Looking very tidy in black:


running a film through as we speak, getting a tidy collection of lenses too, 28, 35, 50, 105, 135mm
Get a room you two.:naughty:
Tin camera, black paint, scalloped metal lens, square hood...what's not to like? (puts on deep manly voice and adjusts trousers)

top 2 came today.
super small APS compacts with fixed prime lens.

the minolta unfortunately is acting up a bit, but I don't think I'll be bothered to fix it.
Now got WYWH in the pickup - found it while sorting out the workshop :D

Arthur - Shine on...
I was watching one of those on eBay the other day. I have had a silver one since it was practically new, but they're definitely cooler in black.
I was watching one at the weekend but the seller talked it up on the rare and collectable angle and it went for an insane price. This was a lot, lot less. I agree with you about black.
it is. but it's very hard to get lucky I think . and if shooting film, it's not an option.

oh lord !!!! I think I just changed my religion :LOL:
I bought a praktica and nikon today :D . craaazzzyyyy !!!
I hope the lens lives up the reputation.
One for all the crazy diamonds in this thread:


This week's arrivals [so far!]
I see you ended up winning the 1N then :)

I'd still like to pick up a 1V at some point, but they just go for silly money, so may go for another 3.
Yes indeed! Had a look at the 1Vs, but they cost crazy money. You'd almost get a 1DIIN for the same amount.
Get a Dynax 9 then - much better camera too :D
I've got a new toy (y)

I've just got an Gnome enlarger that will handle 6x9 negatives :D
I've got a new toy (y)

I've just got an Gnome enlarger that will handle 6x9 negatives :D

Slung one out about a year ago called rangefinder Alpha, including adjustable holder for all negs, still have the condensers though. :wave:
Slung one out about a year ago called rangefinder Alpha, including adjustable holder for all negs, still have the condensers though. :wave:

Thats the one :)

My condensers are rather chipped though, near the edge, and I don't have a manual :D
Thats the one :)

My condensers are rather chipped though, near the edge, and I don't have a manual :D

You probably know this but the condenser was to change the light from the bulb from diffused to erm straight beam (can't think of the proper term).
Still have the 1962 it cost me £35-6-11 and bought a Ross resolux 105mm lens to go with it.

In todays money for just the enlarger it's:-

£562.00 using the retail price index £579.00 using the GDP deflator £1,270.00 using the average earnings £1,480.00 using the per capita GDP £1,720.00 using the share of GDP
Outrageous for a bit of circular tin. :eek:
I know. I know, right? I know I said I was thinning out... but these two arrived today :D

Hoooge thanks to Ujjwal for finding me the Konishiroku IIIA (y)


The Delmonta has caused a bit of a quandary here - I bought it very cheaply because the focusing lens wouldn't. When it arrived I took the three elements out and replaced them the right way around and now all is well... which means it's now a perfectly working camera and my plans to disembowel it are beginning to look a little savage :(
's a nice camera, 120 format 6x6 but I dunno what to do with it now! I have a couple of rolls of film for it I guess...
I had a little personal bet on that one BY, you were odds-on :LOL:
I mean - ever heard of it and even flickr is having problems finding me samples of how good the lens is.

please post the results afterwards :p
Results? Of the massacre or the filming (if I use it)?
TBY - making the jokes you wouldn't stoop to

... more like :D
Delmonta TLR - shows some pics in flickr. the colour rendering is not good at all. major PP required, but I like the swirly bokeh :) .
bad in sunlight, but could get something out of it if cloudy etc. the sharpness seems ok. but then again - it's medium format .
this thread is supposed to be for film addicts etc. but hey ! congrats ! :) what lens are you using on it ? it's a shame that that canon doesn't do cheap 1.3x sensor crops. having played with 30d, I bet the 40d is a lovely camera.