Jeez, all very nice new additions, but that Rolleiflex 3,5E Planar is positively stunning!

Thanks RJ, the Rollei is a superb camera and in immaculate condition. I am still sending it off for avservice and having a new brighter focusing screen fitted.

Wow, that's quite a haul. You must have had a bad case of GAS :)

It all looks good stuff but as RJ says that Rolleiflex is lovely.

Thanks David, it is a good haul and yep the Rolleiflex TLR is a beauty

Loving the TLR and the Rollei 35mm! How does the 35mm feel in terms of build?

Cheers, the Rollei 35 is very solid indeed, Singapore rather than German made but still a solid bit of kit.
The Rolleiflex is definitely the gem out of that quite considerable haul - is that your first one?
Cheers FC2, it is my third one!
Cheers FC2, it is my third one!

I had a feeling it wasn't your first - Brian M told me "once you have one, I know you'll be back... not because that Rolleiflex will break, but because you'll be bringing another one to me to fix up"
Bringing the tone down with my latest charity shop acquisition - a mint-condition Konica Pop!

Bringing the tone down with my latest charity shop acquisition - a mint-condition Konica Pop!

Nice colour.

You shouldn't lose it in the dark :)
Only a couple of weeks after saying in another thread I thought that it was an ugly camera I went out & bought a Nikon F4. Got it from Ffordes for what I thought was a good price as it came with the MF-23 Command back.

Only a couple of weeks after saying in another thread I thought that it was an ugly camera I went out & bought a Nikon F4. Got it from Ffordes for what I thought was a good price as it came with the MF-23 Command back.


To me......... when you add the motor drive that makes a Nikon really ugly :eek: But as it is, it looks a bit "over engineered" .
To me......... when you add the motor drive that makes a Nikon really ugly :eek: But as it is, it looks a bit "over engineered" .

Have never thought off adding a motor drive to a Nikon making it ugly, but thinking about what you have said, maybe the MD-12 isn't the prettiest thing going with its styling? Having looked at a few on ebay etc. over the last couple of weeks, to my eye the F4 looks better with the MB-20 rather than the MB-21 battery pack. Will happily settle for the slower running motor drive.

Lots of dials on it for sure but everything seems in the right place to use it. The viewfinder illumination is way better that the F3's awkward little button for a start. Am running a roll of XP2 through it as a test & was photographing the moon last night & it was nice to be able to see everything in the viewfinder clearly.

The only thing that seems complicated about it is the MF-23 back. The instruction manual for it runs to 150 pages.
I really like the F4 with the MB-20, it makes it a much more useable all day camera, it took me a while to find the MB-20 back but it's well worth it.
I like the F4 but I don't think I could say it's a good looking camera. It's purposeful, though there's a hint of Fisher Price about the chunky controls if you wanted to take it that way. Personally I think the strongest part of it is the interest it brings in marking the transition from manual cameras to button-and-dial controls as per the F5 and F100. It's as though an F5 and an F3 got drunk in a bar and nine months later, the F4 popped out.
I'm only missing the F & F6 from the line up and if I had to get rid of one it would be the F3, the ugliest pro camera Nikon has ever produced by far! Don't get me wrong it's a fine camera to use but the ugly tree it fell out of has bruises on all the branches where the F3 hit each one on the way down :LOL:
Only a couple of weeks after saying in another thread I thought that it was an ugly camera I went out & bought a Nikon F4. Got it from Ffordes for what I thought was a good price as it came with the MF-23 Command back.

