Nikon D800......

My pre-order is due to be delivered at the end of next week.

I haven't had an email to confirm delivery date but then again I don't think I have for any item I've ordered from Amazon. So far they haven't let me down so I've no reason to believe they will now.

to order one this late and to expect it to arrive on release day is a little naieve. Even Amazon wouldnt have enough units to fill all their pre orders.
I've just spoken to Amazon customer services, and they have no idea how many orders are ahead of mine. All they can say is that if they get the level of stock they're due, then those who have ordered should get their delivery as per the estimate.

The problem is, there's a good chance they won't get the amount of stock they're due. I don't expect to be getting my order.
According to the manual it won't work with either tilt or shift however Lars Pettersson from Nikon confirmed that D800 will work just fine with any of the Nikkor PC-E lenses - link below.

Good news as thats really the more expensive(£1000+) lens that tempts me most, I find myself mighting difraction alot at 18MP so double that is going to be alot worse I guess. Looking at the net there didnt seem to be any problem with the D300 and the D800 looks to have a little more space to the mirror box/flash.

found this interesting new user review.
i know its only one review but I'm getting less convinced by this camera

The idea that any camera is going to be able to fully please both the ultra high resolution and the low light market never struck me as that realistic.

I like the sound of the dramatic range being shifted towards the shadows, from a landscape point of view I'v found it much easier to expose for the hilights than the other way around.
I've just spoken to Amazon customer services, and they have no idea how many orders are ahead of mine. All they can say is that if they get the level of stock they're due, then those who have ordered should get their delivery as per the estimate.

The problem is, there's a good chance they won't get the amount of stock they're due. I don't expect to be getting my order.

Did they say that they don't expect to get the amount of stock they're due ? I guess we all may be in for a longer wait than we thought.

I'm trying not to be too bothered, as the old saying goes "a watched pot never boils" - translates to something like "a constantly checked Amazon delivery status never changes !"
found this interesting new user review.
i know its only one review but I'm getting less convinced by this camera

Did you read all of the blog about the camera? and did you take note of the light conditions? and did you listen to his conclusions?

If so then what has made you less convinced about it? So he concludes that you will have to shoot above the focal length of your camera in some conditions, UMM most people do this anyway :clap: and the 85 1.4D will need to be at f2 to combat moire well what a shame every other comment he made was very positive.

Blog report here

The real world images of this DSLR look amazing and far closer to MF than seen before - if anyone buys this and thinks they will not have to go through a learning curve or may start seeing issues with the glass they have been using will find themselves disappointed...

The fullness and detail of the images look stunning in comparison to everything produced by DSLR
yes i did read it all.I wouldn't say it was a very positive review. he ultimately says that for the most part there isn't much of an improvement over the d700 bar mp and video.

I've never been convinced that 36mp is what i need and that its performance would top the d700 bar the 36mp.

He thinks that its a stop worse iso wise(something i expected) ,couple that with the fact that you need higher shutter speeds to get a sharp shot, makes it even lower in truth.

He thinks the metering, DR and auto focus are not much if any improvement over the d700
(i will wait for other reviews to believe this though)

it seems that this will be good for studio /landscape shooters but not so much for reportage even weddings compared to the d700(will have similar results no large improvement) unless you need extra resolution.

it seems that the d4 is similar in that it doesn't improve much on the d3s in many ways,from whats been posted so far. maybe nikon has spent to much time focusing on the video side this time,hoping to catch up on cannon.
Peter, he also says -
They were honestly better than the output from the Hasselblad H3D-39 I used a couple of years back in mid-2010 – and quite close to what I’ve seen out of the Leica S2 (I do have access to one, I will try to do some comparisons soon) so far


Generally, lenses I though were good wide open on the D700 are showing a slight but noticeable improvement stopped down, even if only by a stop – I’m talking about my workhorse AFS 24/1.4 G, AFS 60/2.8 G Micro and AFS 85/1.4 G here.

