Nikon D800......

JazzG said:
Tried selecting that D800E and says to check local store but my local store doesn't have one in stock, tried searching further out and still no luck. Not available for Home Delivery as well!

From what I recall, Nikon are restricting sales of their pro bodies and lenses to select dealers, which means only a handful of Jessops branches now carry them, the rest need to order them in specially for a buyer....
Yeah the issues do still put me off a bit as its a lot of money to spend, get home and realise theres a problem and it needs to be sent off immediately. The problem "should" be ironed out though on any new cameras trickling through retailers by now though surely?! If there are still tonnes of problems with them by the time I come to buy in about 5-6 weeks, I might wait longer and see what happens. We'll see though!

From what I'm hearing the newer ones do seem to be fixed and you'd be inclined to go to a retailer who ships out more than others like amazon as I suppose there is a higher chance of them having newer stock. Seen on dpreview a poster saying his new one seems to be fixed.

From what I recall, Nikon are restricting sales of their pro bodies and lenses to select dealers, which means only a handful of Jessops branches now carry them, the rest need to order them in specially for a buyer....

Yeah I went to their Westfield branch to get a feel of what it would be like but they said I'd need to go to Tottenham Court Road as they are the most local around there to stock them.

Just bought mine and I'm expecting delivery on thursday :D second hand but at £1975 i just couldn't say no with only 354 shutter actuations, i can't wait and with me going from a d90 to it I'm hoping to be very pleased :D

That's a very good price actually. Hope you enjoy it!
Ozei said:
You will be!

Thanks I'll post back here when it's arrived :)

James J said:
Have you ever used a FF sensor based camera before? I've taken around 9000 shots with a canon 5D mk ii so I'm quite familiar with the "look" you get from them, but if you've never used one before, you are in a for a pure treat :D

Thanks :) Never used a FF camera, in fact I've never even held a d800 never seen one either (only seen pics) so I'm hoping it's going to be very good :D
well i got my DSTE grip through today and pretty good it is too. Heres some pics.....

Heres what you get for your £70ish

A couple of battery holders, one for AA and one for a second D800 battery and the bottom one is the grip battery itself, a 3900mA jobbie.

and the grip itself

Internally it has a metal strip running down it with the tripod mount attached to that

and a very dodgy looking power charger, which frankly im loathe to put anywhere near a power socket. The grip has a Dc 12-24v socket on the end.

6 image limit so i'll post a part 2, apologies for the spam if not interested!
All bolted together you get this...

It feels lovely, the rubber has the same feel to it as the D800 rubber. The dials feel nice and clicky. Theres a defenite lip between body and grip but it screws together solidly and in saving £300 i can live with a lip :)

Weight wise it adds 340gramms to the body which on my kitchen scales brings a lens-less gripped body up to 1400 gramms. Quite a chunky monkey now. Not sure how that weighs up against the proper "square" cameras. But it feels well balanced. So there you go, if youre in the market for a knock off grip this one is a little cracker.
Do the buttons feel the same as the ones on the camera? I've noticed that when I used a third party grip with my 5D mk ii they felt nothing like the ones on the body, yet the D300s and the official battery grips buttons and dials feel identical. Not sure how important that is to me as I barely shoot portrait as it is, but its nice to know either way for my future purchase! :D
plastic, feels exactly like the plastic on the body.

Does that grip provide the same performance enhancements as the Nikon MB-D12 version, please ?

Three companies now doing the D800e as well for below £2500 with Jessops and Wilkinson at £2479. The D800 cheapest on that website is £2345 so only £134 price difference at the moment. I wonder if it is Nikon who have dropped their price or the retailers allowed more freedom with pricing.
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Does that grip provide the same performance enhancements as the Nikon MB-D12 version, please ?

I didnt think to try the shutter speed but ive seen posts elsewhere mentioning 6fp in dx mode which doesnt sound that much faster than normal tbh. I'll give it a bash tonight as see if theres a difference. not sure how id tell if its only a frame or 2 faster though, if the time stamp on images records seconds then it will help.

The buttons feel pretty good. The shutter release requires a similar amount of pressure and it has the same feel. The dial that moves the focus point about is a little smaller and fiddly and its easy to press it which seems to centre the focus point which could get annoying. Could just be my fat fingers and not having time to get used to it though.