I really like the F4, but sadly don't own one :( It has a wonderful industrial look about it!
I'm only missing the F & F6 from the line up and if I had to get rid of one it would be the F3, the ugliest pro camera Nikon has ever produced by far! Don't get me wrong it's a fine camera to use but the ugly tree it fell out of has bruises on all the branches where the F3 hit each one on the way down :LOL:

Do you have the DE-2 or the HP DE-3 finder on yours? For me the lower DE-2 looks a lot nicer than the HP finder.
Do you have the DE-2 or the HP DE-3 finder on yours? For me the lower DE-2 looks a lot nicer than the HP finder.
I've got the high eye point finder, which works well for us of the speccy persuasion, but I think it'll take more than a different finder to improve the looks of the F3.
My 'new' PD Prism has just arrived so I can now shoot portrait orientation on my M645J without breaking my neck with the WLF ;0)

View attachment 7862

I've also got a Zenit E on the way so will add a photo when that arrives.

Well, the Zenit E arrived and was actually a Zenit B that's DOA :0( Looks to me like the spring for the second curtain has snapped/failed which is a shame.

On the bright came with this mint Jupiter 9 (85mm F2) which will fit nicely on my Nex ;0)

View attachment 7997

View attachment 7998

I never realised just how large the front element is on these. I just need an M42-Nex adaptor now. I realise that it's a little offensive talking about digital kit here but I did intend to shoot it on 35mm...
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You are forgiven my son...say three hail Nikons and repent your digital ways. :D
Well, the Zenit E arrived and was actually a Zenit B that's DOA :0( Looks to me like the spring for the second curtain has snapped/failed which is a shame.

On the bright came with this mint Jupiter 9 (85mm F2) which will fit nicely on my Nex ;0)

View attachment 7997

View attachment 7998

I never realised just how large the front element is on these. I just need an M42-Nex adaptor now. I realise that it's a little offensive talking about digital kit here but I did intend to shoot it on 35mm...

...or you could use it on a M42 adapter for a film camera...well unless you only own a Nikon or Olympus ;)
At the moment I own neither. My only film kit is M645J which isn't a great fit for M42 ;0)

If you'd like to pm me your address I've got a spotmatic you can have on a (very long) loan. You'll need to fit new seals but I'll include a set I have knocking around. I got when I bought the lens that it was attached to.
Think the meter guarantee's though..
Just when i thought i was out................they pull me back in!


And on the F90 :)


What a little cracker this lens is, arrived today and i'm seriously impressed. Definitely undersold by Ffordes, they had it listed as Exc but i would love to see their idea of mint because it really is a beauty, a small mark on the front element but right on the edge and i can't see it having any effect. A nice and quirky little macro feature too :D
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My latest acquisition - a lovely little Contax 139 Quartz with Yashica 50mm and Yashica winder :)

Just when i thought i was out................they pull me back in!


And on the F90 :)


What a little cracker this lens is, arrived today and i'm seriously impressed. Definitely undersold by Ffordes, they had it listed as Exc but i would love to see their idea of mint because it really is a beauty, a small mark on the front element but right on the edge and i can't see it having any effect. A nice and quirky little macro feature too :D

Andy,you have a seriously great lens there and I do mean great.
My latest acquisition - a lovely little Contax 139 Quartz with Yashica 50mm and Yashica winder :)

The Contax is a very nice smooth camera esp the wind on lever...but the auto winder looks a bit ugly compared to my two Contax winders as they don't have that thingy going up the camera...thinking tho' it might be a good idea to use as a grip.
Thanks :) j can't wait to get out there and use it in anger!

It was actually bought primarily for my D*@$ (I thought digital was swearing in these parts) but it'll also be getting used on my F90 :)

I was in 2 minds over this or the Tamron 28-75 but I think I've made the right choice, I'm not a wide shooter anyway so don't think I'll miss the wide end and after the reviews it has I thought I would take a chance :)

Did/do you have one of these? I've read different things about hoods for them. Apparently the hb-15 is a good one to use but then some people say that it's too long and vignettes :/ Or I could just stick with the HB-1 :)
Thanks :) j can't wait to get out there and use it in anger!

