There's a logic to my acquisition, I've just forgotten what it is.

:LOL: . mine is usually - OMG ! i remember this compacts price used to be 300 dollars or so. I have to have it now for almost nothing :D
or - Oh ! I have to check this one out. hold it, toy with it and then sell it to someone :D

yeah right. :D

Actually I'm just trying out stuff for some time and then selling. all I actually need is a good 50mm lens and a body + a good compact.

btw. I only bought one camera today ! so - I'm getting better ! :LOL:
jena yes , zenit - no ! no, no, no, no, NO !!! :D

although I LOVE my helios 44-2 .

I might try to get myself minolta 9000 as it has AF but manual film advance.

old lenses - I love them, the only problem is - that the aperture can't be controlled from camera e.g. to focus wide open and shoot @ f8 or so, you know what I mean :)
I only bought 1 camera and lens today as well. I'm a good boy I am.

I have another one finishing bit after midnight, so today I'm safe :D . tmrw is a different story ! :D

well. I have loads of spare time, don't blame me ! :D
I was going to buy a Bessa R2 but came away with a Bessa R3A and Jupiter 8 lens. So far I'm very impressed.

Oh dear...

Bought that F40x that was a bit tatty but going cheap on eBay the other day, then thought I'd get a bit of glass to go with it. Eyed up a 35-70mm f/3.3-4.5 on the listings for around thirty notes, then noted one going for sale boxed with an F401 a couple of items below for the same price, so ordered that. Went to check on my F40x sale and noted a rather mint condition version for only £10 more so ordered that too.

So three bodies winging there way to me shortly, funny how one thing can escalate into another isn't? [Got bidding on an EOS 1N too, but that's another story :LOL:]
It's only money Ben! :LOL:


ps I've always liked F90/F90Xs

pps Bugger! You've got me searching eBay now! :naughty:
Oh dear...

Bought that F40x that was a bit tatty but going cheap on eBay the other day

[Got bidding on an EOS 1N too, but that's another story :LOL:]

That was an F90x, no?

And the 1N? Slippery slope... soon you'll be looking at the 1V :LOL:
Aaannnnd, I'm now the owner of an EOS 1N + power booster :LOL:

Must stop buying, must stop buying, must stop buying, must stop buying...:help:
all my minoltas are going away !

put a nice starting bid, to grab the attention, probably will sell at it as well..
Here's my new baby. Voigtlander Bessa R3a with a Jupiter 8 50mm f2 lens and a sneaky Leica lens cap.

Must stop going to Real Cameras it costs me a fortune and a rollicking from the wife.

Lovely camera, but it deserves a summicron in front of it :D

(Wives will rollick anyways, but a cron is for ever. How much was the bessa body, BTW)
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Must stop going to Real Cameras it costs me a fortune and a rollicking from the wife.

Yep, I know the feeling............well, maybe not so much with regards to the rollicking as I'm not married, but costing a fortune - yes, most definitely! :D
Lovely camera, but it deserves a summicron in front of it :D

(Wives will rollick anyways, but a cron is for ever. How much was the bessa body, BTW)

Yes it does and it will certainly be getting something nice after Christmas, maybe not a cron but at least a good Voigtlander lens. Body was £299 and the lens/adaptor/strap/spare batteries and 2 films were another £50. (y)

I can't stop! I just can't stop myself! Added a FED-2 with a nice leather case to my collection last week :LOL:. Gave it a test run in Portugal last week, so let's see how she's performing when I get them dev'd
I should probably wait until I have it in my hands, but I seem to have just won a Canon EF. :exit:
A small irony - my latest Canon was being delivered at the same time I was returning a duff lens to the post office. Instead of an AV-1 I got one of those, 'pick up another time' notes. D'oh!
Here's a novelty then... an Olympus camera that I actually like the look of! The pre-cursor to the mju, an LT-1 Zoom. I really wanted an LT-1 but this will do until I can find one at a sensible price!


Konamatic also arrived today, looks good, may post a pic later but more importantly the Adaptall for the Contax is here which means the 137MA can get out to play!
Arthur, I am pretty sure LT1 came after Mju I; infact it was the accesorized version of Mju. It has the same 35/f3.5 lens.
Arthur, I am pretty sure LT1 came after Mju I; infact it was the accesorized version of Mju. It has the same 35/f3.5 lens.

... only in the US Ujjwal - the rest of the world had to wait a lot longer for the mju
As in Us and Them? How can you rub one hand?
... and the Sun is eclipsed by the Moon...

Oh dear - right back to 1975 there!
We dont want no education, eh. So many nights spent listening to that - with various accompaniments in the cigarette. A brick in the wall, really
Oh, those were the days :D