Nikon D750 & D780

Could you fit a pop up reflector in there? I have one attached to my crumpler shoulder bag with a carabiner.
Well it's what happens to my systems, and my Mac has more "crap" on it than my PCs did. As for the software reinstall it's not just me doing it wrong as I've had it done by the IT guy at my wife's work too. He did explain why it bogs down but I can't remember tbh.

Whilst people may think differently I don't have a bias, or an allegiance or whatever. My views are always based on facts from my experience, and every one of my PC's has done the same ever since my first one running windows 95 (probably owned double figures). If people have had different experiences then great. Like the old Canon vs Nikon debate, or Android vs iPhone debate none are better than the other per se there's just preference. That being said, the longevity of my Mac has surpassed any PC that I've had :p

It's all down to the registry, have a Google.

Anyway, enough computer talk, I don't really care what people use as long as they do the job.

Don't get me looking at bags, you can never have too many camera bags. Have a couple think tank bags and am impressed.
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The draw of the Siggy 35 is strong. Meh. How do i fens off this GAS???

Just give in to it[emoji6]

It wasn't a focal lens that I was too enamoured wit before, but it's a brilliant lens the f1.4 art!!

I'm trying not to buy a 50mm art along with the d750!!
24-70 on FF and 85 on aps-c is my plan for the wedding. I may run the 85 on the FF in the evening just to make use of the extra shallow depth though. Once the wedding is done i can start to fine tune my setup a little for what i want to shoot.

Maybe the 24-70 will go... Doubt it though. Lol.
The draw of the Siggy 35 is strong. Meh. How do i fend off this GAS???

Why did I have to see this post? I got the 35 F2 to cure my GAS as it made the D750 smaller to carry around for when I was feeling lazy but 1.4 keeps appearing in my basket. Yet to hit the buy now button.
Why did I have to see this post? I got the 35 F2 to cure my GAS as it made the D750 smaller to carry around for when I was feeling lazy but 1.4 keeps appearing in my basket. Yet to hit the buy now button.

It's a brilliant lens! Lovely on the d750!
Why did I have to see this post? I got the 35 F2 to cure my GAS as it made the D750 smaller to carry around for when I was feeling lazy but 1.4 keeps appearing in my basket. Yet to hit the buy now button.

Well I got as far as putting a d750 in the basket together with a 50 f1.4 art....I've not clicked buy yet though.

Thankfully there aren't many pics with that combo on here!!
The draw of the Siggy 35 is strong. Meh. How do i fend off this GAS???

"You underestimate the power of GAS. If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny, and buy the 35mm f1.4" ............... In your best Darth Vader voice ;)
Well my bank balance is enough to fend it off alone but it's the looking and wondering that's even worse!!!

You could always hire one out for the weekend. I doubt it would cost too much. And it possibly would help you decide ;)

If you weren't so far oop narth, I`d let you borrow my one :)
Used the wee Nikon 35mm for some indoor test shots last night.... What a cracking little performer!

As for the think tank bag... I will mount 28-75 on the d750 and take pictures just to make sure the siggy fits
Failing that, how's about selling your considerable talent.

Photographic talent, I might add[emoji6]

Ha, how though? And what talent is that btw?

@Paulie-W much appreciated mate. I reckon I'd get on quite well with it but I'm not sure i could give up the 24-70. It's focusing ability is quite phenomenal. F1.4 would be pretty sweet though.
much appreciated mate. I reckon I'd get on quite well with it but I'm not sure i could give up the 24-70. It's focusing ability is quite phenomenal. F1.4 would be pretty sweet though.

Slap the 24-70 on the crop, and get arty with the art ;)
Ha, how though? And what talent is that btw?

@Paulie-W much appreciated mate. I reckon I'd get on quite well with it but I'm not sure i could give up the 24-70. It's focusing ability is quite phenomenal. F1.4 would be pretty sweet though.

Kids portraits!!

Your environmental ones of L are great. As are the indoor controlled shots.

Weddings [emoji87][emoji87]?
Slap the 24-70 on the crop, and get arty with the art ;)

Funny you should say that... I've been thinking of doing exactly that. Probably find i just run with one body anyway and the D7k stays in the bag as a back up. Amazing how from memory the D750 (apart from the grip) is exactly the same as the D7k. But now i have both side by side the difference is clear. It's a much nicer body, especially with the grip. Maybe i could make a last dash effort to get an 85 a few days before the wedding.


Shaheed, thanks very much. The reality is though that i wouldn't even know where to start with attracting business. I get plenty of likes and comments but apart from the odd person who wants something doing they've hardly been forthcoming. Again, totally down to me but that's the top and bottom of it.
I really need to unsubscribe from this thread, I now have the itch....

Problem is I would need to sell my 700 to part fund the purchase along with either my lastolite setup (which I never use) or temporarily my 35mm 1.8 or 85mm 1.4 but they are cracking examples and don't want to let them go, oh decisions decisions.

Has anyone used both the Nikon 35mm 1.8fx and the Sigma 1.4 ART? How do they compare or don't they?
I really need to unsubscribe from this thread, I now have the itch....

Problem is I would need to sell my 700 to part fund the purchase along with either my lastolite setup (which I never use) or temporarily my 35mm 1.8 or 85mm 1.4 but they are cracking examples and don't want to let them go, oh decisions decisions.

Has anyone used both the Nikon 35mm 1.8fx and the Sigma 1.4 ART? How do they compare or don't they?

@Tizer owned the Siggy and sold it for the Nik...
Funny you should say that... I've been thinking of doing exactly that. Probably find i just run with one body anyway and the D7k stays in the bag as a back up. Amazing how from memory the D750 (apart from the grip) is exactly the same as the D7k. But now i have both side by side the difference is clear. It's a much nicer body, especially with the grip. Maybe i could make a last dash effort to get an 85 a few days before the wedding.


Shaheed, thanks very much. The reality is though that i wouldn't even know where to start with attracting business. I get plenty of likes and comments but apart from the odd person who wants something doing they've hardly been forthcoming. Again, totally down to me but that's the top and bottom of it.

What about your Facebook page?

Something like "due to popular demand, I shall be offering portrait services etc etc, get in touch for details?"

Worth a shout!
Sold my 6D and lenses to make way for the D750. Lens wise I want to start of with a 35mm as the 35mm f/2 IS USM was my most used lens on the 6D. I know the Sigma is amongst the favourites but what other 35mm would be suitable for the D750? I've seen 35mm f/1.8 lenses from as low as £80-100, are they suitable and any good?
Sold my 6D and lenses to make way for the D750. Lens wise I want to start of with a 35mm as the 35mm f/2 IS USM was my most used lens on the 6D. I know the Sigma is amongst the favourites but what other 35mm would be suitable for the D750? I've seen 35mm f/1.8 lenses from as low as £80-100, are they suitable and any good?
The cheaper 35mm is for DX, the fx one is over £300 but a stunning lens
The Nik 35 is really sharp and produces super colours. I've only used the Art briefly and that was on a D7000 last year so can't really compare.

Didn't really notice this before but comparing the shutter sound of the 750 and 7000 the 750 is like a shotgun going off. :D
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Talking of 35's - I've recently picked up the 35mm f2 D after watching the angry photographer review on YouTube.. What a little belter of a lens it is; well pleased with it :snaphappy:
I need a 70-300 or 70-200. I was taking pics of the horsey today and the results were a little disappointing with the was the same as the 50mm...

Not sure why, I always used to use the 70-300 VR on my D600 with pretty steller results, but not sure why the primes don't work as well? Maybe its the metering mode or something, but no matter what shutter speed I was not as happy as them as usual:

Merlin 2 by JayX2A, on Flickr

Merlin 3 by JayX2A, on Flickr
What is it you're not happy with, sharpness? I can't see why a lens would affect metering tbh.

I'm only looking on the phone at the mo, but there does seem to be some slight motion blur. Could it be the relative speed and maybe panning skills need some more practice? At 35mm you need to be much closer and therefore the 'relative' speed of the horse will be noticeably quicker than shooting further away with a 300mm
Motion blur was due to experimenting with shutter speeds, but even using faster shutter speeds they just didn't seem to look as good as I am used too! I have been shooting equestrian for a few years now but always used zoom. This was with the D600 & 70-300 VR. Just seems crisper and sharper.

Merls D600 70-300 VR by JayX2A, on Flickr
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