All the pins are metal too. The only concern i have is the charger, i'll pop into maplins and see if i can get a safer looking UK one.
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Three companies now doing the D800e as well for below £2500 with Jessops and Wilkinson at £2479. The D800 cheapest on that website is £2345 so only £134 price difference at the moment. I wonder if it is Nikon who have dropped their price or the retailers allowed more freedom with pricing.

Maybe Nikon have reverted to the original launch prices. I see Camera World have put their price back up again though (was £2499 - post 1191).
I didnt think to try the shutter speed but ive seen posts elsewhere mentioning 6fp in dx mode which doesnt sound that much faster than normal tbh. I'll give it a bash tonight as see if theres a difference. not sure how id tell if its only a frame or 2 faster though, if the time stamp on images records seconds then it will help.

The buttons feel pretty good. The shutter release requires a similar amount of pressure and it has the same feel. The dial that moves the focus point about is a little smaller and fiddly and its easy to press it which seems to centre the focus point which could get annoying. Could just be my fat fingers and not having time to get used to it though.

All the pins are metal too. The only concern i have is the charger, i'll pop into maplins and see if i can get a safer looking UK one.

Thanks (y)

Three companies now doing the D800e as well for below £2500 with Jessops and Wilkinson at £2479. The D800 cheapest on that website is £2345 so only £134 price difference at the moment. I wonder if it is Nikon who have dropped their price or the retailers allowed more freedom with pricing.

Maybe Nikon have reverted to the original launch prices. I see Camera World have put their price back up again though (was £2499 - post 1191).

I hope they continue to come down in price as it'll mean I can put more towards a new lens when I pick one up lol.
... if the time stamp on images records seconds then it will help. .....

It does record seconds but counting the frames won't be accurate unless you can time the burst to coincide exactly with the start of a second on the camera's clock. I think you'd need sophisticated triggering & timing gear to get the actual fps.
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Maybe Nikon have reverted to the original launch prices. I see Camera World have put their price back up again though (was £2499 - post 1191).

Hopefully and I hope they come down a bit more lower as well. I wonder how the negativity around the left AF issue is affecting their sales?

I hope they continue to come down in price as it'll mean I can put more towards a new lens when I pick one up lol.

I'm hoping for another few hundred to come off within a month or two but I think that is more optimism than me being realistic!
Digital Rev have them for £2200
I think they import only though don't they? I think for the lens that is ok as the warranty is international but the body isn't from what I know.
Think I will wait for the D600 and check the spec on that. The D800 in TIFF mode produces about 108 meg photo, in other words you could show it on the Empire state building and no pixels showing. Really too big for the average photographer.
Does that grip provide the same performance enhancements as the Nikon MB-D12 version, please ?

Nope not really. Just tried it out with the grip and fully charged d800 battery. Couldnt tell any difference. Very unscientific though, just browsed to a nuclear clock webpage and took photos of it as the seconds ticked over. Not very accurate BUT it would of shown up a large increase in speed if one had been there. All i was seeing at best was maybe 1 frame more in FX mode and possibly 2 in DX mode. But that would fall well within tolerance levels of me pressing and letting go the button on whole seconds, so id say it doesnt make a blind bit of difference.

Three companies now doing the D800e as well for below £2500 with Jessops and Wilkinson at £2479. The D800 cheapest on that website is £2345 so only £134 price difference at the moment. I wonder if it is Nikon who have dropped their price or the retailers allowed more freedom with pricing.

I think the supply problems are easing so retailers are being more flexible on pricing. I've had two or three e-mails from Digital Depot in the last week telling me they have a limited number of D800's in stock.......

That presumably means that a) they have no waiting list and b) they aren't selling out as soon as they have stock.
What will D600 do to the prices of D800...;)

That is why I'm waiting until the end of September before purchasing anything. The D800 is a proper overkill for me so it could be the D600 is more my thing. Then again I have a habit of going over the top so I'll probably still end up with a D800E :eek:

I think the supply problems are easing so retailers are being more flexible on pricing. I've had two or three e-mails from Digital Depot in the last week telling me they have a limited number of D800's in stock.......