Let see the D700 top that
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Peter, he also says -


Let see the D700 top that

A reasonable voice amongst the hysteria, put it this way on IPPN some very good pro photographers have the D800 and so far all the views are that it works as advertised if not better, I just wish that mine had been in the first batch, I do like they way people nit pic a revue to fit there own opinion (y)

A reasonable voice amongst the hysteria, put it this way on IPPN some very good pro photographers have the D800 and so far all the views are that it works as advertised if not better, I just wish that mine had been in the first batch, I do like they way people nit pic a revue to fit there own opinion (y)wilky

why is he a reasonable voice because he agrees with you.... just because i don't think this camera is a big step up from the d700 bar the mp I'm unreasonable.
I'm a nikon user and love my d700 but you just sound like a fan boy trying to justify that your new toy is going to be the best thing when in reality it might not and wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't.
As for nit picking you could be said to doing the same, trying to prove that its a top performer with no experience of using it,because that is your opinion.

I hope that this camera preforms a lot better than the d700 but i just get the feeling from the few reviews of this camera that its not.
which saddens me as I'm now left with no where to go, do i feel the need to upgrade bar a large pro body camera (d3s/d4).

Yes and what a fool, 1 day of shooting it, limited lens trial, and probably did little research as to the best way of shooting with the camera, still somebody must be happy as they now have

Why is he a fool because he doesn't believe that its a big jump from the d700 and there wouldn't be much need to upgrade.... again I could say you are being a fool criticising someone else who has used a camera which you haven't and for giving his view on using it.

The d800 will be great for some people,but not for others. I did doubt it would be the same sort of beast as the d700 performance wise compared to the rest of the range, as that must have hurt sales of there pro body and upset people that bought a pro body at the time.

The rest of us that at present do want a d800 for what ever reason can hope that another body will be released with more upgraded d700 specs,fps,iso and a slight mp increase...though i doubt there will be one.
I've just spoken to Amazon customer services, and they have no idea how many orders are ahead of mine. All they can say is that if they get the level of stock they're due, then those who have ordered should get their delivery as per the estimate.

The problem is, there's a good chance they won't get the amount of stock they're due. I don't expect to be getting my order.

Did they say that they don't expect to get the amount of stock they're due ?
No, they may as well have been a computer. As far as they were concerned, the order was placed while stock was expected, so delivery should be early next week. I'll believe it when I see it.

Two hours later I get this email:


We are writing with regards to your order for the following item:


Nikon D800 Digital SLR Camera (Body Only)

Unfortunately, due to limited stock in the market, has not received enough stock to fulfil all of our pre-orders for this title.

However, Amazon are working with Nikon to ensure we are able to fulfil all customer pre-orders as quickly as possible but we do not have a specific date of when this will be. Orders will be fulfilled on a first come first served basis. Amazon will not charge your credit card until the product has been dispatched.

We understand that this was not what you expected when you placed your order and we are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

We hope to see you again soon.

Warmest regards,

Customer Service
he ultimately says that for the most part there isn't much of an improvement over the d700 bar mp and video.
But the D800 is targeted at those who only require an improvement in mp and/or video.
I've never been convinced that 36mp is what i need.
So it's not for you.

He thinks that its a stop worse iso wise(something i expected)
No he doesn't. He says:
"Subjectively, I think it’s ~1 stop behind the D700 at a pixel level; if you downsize to D700 size, it’s actually a stop ahead"
So instead of a stop behind, he thinks it's a stop ahead.

couple that with the fact that you need higher shutter speeds to get a sharp shot, makes it even lower in truth.
No, you're misunderstanding it. If you're taking a picture at low iso, and want to blow it up big, you will benefit from the extra megapixels, as long as your technique is right (or on a tripod, decent shutter speed etc). So you need those things right for sharper images. Once you're at high iso, and only printing to an average size, you no longer need those things, because the lack of sharpness isn't apparent - ie, with same technique and shutter speed as a D700, you'll get images like a D700, not sharper images like the ones the D800 would be capable of at low iso.

