Nikon D800......

doesn't that not negate the point in having a 36mp camera when you are going to reduce it to 12mp pictures. so if you want to use it as intended t will be worse.
No (I'm more confident on this point one that the next). Regardless which camera you use, you will have an intended final result (print, online image etc), so the question is which camera will give the best result. It's not important which one looks best at 100%, because 100% is down to how many pixels you have, and the pixel (or is it dot) density of your monitor.

okay what i thought was that even in normal light you will need a higher shutter speed compared to a d700 to get as sharp a picture due to the higher mp.
I don't think so, but I'd need to test to know. I think this is again down to viewing at 100% - a reviewer will point out that at 100% on your D800 you can see you've got motion blur, and thus not used your camera to its full potential (bad form). But I don't think (I'm prepared to be corrected) the printed image will look worse than with a D700 - it's just there are instances were it won't look better, as it should.

But when we're into high iso, we're into a different game - we're making the best of a bad situation. We're not talking about 6 feet prints of a beautiful landscape, we're trying to get nice 10" prints of a bride or basketball player, so the same level of precision (camera on tripod) isn't required.

im not saying that its bad for weddings just that there is no big improvement,especially in fps or iso from what I've seen so far.
I wasn't really expecting an improvement for wedding togs, but for portrait (studio) and wedding togs it looks like it could do both jobs (I don't think you need more than 4fps at a wedding do you?).

this is why i didn't pre order one.
If you just do weddings, I imagine the D3s or D4 is better, and the D700 mostly good enough. It will be interesting to learn more about the differences though.
pmac said:
doesn't that not negate the point in having a 36mp camera when you are going to reduce it to 12mp pictures. so if you want to use it as intended t will be worse.

...hang on, let's be honest for a moment...most buyers won't go even as high as 12mpix with their shots... unless they are going to crop the crap out of their shots, 36vs12 isn't going to make a real difference for most users, just as it didn't between D700 and 5DII...actual hard physical prints represent a tiny and ever decreasing final destination of photographs!

Also, all this talk about "beating MF" is just daft...the physics of 35mm lenses hasn't magically changed, the wonderful feel of MF can't be achieved, its not just resolution...

Looks like the D4 and D800 will have price hike in the UK even before they are properly launched. Best get those pre orders in before the prices update tomorrow!

Already too late as the price hike is to apply to Pre-orders as well. I'm not a happy bunny.

How can a huge company like Nikon UK make such a simple error ???

If Amazon do increase the price then I will be forced to rethink as this is a disgrace, I've never ordered any electronic item before and then had the manufacturer bump the price up like this.
How can a huge company like Nikon UK make such a simple error ???

Something as important as the RRP for two brand new full frame cameras (one being their flagship) hitting a large market such as the UK will have been a major topic at Nikon.

System Error? No chance. A very poor show.

"Back ordered cameras won't escape the the price hike, it's claimed"

This is a disgrace.
As the person who posted in reply to the story on the Digital Journal of Photography site above, Nikon may be reacting to supply and demand. Demand is high, supply is low. Kerching!

Nikon may also be reacting to the prices of the Canon 5DIII and 1DX.

If this is correct, this could be a huge PR mistake by Nikon. :shake:

No way an error of that size could have been made imho, and if a mistake were made, it wouldn't take this long for someone to notice it. :shrug:
No way is that an "error" the D4 has been out long enough now to know what its selling for, hell, they both had those prices shown and known since day 1. So it can't be a suprise to nikon this is opportunism and greed pure and simple. Makes anyone who got one of the d800's from amazon in one of their price dips very lucky.

Surely though, if you put a deposit down then that's a contract made between you and the store for that price?
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Making my new D3S look even better value!
Haven't some people already allegedly got a D4 though - what price?
Already too late as the price hike is to apply to Pre-orders as well. I'm not a happy bunny.
I assume that's an understatement, I'm hopping mad.

No way is that an "error"
Agree with you all, it's not possible after this many days for that to be a genuine typo. They've changed their mind.
Surely though, if you put a deposit down then that's a contract made between you and the store for that price?
Most likely yes (you may need to check the small print), but a lot of online places would charge when the goods are dispatched, and there's no contract until then.
Hopefully Amazon will treat this as a price increase and will honour the price we've pre-ordered at but I doubt they will.
I don't think anyone has posted so here we go
The results from DXO of the D800 is nothing short of stunning! I soo soo soo soo soooooooooooo badly want this camera, especially after reading those results, a dynamic range of 14.4ev!! Wow I would love that for landscapes. If you can't be bothered to read the link then basically this comes out as the best full frame sensor there is (also beating several medium format cameras) and only slightly behind the D4 in high ISO performance!