That presumably means that a) they have no waiting list and b) they aren't selling out as soon as they have stock.

Yeah that is possibility but I did hear Nikon did tell their retailers not to discount over a certain amount so maybe that is why the prices are lower now. Who knows, good news for us though :)

Could somebody with a D800 answer a quick question please for me please?

Does anyone shoot in FX mode, but with the image size set to Medium (20mp ish) Does this effect the burst rate at all? Just curious.
Ozei said:
It does record seconds but counting the frames won't be accurate unless you can time the burst to coincide exactly with the start of a second on the camera's clock. I think you'd need sophisticated triggering & timing gear to get the actual fps.

Or press the Info button and the camera will display the fps setting.....
didnt know you could do that :)

Ok without grip its showing 4fps for fx and 5 for dx
With the grip its still showing 4 for fx but 6 for dx. yay.

Does anyone shoot in FX mode, but with the image size set to Medium (20mp ish) Does this effect the burst rate at all? Just curious.

Image size only affects the jpeg size, raw is 36 wether you like it or not. But setting it to jpeg only, medium size is still showing as 4fps, so go figure. I guess it takes a sensor full of image , 36mp, then crops it or does something to it, rather than taking a medium sized shot in the first place
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essexash said:
didnt know you could do that :)

Ok without grip its showing 4fps for fx and 5 for dx
With the grip its still showing 4 for fx but 6 for dx. yay.

Image size only affects the jpeg size, raw is 36 wether you like it or not. But setting it to jpeg only, medium size is still showing as 4fps, so go figure. I guess it takes a sensor full of image , 36mp, then crops it or does something to it, rather than taking a medium sized shot in the first place

Ahh, didn't realise that. That's a bit of a downer. Need a second body for weddings next year, not sure I want 36mp raws to deal with....
Is the fps a hardware limitation or something which could be upped via the firmware? It doesn't bother me that much but they have everything else spot on especially compared to the 5D mk3 you would of thought it could shoot faster
Is the fps a hardware limitation or something which could be upped via the firmware? It doesn't bother me that much but they have everything else spot on especially compared to the 5D mk3 you would of thought it could shoot faster

I'm guessing it's purely down to the sheer size of the files and what the buffer therefore has to cope with.
gad-westy said:
I'm guessing it's purely down to the sheer size of the files and what the buffer therefore has to cope with.

I suspect there may well also be a bit of restricting applied by Nikon to prevent the D800 stealing sales from the D4 in the way the D700 did to the D3.
I suspect there may well also be a bit of restricting applied by Nikon to prevent the D800 stealing sales from the D4 in the way the D700 did to the D3.

I'm not sure whether they'd be worried about that. Surely losing sales to the 5DIII would be far more troubling.
gad-westy said:
I'm not sure whether they'd be worried about that. Surely losing sales to the 5DIII would be far more troubling.

In that case they'd just have crammed every trick they could into it, but then who would pay £2k more for the D4?
I'm guessing it's purely down to the sheer size of the files and what the buffer therefore has to cope with.

Possibly and that does make sense, that is one downside of the D800 is how big the files are in RAW format. Going to eat into memory space!

I suspect there may well also be a bit of restricting applied by Nikon to prevent the D800 stealing sales from the D4 in the way the D700 did to the D3.

That sounds true as well! Maybe in a year or so they will give it a firmware update to boost it up to any other competition which may harm the D800 sales, have to keep a few tricks up their sleeve I suppose!
If you want to test the FPS "scientifically" just record the burst sound on your laptop mic and look at the sound waveform in Audacity or another audio processing application.
In that case they'd just have crammed every trick they could into it, but then who would pay £2k more for the D4?

I just don't beleive the D800 is artificially held back I'm afraid. The D800 does what, 4 FPS vs. 10 fps for the D4? If Nikon were holding the D800 back, why not pin it back to 5 or 6 fps, it would still be way off the pace of the D4 but at least in line with it's rivals. Personally I just think that is what happens when you have to process a 36mp image. In fact if the D800 could do more than 4 fps, you might ask why the D4 couldn't go even faster still since it's images are less than half the size and assuming no mechanical issues in doing so.
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