He thinks the metering, DR and auto focus are not much if any improvement over the d700
If he's right, I don't mind, although the focus in low light should be better (according to the spec).

it seems that this will be good for studio /landscape shooters but not so much for reportage even weddings compared to the d700.
Agreed, it is mainly for studio/landscape togs, although it looks like it's plenty good enough for weddings too.
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No he doesn't. He says:
"Subjectively, I think it’s ~1 stop behind the D700 at a pixel level; if you downsize to D700 size, it’s actually a stop ahead"
So instead of a stop behind, he thinks it's a stop ahead.

doesn't that not negate the point in having a 36mp camera when you are going to reduce it to 12mp pictures. so if you want to use it as intended t will be worse.

No, you're misunderstanding it. If you're taking a picture at low iso, and want to blow it up big, you will benefit from the extra megapixels, as long as your technique is right (or on a tripod, decent shutter speed etc). So you need those things right for sharper images. Once you're at high iso, and only printing to an average size, you no longer need those things, because the lack of sharpness isn't apparent - ie, with same technique and shutter speed as a D700, you'll get images like a D700, not sharper images like the ones the D800 would be capable of at low iso.

okay what i thought was that even in normal light you will need a higher shutter speed compared to a d700 to get as sharp a picture due to the higher mp. thus in low light when you need to bump iso up to say 6400 to get a decent shutter speed say 1/100th on a d700 with 85mm ,this will now be to low with the d800 to get a sharp picture

he's right, I don't mind, although the focus in low light should be better (according to the spec).

the biggest surprise for me was that he said there wasn't much of a af improvement is this not the same as the d4

, it is mainly for studio/landscape togs, although it looks like it's plenty good enough for weddings too.

im not saying that its bad for weddings just that there is no big improvement,especially in fps or iso from what I've seen so far.

this is why i didn't pre order one. i wasn't sure the improvement was enough,plus i want others to find any problems that arise as I'm sure there will be some and my d700 is fine for now so why pay a premium for the sake of 3-6 months.

i look forward to some proper test review to see what they say,but i do find real world shooting reviews more valuable than set up studio ones
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The d800 will be great for some people,but not for others. I did doubt it would be the same sort of beast as the d700 performance wise compared to the rest of the range, as that must have hurt sales of there pro body and upset people that bought a pro body at the time.

The rest of us that at present do want a d800 for what ever reason can hope that another body will be released with more upgraded d700 specs,fps,iso and a slight mp increase...though i doubt there will be one.

As with the 5D mk3 that seems like the sensible view to me, its fanboys on both sides of the fence talking up their choosen camera as the "ultimate tool" rather than one which targets a specific kind of users that seem detached from reality to me.

Personally I'd be supprized if we don't see both Canon and Nikon release high MP and good all rounder bodies respectively within the next year or two. Seems to me that both have tried to target weaknesses in their existing lineup with their inital cheaper FF bodies.
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Well its simple for people that know what they need and they will know if the D800 suits their needs. The D800 is not a logical upgrade path for the D700, if you think it is then you will be disappointed.

D800 has suddenly become a very specialised DSLR, closing the gap between SLR and DSLR (finally)
Well - its a stop better than the D700 / D3 and the metering and AF is improved over the previous versions which I thought hard to do.

There is no secret to getting sharp images just the result is far bigger on your screen than before - I'm getting pin sharp shots at the same sort of shutter speeds as before ....

So ... anyone like to point me to where I can get another ?
D800 has suddenly become a very specialised DSLR, closing the gap between SLR and DSLR (finally)

Could you expand on that a bit? In what way does it close the gap more than, say a D700 or 5D2? Btw, I'm not being argumentative, just genuinely interested.
Dynamic range has increased, now at 14.1EV. Sensor quality has now passed 2 medium format cameras. The gap between film and digital is no longer as as wide as it was when the D3X ruled the land on quality and depth. The detail depth from the 'real' shots are apparent that this is quite a significant change.

I cannot comment on Canon, never shot it so would be unfair of me to presume
Well - its a stop better than the D700 / D3 and the metering and AF is improved over the previous versions which I thought hard to do.

There is no secret to getting sharp images just the result is far bigger on your screen than before - I'm getting pin sharp shots at the same sort of shutter speeds as before ....