It was actually bought primarily for my D*@$ (I thought digital was swearing in these parts) but it'll also be getting used on my F90 :)

I was in 2 minds over this or the Tamron 28-75 but I think I've made the right choice, I'm not a wide shooter anyway so don't think I'll miss the wide end and after the reviews it has I thought I would take a chance :)

Did/do you have one of these? I've read different things about hoods for them. Apparently the hb-15 is a good one to use but then some people say that it's too long and vignettes :/ Or I could just stick with the HB-1 :)

Yes had one,but,sold it to finance something else as we do and had other options at the time,I used the HB-1 and also I found that a 62mm three stage hood worked well on the first and second to long on full extension,but,a Hong Kong HB-1 special is dirt cheap.

PS. forgot to say I also have the standard and macro f3.3-4.5 Nikkors and they for little money are great as well.
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Thanks for the advice :) I've actually already got the HB-1 so might just stick with it to be honest. I've actually got an old 70-210 4-5.6 that uses a 62mm and has a HN-24 but its just a smidge too long and vignettes at 35mm. That's making me think the HB-15 isn't going to be suitable as the HN-24 isn't particularly long!
I just got a Fuji-film Instax 210 wide Instant camera and two packs of expired film for the princely sum of £8.98. I got it from the same charity shop I got the Polaroid 600 from the other month.. It is a huge fugly thing but it should be fun....Happy days :banana:
Put some batteries in and realized after pressing the shutter that it still had film in it!! 7, (only 6 now), shots in fact..
Put some batteries in and realized after pressing the shutter that it still had film in it!! 7, (only 6 now), shots in fact..

Awesome! Post some of the old shots up when you get them developed!

Oh, wait ... :confused:
Bought a few bits in recent months, partly in an attempt to rediscover my photo-mojo and partly because ... just because :) Apologies in advance for spamming the thread.

First of all, a Canon FDn 35mm f/2. I posted last year that I really wanted one of these and was delighted to find this one being sold by a shop in LA at a very reasonable buy-it-now, which I think was down to the engraving being blacked out. I remember reading something in a magazine back in the day about doing this but for the life of me I can't remember the reason why. Regardless, the rest of it is in excellent condition and I can't wait to get out with it on the T90.

Next, a Canon FDn 100mm f/4 macro with Canon 50mm extension tube. My interest in macro photography is increasing and I found this one being sold locally so drove over to pay in cash and collect. As-new and supplied with the original manual.

Helios 44M-4 58mm f/2, pictured with my M42-Fuji X mount adapter in place. Lovely weighty piece of glass, bought after reading that everyone should try one of the Helios 44-M lenses (I'm easily led). I fixed the aperture pin with a twist of paperclip wire around the base so it'd stay pressed in for use on my XP1.

Mamiya/Sekor 50mm f/2 M42-mount with M/A switch. I found this in my local indy camera shop and as it was priced at only £9, it felt rude not to buy it. The front and rear elements were both quite dirty and looked as though fungus had taken hold but it cleaned up beautifully with hardly a spot of dust inside and no sign of fungus. It's really nicely made, one of those lenses that I keep picking up to play with. I was in a bit of a rush at the time and couldn't stop to chat with the guys in the shop because herself was waiting, which was a real shame because next time I went back, the shop was shut. Their lease had ended and the owner wasn't going to renew as he's approaching retirement so he's moved everything to his other shop in Farnborough. There's only LCE left in Reading now, feels like the end of an era. :(

Finally, I mentioned this last year in my Home CLA thread; a Fujica ST-801, a manual M42-mount camera with Fujica 55mm f/1.8 EBC lens. It's the EBC that's the important part, these lenses have a great reputation and tend to hold their value very well. The focus is pretty stiff on this one but the important bits are all in excellent order. This particular camera doesn't meter but I have another, slightly rougher, body which does. The original plan was to perform my own CLA and make one good body out of parts from both but I've prevaricated over that for so long that I think I might as well send it to Miles Whitehead. A decision will be made this week!