easily... although that's a long time... Good luck.

Duo, works well, and fits the theme... the high key look suits nicely.

Change... Wow... good strong colours and composition... as for that pod... brilliant it stands out so well
Oops... didn't see Flow... both excellent, but I think I prefer the first version with the inversion.
Hi, Flow, cracker, much better than my first attempt :clap: #2 for me, liking the muted colours. The flow of the smoke really warrants a longer, lingering look.

Crit, :thinking:, well it would be great to have the same sharpness of the top middle all over. Being picky, really.

Change - Really nice shot. That yellow is really powerful to give the image some umph

Flow - Loving it. I like how the smoke blends in at the bottom rather than it start from the frame. Big well done for this one.
I'll definitely do more smoke trails at some point. :) Small movements, even a tiny adjustment of the camera angle, disturbs the air and of course the smoke moves along with it. The composition is hard to control for the same reason, as it the sharpness. It appears to be a case of shooting LOADS and hoping for the best. I only got a few usable shots from this first session and I must have taken at least 100 frames.

Hi Nat, well that pot doesn't seem to be hindering your artistic flair, if anything I'd say it's given you a little push to get imaginative, whatever it is it's working!
I think my photos for Flow and Change would have been the same even if the injury had not happened, but Duo and Industry would obviously never have been taken!
oh well done with flow and change (prefer 1st smoke shot). The leaf on change looks like a tongue :LOL:
The cats have made up but even though I've made a few attempts, I've not managed to capture the shot I wanted for Friendship. I might have to try a different idea.

Natural, unfortunately, has failed to inspire me so far... But it's still early and hopefully I will come up with something.

What I would REALLY like is to be completely up to date by the time the next theme is drawn.