Nikon D800......

me again...
anyone found good screen protectors for D800 ?
I have used GGS Delamax in past on d700 which was great and looking for something similar.
As an aside, it's interesting that whilst most stores are reporting, "still waiting to fulfill existing orders" that they will sell one to someone 'off the street' as it were ... I am sure that many potential owners would be very disgruntled to know that the queue is so easily jumped.
gramps said:
As an aside, it's interesting that whilst most stores are reporting, "still waiting to fulfill existing orders" that they will sell one to someone 'off the street' as it were ... I am sure that many potential owners would be very disgruntled to know that the queue is so easily jumped.

I had pre order with jessops...rang Jacobs Monday and registered interest with them. They called me yesterday that they have ' spare ones' I placed the order and updated thus thread hoping that others looking for one, will call Jacobs and manage to get one:)
Maybe biggest retailers are not best ones ;)
And coincidence that today is my birthday!!! Nice present from Jacobs :)
here are some test shots from D800. nothing special

look at details on the window

and link to full size jpg - around 20mb


this one I should have taken at F22 instead of F4...

again,nothing special :)
Amazon have just changed my delivery estimate to May 30th.
Anyone else had their Amazon delivery date changed? And has anyone got to within 2 days of their Amazon delivery date (for the D800) to find it delayed again?

Can't stand the suspense :)
Ok, maybe no one interested but me, but my interest is enough for all of us.

It seems that Amazon are honouring the early, cheap orders. Good work Amazon (y) :clap:
Slightly off topic, but is it just me or are D800 and 5d Mk3 not available from Amazon (i.e. proper Amazon, not resellers)?
Slightly off topic, but is it just me or are D800 and 5d Mk3 not available from Amazon (i.e. proper Amazon, not resellers)?
My D800 is coming from proper Amazon, but they're not going to be advertising again until they've made a dent in their pre-order list.
My D800 is coming from proper Amazon, but they're not going to be advertising again until they've made a dent in their pre-order list.

OK, thanks for the info. Global economy can't be doing that bad if they can't make 2.5K cameras fast enough.:)
sophos9 said:
Thanks to Bastic, I just bagged the last D800 from Jacobs, ordered today, delivered tomorrow :)

You ow me a beer or 20;)
I was in there on the weekend, they said they have none however you are correct. Just spoke to WEX, their latest order that arrived has created stock, result!!

I should have checked first, apologies...
You are entirely to blame for the phone call I just made and the resulting bank balance!
I can't see in your post where you mentioned "a 24-70 to go with it" but im blaming you for that too!
(Thanks for the heads up buddy!)
sophos9 said:
I was in there on the weekend, they said they have none however you are correct. Just spoke to WEX, their latest order that arrived has created stock, result!!

I should have checked first, apologies...

Yep. They had a few in stock at time of writing. Id assume they have sold out now.
My local camera shop is getting 3 in next week. But do t think i'll get the £1k needed in time.

Seems like they are slowly coming in.
Bumping the thread to make it active again! I need to know how good the iso performance is on the D800 and E version compared to say a D700. I've read a few reviews but they all say vastly different things. Some say that 3200 is a mess whilst others say 25600 is perfectly useable :confused:
Jessops have really dropped the price of the D800E! Infact, its cheaper than the D800 from them now lol. Work that out :confused:
James J said:
Jessops have really dropped the price of the D800E! Infact, its cheaper than the D800 from them now lol. Work that out :confused:

Only counts if the d800 is not overpriced in jessops in the first place lol
£2479 from Jessops for the D800E

Thats over £200 less than the next cheapest I've seen which is digital rev lol. Its even cheaper than jessops price for the D800, work that out :confused:

Seen here

It could be just a handful 800E bodies that Jessops were allocated early on but haven't managed to sell. Camera World & T4 have got some listed for £2499 but mostly everyone else is £2749 or over.
It could be just a handful 800E bodies that Jessops were allocated early on but haven't managed to sell. Camera World & T4 have got some listed for £2499 but mostly everyone else is £2749 or over.

Yeah possibly. I hope the price holds until early october as I might pick one of those up instead of the D800 (none E), but sadly I can't see it happening :(
Tried selecting that D800E and says to check local store but my local store doesn't have one in stock, tried searching further out and still no luck. Not available for Home Delivery as well!
Tried selecting that D800E and says to check local store but my local store doesn't have one in stock, tried searching further out and still no luck. Not available for Home Delivery as well!

Says "usually available in 10 days" though and you can still order for home delivery due to that.
aaaah didn't notice that. Still think I'll hang tight before buying this, until the the issues have been sorted and hopefully the price might come down in the next month or so!
aaaah didn't notice that. Still think I'll hang tight before buying this, until the the issues have been sorted and hopefully the price might come down in the next month or so!

I'll be buying towards the end of september, maybe mid october at the latest, so it would be nice if the prices moved down further! Can't imagine they will though sadly lol :(

D800E at £2479 though is a bit of a bargain already, especially compared to other companies selling it at nearly £300 more :confused: Can get the battery grip and a memory card for that sort of difference!
Yeah I am also very tempted at this price but with all the people having issues I'd rather sit tight for now. Also with Nikon's stance at the moment I'd rather not take a chance and then hope that they would fix it!
Yeah the issues do still put me off a bit as its a lot of money to spend, get home and realise theres a problem and it needs to be sent off immediately. The problem "should" be ironed out though on any new cameras trickling through retailers by now though surely?! If there are still tonnes of problems with them by the time I come to buy in about 5-6 weeks, I might wait longer and see what happens. We'll see though!
Just bought mine and I'm expecting delivery on thursday :D second hand but at £1975 i just couldn't say no with only 354 shutter actuations, i can't wait and with me going from a d90 to it I'm hoping to be very pleased :D

i went into Jessops in lincoln today and they have leaflets saying that they have them in stock if anybody is interested.
Just bought mine and I'm expecting delivery on thursday :D second hand but at £1975 i just couldn't say no with only 354 shutter actuations, i can't wait and with me going from a d90 to it I'm hoping to be very pleased :D

i went into Jessops in lincoln today and they have leaflets saying that they have them in stock if anybody is interested.

Have you ever used a FF sensor based camera before? I've taken around 9000 shots with a canon 5D mk ii so I'm quite familiar with the "look" you get from them, but if you've never used one before, you are in a for a pure treat :D