Anybody got a spare 2k??? Pretty please, I will pay you back in about 80 years :)

Also Amazon promise to charge you the cheapest price you pay (or at least the price you saw when you clicked buy :)) At least i'm very sure they do
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Does anyone suspect that the price hike post to taking preorders is a marketing scam? Tesco's iPads for £49 wasn't it, and then subtly claiming it was a pricing error after taking preorders ring any bells? It is disgraceful & very poor PR. If I were a Nikon exec, I'd be looking to fire someone.
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if they havnt charged your card yet they can legaly up the price. but im sure they have to contact you first before charging the higher price.

this sort of thing happens all the time. maby not to this extent, but iteams get posted online at a lower price than there ment to be only for it to be sold then they say its a website pricing mistake or similar and up the price. theres nothing you can do.

I think that all pre orders should be honnoured but dout it will happen. some where large like amazon is likley to loose hundreds of thousands of pounds if they do.which wouldnt make any sence buiseness wise.

seems from what i read on NR that we pay £500 more on a d800 than US buyers now.

im not that suprised though it seemed to good to be true when compairing the price to the 5dmk3.
I doubt Amazon can lose 'hundreds of thousands' as the mark up to Amazon is minimal in the first place.
i know the mark up is small. but if they sell it for £200 less than nikon wants thats £200 out there mark up mulitply that by the hundreds of pre orders and there loosing alot of money. im sure some where it was stated that they had over 500 pre ordered, which i dont dout. which would.
make it into the hundreds of thousands
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i know the mark up is small. but if they sell it for £200 less than nikon wants thats £200 out there mark up mulitply that by the hundreds of pre orders and there loosing alot of money. im sure some where it was stated that they had over 500 pre ordered, which i dont dout. which would.
make it into the hundreds of thousands

Actually I make that exactly 100k so not quite 'hundreds of thousands'
Its funny how these 'pricing error' doesnt affect the D800E, so now the price difference between the D800 and D800E in the UK is now £90? Discrepancies anyone? To me it seems like Nikon is trying a last minute price hike in the UK to cash in on their new release now they are have positive feedback that their products are a match for Canon's offering.
over a hundred thousand would be classed as loosing hundreds of thousands.

how ever you want to take it they will loose alot of money if they leave it as the origionaly quoted price.
so i dout they will honour it why loose money when you can make more.
its not as if peopke can go somewhere else to get it cheaper,as every shop is upping the price.
mcc49 said:
Its funny how these 'pricing error' doesnt affect the D800E, so now the price difference between the D800 and D800E in the UK is now £90? Discrepancies anyone? To me it seems like Nikon is trying a last minute price hike in the UK to cash in on their new release now they are have positive feedback that their products are a match for Canon's offering.

the d800e has also gone up £200 more
It makes the price difference between the US and UK even more mental. $8400 for the D4 and $4129 for the latter. Or, $2400 more per D4 body going on Adorama's price of $6000 for a D4 body.
It makes the price difference between the US and UK even more mental. $8400 for the D4 and $4129 for the latter. Or, $2400 more per D4 body going on Adorama's price of $6000 for a D4 body.
Hi Guy. It does make our prices even more unfair, although you need to take tax into account. Our $8400 includes 20% vat, whereas their $6000 doesn't. Still, $7000 vs $6000 is pretty unfair.
Email sent to Amazon to hopefully confirm what price I'll pay. Fingers are crossed but I'm ready for disappointment.
Email sent to Amazon to hopefully confirm what price I'll pay. Fingers are crossed but I'm ready for disappointment.
I'm not sure I like the idea of emailing, suggesting you anticipate a price rise. I ordered it at the price they advertised it, which wasn't a typo/mistake, so I expect to pay that price. Amazon will have already agreed their purchase price from Nikon, so it's not like Nikon are putting up the cost Amazon pays.
Is it me, or are Nikon missing a trick here? There are people who from Canon who may think of switching to Nikon, but the more Nikon up their price the more that may put such switchers off as they also have to get new lenses etc.