So ... anyone like to point me to where I can get another ?

link some full sized images please :)
why is he a reasonable voice because he agrees with you.... just because i don't think this camera is a big step up from the d700 bar the mp I'm unreasonable.
I'm a nikon user and love my d700 but you just sound like a fan boy trying to justify that your new toy is going to be the best thing when in reality it might not and wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't.
As for nit picking you could be said to doing the same, trying to prove that its a top performer with no experience of using it,because that is your opinion.

I hope that this camera preforms a lot better than the d700 but i just get the feeling from the few reviews of this camera that its not.
which saddens me as I'm now left with no where to go, do i feel the need to upgrade bar a large pro body camera (d3s/d4).

Why is he a fool because he doesn't believe that its a big jump from the d700 and there wouldn't be much need to upgrade.... again I could say you are being a fool criticising someone else who has used a camera which you haven't and for giving his view on using it.

The d800 will be great for some people,but not for others. I did doubt it would be the same sort of beast as the d700 performance wise compared to the rest of the range, as that must have hurt sales of there pro body and upset people that bought a pro body at the time.

The rest of us that at present do want a d800 for what ever reason can hope that another body will be released with more upgraded d700 specs,fps,iso and a slight mp increase...though i doubt there will be one.

Sir you will look back on these posts one day and think...... I was wrong about the D800... as for being a fan boy, nope I sold one of my D3,s to fund the D800 to compliment my remaining D3's when shooting weddings. Fortunately my camera's do actually work hard earning me money and I am afraid to say I usually am correct in the observations that I make about what I think are good or bad camera's or what ever.
And as for the D700 I had two of those for 18month's then I upgraded to the D3's as to be honest with you the D700 was adequate but I felt it was a little stretched in the low light department, I do realise you will find that hard to believe but us working tog's do like to have the best.

Simon only has little hands and being of the older generation he will find the lighter weight an added bonus:LOL:


Sounds strange but one of the reasons I got rid of the D700 was because it felt massively unbalanced, I worry that this will be the case of the D800 (although what a nice thing to worry about :))
Yep that is my worry as well, I tend to have big fat fingers and I think I will have to buy the grip but I will try to do with out as I only expect to shoot 100 or so shots at a wedding with it.
Sir you will look back on these posts one day and think...... I was wrong about the D800... as for being a fan boy, nope I sold one of my D3,s to fund the D800 to compliment my remaining D3's when shooting weddings. Fortunately my camera's do actually work hard earning me money and I am afraid to say I usually am correct in the observations that I make about what I think are good or bad camera's or what ever.
And as for the D700 I had two of those for 18month's then I upgraded to the D3's as to be honest with you the D700 was adequate but I felt it was a little stretched in the low light department, I do realise you will find that hard to believe but us working tog's do like to have the best.


Despite me being a Canon owner, I must be honest the D800 intrigues me a more than a little bit. Ignoring all the fanboy rants from both camps (not necessarily on here but certainly over at dpreview) and concentrating on the sample shots Nikon do seem to have reaped an obscene level of performance from a very high MP body.

Had I not a reasonable selection of decent Canon lenses I may have been tempted to jump ship. As it is, I'm still set on a 5D3 though. My reasoning is that I have become used to the RAW file size of the 5D2 and I really wouldn't like to contemplate the handling of bigger files. Also, I worry that the benefits of that extra resolution will only be of benefit when shooting on a tripod. Finally, the 5D3 seems to edge it when shooting over ISO6400, this appeals a lot to me personally.

There is certainly no denying that Nikon have come up trumps here though at a very aggressive price point.

It's good to see that both Canon and Nikon have produced updated models that keep rational users in both camps happy while maintaining healthy competition.

Sounds strange but one of the reasons I got rid of the D700 was because it felt massively unbalanced, I worry that this will be the case of the D800 (although what a nice thing to worry about :))

I used it today with the 70-200 .... yes it is smaller but you soon get used to it

Notice I'm ignoring that Wilky git ! :razz: