Nikon D800......

Can all those who have tested and are now lauding the D800 please stop - you are going to end up costing me £2400!!
I'm disgusted with this price rise...d800e is now 2900 :(
Have they raised the price due to high price of 5d3??
Shame on you Nikon
Annoying though the price rise is, its only £200 on top of a £2400 camera really shouldnt make too much of an extra dent.

If you really dont like it speak with your wallet.
Dont buy it, no matter how much whining wont lower the price.

I feel though people will still be buying this camera at the new price and be very happy with it.

Now can we move on from the price issue and get back to examples, reviews, impressions of it?
Eeeeee its £500 when you look on some other pre order prices...
Absolutely disgusted about the price hike. I was going from Canon over to the d800e, and this move alone has killed any chances of me ever moving over to Nikon.

Maybe I'm just a distrusting person in general, but one month to notice you've cocked the prices up?

I was due to order a h4d-31 or h4d-40 next year, and this price hike has prompted me to just keep my 5D2 and order the Hasselblad early.

Shame on Nikon for being so greedy.
Absolutely disgusted about the price hike. I was going from Canon over to the d800e, and this move alone has killed any chances of me ever moving over to Nikon.

Maybe I'm just a distrusting person in general, but one month to notice you've cocked the prices up?

I was due to order a h4d-31 or h4d-40 next year, and this price hike has prompted me to just keep my 5D2 and order the Hasselblad early.

Shame on Nikon for being so greedy.

I know a lot of amateur and pro togs not happy about Nikon doing this, but as a photographer, would you raise prices if you had a lot of demand?

I know I would.
Absolutely disgusted about the price hike. I was going from Canon over to the d800e, and this move alone has killed any chances of me ever moving over to Nikon.

Maybe I'm just a distrusting person in general, but one month to notice you've cocked the prices up?

I was due to order a h4d-31 or h4d-40 next year, and this price hike has prompted me to just keep my 5D2 and order the Hasselblad early.

Shame on Nikon for being so greedy.
I agree it's a pretty bad move from Nikon. I'm not yet sure if it will cause me not to order.

My main gripe is that I was in Istanbul for 5 days and was going to order a D4 the Monday I was back which was Monday this week. There was NO warning of the price rise and I genuinely had absolutely no way to order before it hit due to not being here. :puke:
Pretty poor show from Nikon - they had quite a lot of people tempted to switch and I think this might put a lot of them off. It's just basic capitalist supply and demand though, I suppose you can't blame them.

If people are really getting them at that pre-order discount price of £2099 that looks like a mega bargain on a brand new camera now.
You would think they'd look at the bigger picture, keep the body price low as originally intended and make a lot more on all the lovely Nikon lenses people may have bought.
You would think they'd look at the bigger picture, keep the body price low as originally intended and make a lot more on all the lovely Nikon lenses people may have bought.
For now, with there still being more backorders than stock, that's not an issue. If anything, it's possibly currently doing exactly that - more cost concious people will be put off buying until the price drops back down to £2399, and limited stock will go to people where money is less of an issue, and presumably are more likely to buy expensive glass to go with it...

Of course once supply has caught up with demand and stock is able to sit on shelves, you're most likely right.
Apparently the country is heading back into recession :LOL:
You would think they'd look at the bigger picture, keep the body price low as originally intended and make a lot more on all the lovely Nikon lenses people may have bought.

This won't work, and none of the camera manufacturers have ever done loss leaders on pro gear (as far as I'm aware). The main reason it wouldn't work is that the majority of D800 buyers will already have a collection of good glass that will more than happily produce the results.

Sure they'll get a few newbies who'll buy the holy trinity and perhaps then some, but they'll be in the minority.

I know a guy with a D300 & D3s who owns not a single G type lens, and why should he if his AF & AF-D lenses perform well.

The D800 isn't a playstation that can be sold at a loss and then earn money by the software.
This won't work, and none of the camera manufacturers have ever done loss leaders on pro gear....

Of course it can happen, its normal market strategy for winning on the calculation of total cost of ownership and when trying to increase market share (convert Canon users to Nikon). Higher volume, lower margin with increased market capitalisation, its a proven and winning ingrediant
I don't think they'd need to do it as a loss leader, they just need to keep the price too attractive to resist. I wonder what the profit margin is on these cameras anyway?
I don't think they'd need to do it as a loss leader, they just need to keep the price too attractive to resist. I wonder what the profit margin is on these cameras anyway?
They just needed to keep the price as it was, ie slightly below the new Canons. :D
That's Nikon Norway announced they're jacking the price up there too, so much for it being an "error" in the UK system.....
As George Carlin would have said, the error excuse is Grade A Bull****. :D

I am sure what must have happened was they set the price a little below the Canon 1Dx and 5D3 to tempt a few people like myself. They must have though the pre orders would be about in line with the amount they manufactured. I suspect what then happened was they saw that people are going mad for the D800 and D4 with big months long waiting lists evidence and decided that if there is that much interest and people are having to wait anyway then hey maybe we can just jack up the price and get another few hundred quid out of each customer.

Kind of leaves a real nasty taste in my mouth. Kind of like when you go into a shop then come out and realise the sales people were taking you for a ride. :cautious: Not good customer service but especially not when the Nikon cameras are costing up to £5000+ and you are buying into a system you will use for years. Doesn't exactly build brand loyalty imo. :puke:
I know a lot of amateur and pro togs not happy about Nikon doing this, but as a photographer, would you raise prices if you had a lot of demand?

I know I would.

I most certainly wouldn't raise my price after the initial quote just because I'd found out the client was able to pay more if pushed.

I get what you're trying to say, but your analogy doesn't fit at all in this instance.
Last point on price.
Im loving the price increase. All these people not buying a D800 means i get mine sooner ;)
IMO, to lie about the 'reason' for the price increase is extremely shabby behaviour from Nikon - absolutely disgraceful.
IMO, to lie about the 'reason' for the price increase is extremely shabby behaviour from Nikon - absolutely disgraceful.
Bingo that's absolutely right. If they had just said given us a real reason then yeah it would be annoying but that's life. To lie is really disgraceful. I also don't like the way they gave no notice at all of the price increase. :cautious:

I am very tempted to say go to hell Nikon but their new cameras are just so tempting me......:thinking::naughty:
Too right they do.

Just feels wrong in my mind to be thinking of shelling out £5-7K to a company that has just plummeted in my estimation.
Didn't know they had plummeted? Unless you mean from the disasters that happened?

I just had a look at Nikon UK's last financials and they made a net profit of £2.4M from a turnover of £149M which isn't too bad, but then if you look at Nikon Optical, which I believe is there medical and dental side of things, they made a net profit of £2.2M but this is from a turnover of £14M. So this makes Nikon UK look quite poor really. I would assume that the R&D costs for both these companies are fronted by Nikon (Japan) with their €7B turnover?

It is wrong that they are obviously talking crap but as mentioned earlier the truth hardly sounds much better! lol

Back to the D800, after seeing some test shots I'm not massively impressed so far. Yes you can crop in close but to me the crops do look like crops if you know what I mean!
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Sounds like you lot in the UK are being ripped off. I've just checked with one of the pro suppliers here in Zürich (who give very little in the way of discount) and after taking the current FX rate into account the cost of the vanilla D800 is £1989. About £400 cheaper than the original price, and £600 cheaper than the new price.

So much for Switzerland being expensive.

Edit: Looks like this was a pricing mistake with the first place I checked. See my post below.
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Sounds like you lot in the UK are being ripped off. I've just checked with one of the pro suppliers here in Zürich (who give very little in the way of discount) and after taking the current FX rate into account the cost of the vanilla D800 is £1989. About £400 cheaper than the original price, and £600 cheaper than the new price.

So much for Switzerland being expensive.

Zürich you say...fell trip coming ;D
That'll be the usual then!

Well maybe not so much of a rip off now that I've had a bit of time to do some more thorough research. It would appear that the first price I checked is ridiculously cheap and I'm betting that this place has cocked up with their pricing. Most other places are showing pricing equivalent to around £2350, which is more or less the original price of the D800 in the UK.

Actually the remaining £200 difference in price looks as if it comes down to VAT - 20% in the UK, 8% in Switzerland, so maybe Nikon UK really did make a mistake with the pricing.

Mind you, some purely online places here are offering it for as little £1850 VAT included, but, as you might imagine, they've not got any stock.
Slaphead said:
Sounds like you lot in the UK are being ripped off. I've just checked with one of the pro suppliers here in Zürich (who give very little in the way of discount) and after taking the current FX rate into account the cost of the vanilla D800 is £1989. About £400 cheaper than the original price, and £600 cheaper than the new price.

So much for Switzerland being expensive.

So...that's basically the ex vat pre increase uk price then. Nothing very surprising , as switz vat is 8% and they probably haven't increased their prices yet...Norway seems to have handled it better by saying prices will go up shortly so get your orders in now, Nikon uk really screwed up by not giving any warning - but at least they honoured preorders which they could have said "tough luck" to!
jpwild said:
I know a lot of amateur and pro togs not happy about Nikon doing this, but as a photographer, would you raise prices if you had a lot of demand?

I know I would.

Yup, that's a fantastic way to build a brand engender customer loyalty. Nothing marks you out as a company to do business with
more than a willingness to shaft your customers.

Let's face facts here, this 'error' is also being blamed for the £500 increase in the D4's price. Nikon announced that price in January, are we really meant to believe that Nikon went for nearly 3 months without noticing that they had given out the wrong price for that?

The sad thing is that, rather than voting with their wallets and not buying the affected cameras, most will simply grumble a bit and then pay up, setting a dangerous precedent for the pricing of future cameras, and not just from Nikon....
£500 increase in the D4's price.

Not forgetting of course that the D4 is only shipping with the free XQD card and reader (value £200) until mid May, so it may already be too late to order a package with the add on... meaning the price is effectively going up by £700! :eek:
Not forgetting of course that the D4 is only shipping with the free XQD card and reader (value £200) until mid May, so it may already be too late to order a package with the add on... meaning the price is effectively going up by £700! :eek:

That's only if you choose to get an XQD card and XQD Card Reader. ;)

I think the added card and card reader was good gesture, but has been negated by the profiteering, and those that pay the higher price later but don't get the card and card reader may feel more p*ssed off than if they just ordered later and only missed out on the card and card reader. :(