I would of had it at original price or just below £2000 to get those people from Canon and other cameras as well as existing Nikon owners, but obviously their marketing department think otherwise.

Now, the price gap is that little bit closer towards the 5D III that it's less feasable to switch over. Okay, it would always involve extra cost switching from Canon and selling existing gear, but adding more to the price of D800 means a greater cost to possible switchers.
I'm not sure I like the idea of emailing, suggesting you anticipate a price rise. I ordered it at the price they advertised it, which wasn't a typo/mistake, so I expect to pay that price. Amazon will have already agreed their purchase price from Nikon, so it's not like Nikon are putting up the cost Amazon pays.

I see what you say but it's unlikely a CS rep will be able to affect the price that Amazon decide to charge. I'm just hoping to get in writing a guarantee that they will honour their pre-order price promise because at the moment it's all up in the air until someone decides once and for all if this is an "error" or an increase.

(Even though we all know it's a price increase)
I see what you say but it's unlikely a CS rep will be able to affect the price that Amazon decide to charge.
No off course, but there could well be an argument when they tell you.

I'm just hoping to get in writing a guarantee that they will honour their pre-order price promise
I hope you get it, but I'm sure reps know they can never make promises like that.
No off course, but there could well be an argument when they tell you.

I hope you get it, but I'm sure reps know they can never make promises like that.

Couple of people on DPReview forums have had replies confirming the price will be honoured. I know things can always change but having it in black and white wouldn't do any harm.

I'd just settle for clarity on the whole thing, stock levels, price etc.

It's just a bit of a joke at the moment, isn't it ?
Couple of people on DPReview forums have had replies confirming the price will be honoured. I know things can always change but having it in black and white wouldn't do any harm.
Black and white should be enough. But which price are we talking about here - £2100 or £2400?
Is it me, or are Nikon missing a trick here? There are people who from Canon who may think of switching to Nikon, but the more Nikon up their price the more that may put such switchers off as they also have to get new lenses etc.

I would of had it at original price or just below £2000 to get those people from Canon and other cameras as well as existing Nikon owners, but obviously their marketing department think otherwise.

Now, the price gap is that little bit closer towards the 5D III that it's less feasable to switch over. Okay, it would always involve extra cost switching from Canon and selling existing gear, but adding more to the price of D800 means a greater cost to possible switchers.

In all honesty most people who wanted to switch have done so when the 5d11 and 1d's all had problems, so I expect Nikon are not to bothered about that, I think they realised it was too cheap against the Canon and that they would squeeze more out of people because the demand was there.

Wilky said:
In all honesty most people who wanted to switch have done so when the 5d11 and 1d's all had problems, so I expect Nikon are not to bothered about that, I think they realised it was too cheap against the Canon and that they would squeeze more out of people because the demand was there.


I'm not aware of any 5DII problems
I'm amazed Nikon are quoting this as a system error

I've been keeping an eye on developments and if I want to upgrade it will cost me money to go with either 5d II or d800. I would be happy to pay extra and change lenses to go to the D800, but if they are upping the price in this manner that's put me off the brand and company. It sounds and seems to perform brilliantly, but I don't want to buy into the Nikon brand if they are going to behave this way.

I'm now watching the 5D III more closely.
anyone who has one, are you getting any issues with LR4? I just loaded a load of pics into it and as im browsing through them im getting an awful lot of "unexpected end of file encountered" messages.

They were all shot in Raw, 14 bit lossless compressed.

The ones that do load are looking lovely! But it looks like their file translator needs a tweak or 2.
Well kind sir (I'm going to start grovelling now), if you get such an email, could you please let me have some details so I may get the same :)

I just got confirmation from the CS that my Pre-order price will be covered by the Amazon pre-order price promise :)

I'm still not assuming that it will though but at least having it in writing from Amazon is confirmation that they know about it.
anyone who has one, are you getting any issues with LR4? I just loaded a load of pics into it and as im browsing through them im getting an awful lot of "unexpected end of file encountered" messages.

They were all shot in Raw, 14 bit lossless compressed.

The ones that do load are looking lovely! But it looks like their file translator needs a tweak or 2.

No problems here
I just got confirmation from the CS that my Pre-order price will be covered by the Amazon pre-order price promise :)

I'm still not assuming that it will though but at least having it in writing from Amazon is confirmation that they know about it.
Great stuff, I'm pleased to hear I was wrong :)