Just taken the 16-20 out as the weather was nice. Apart from winding on too far at the start of the film so only getting 15 shots it was a joy to use. Its a really fantastic bit of engineering, smooth and solid and small enough for a coat pocket, luvverly.
So I put a tiny bid on this on Ebay and ended up winning it. Thought it would look great attached to the Yashica TLR. Came in original box with plastic case, original battery still sealed and instructions.
View attachment 5415 View attachment 5416
That's fantastic, a bit steam punk.
having no willpower whatsoever i just got back from town with this

I only went in for some folders from WHSmith. Ive got a Bronny SQ-B at the moment but it feels like its made of iron, weighs a tonne and not really practical for walkabouts, this is all nice lightweight plastic. Losing a cm or so on the negative size though.
@essexash ooh man thats exactly what I am looking at the moment or a Mamiya 645 pro.
having no willpower whatsoever i just got back from town with this

I only went in for some folders from WHSmith. Ive got a Bronny SQ-B at the moment but it feels like its made of iron, weighs a tonne and not really practical for walkabouts, this is all nice lightweight plastic. Losing a cm or so on the negative size though.

That's going to be so much more portable :)
looks like it is a bronica day. I've just picked up a gs-1 in Leeds. Pics to follow.
As if I didn't have enough already, word has got out that I like old cameras and whilst I was out, someone dropped off a box full.

The most interesting is a Contessa Nettel from 1921 which I think is quarter plate (3.25" x 4.25") and it has a double plate holder and film sheaths with it which is a bonus.

There is also a Lubitel 2 TLR, a Kodak 66 folder (which might get some use as it takes 120 film - unlike my last one which was 620) a couple of Polaroids, a Ricoh KR10 and a Petri FT EE 35mm SLRs and a boxed Leningrad 7 meter which looks like it has never been used.

There are also a few non-descript 35mm compacts.

Here's the Bronny.

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

As I suggested in another thread I shall review this fella after I've given it a run out tomorrow. It came with both the prism and waist level finders, a 120 and a 220 back and the 100mm and 65mm lenses as well as a remote release, which are apparently quite hard to come buy and a warm up filter. Everything is in good to excellent condition and has been very well looked after, the 65mm is pristine and looks unused.
V Happy. And we beat the jocks at rugby...:banana:
Andy, that looks a cracking collection of kit!
Have you been to WYC in Corn Exchange?
Yep, had a quick chat with Nick and a look around the shop. Nice place and a nice guy as well.
Bulbs are only half of it, will you need one of these batteries too?,Ever Ready,B155

There are certain aspects to vintage photography that I don't miss. I can still remember my father burning his fingers every time he pulled a PF1B out of his old flashgun.
The original battery that came with it is still in the box sealed. Its square like a 9v one but with terminal at either end. Will probably work but I had checked before that I can get them.

It has a bulb eject button that removes the need for pulling the bulb out (if it works) :)
It has a bulb eject button that removes the need for pulling the bulb out (if it works) :)

Simon, you need to use the eject button because the bulb is pretty hot after going off! looks like it will take Pf1B or AG3B bulbs if you can get them.
The original battery that came with it is still in the box sealed. Its square like a 9v one but with terminal at either end. Will probably work but I had checked before that I can get them.

That is a 22.5 volt battery. If flat (probably) you could work it with a couple of 9v batteries - perhaps even one.

In the box of stuff I posted about yesterday there are 10 Philips Photoflux AG1B bulbs which will probably fit. If you want them, send me your address by PM.

Lots of flash information here: I seem to keep going back to look at this site for some reason!

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having no willpower whatsoever i just got back from town with this

I only went in for some folders from WHSmith. Ive got a Bronny SQ-B at the moment but it feels like its made of iron, weighs a tonne and not really practical for walkabouts, this is all nice lightweight plastic. Losing a cm or so on the negative size though.

If you want to sell that 50mm lens, that's just what I'm looking for. I was pleased with the Ebay buy of a 150mm, it was mint in original box...but had to pay £50 for it plus postage.
sorry, the 50 was all i wanted on it but the shop wouldnt take off the kit lens.
sorry, the 50 was all i wanted on it but the shop wouldnt take off the kit lens.

That kit lens i.e. 75mm is a sharp lens and can give "pop" to shots....but you must get the speed grip and an added bonus is it has a hot shoe for indoor flash shots.

My one with the full works:-

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yeah i did think about it, but the whole point of getting this and flogging the SQ-B was weight. If im up in the lake district climbing the big hills i need to go as light as i can, so ive sacrificed a cm of negative for a bit of weight. All the extra gubbins would just weigh me down again. If i start doing studio shoots again then i'll think about the accessories, i wouldnt mind the AE prism finder as there is no comfy way of shooting portrait with the waist level finder.
yeah i did think about it, but the whole point of getting this and flogging the SQ-B was weight. If im up in the lake district climbing the big hills i need to go as light as i can, so ive sacrificed a cm of negative for a bit of weight. All the extra gubbins would just weigh me down again. If i start doing studio shoots again then i'll think about the accessories, i wouldnt mind the AE prism finder as there is no comfy way of shooting portrait with the waist level finder.

Yep all you need for scenery is the waist level finder....for months I've been looking for the guy who used an ETRS for some fantastic scenery shots, mind you they were taken years ago and he could have gone digital now and that's why I can't find them....but my idea originally in my home "studio" was to set up the RB67 with 180mm lens, on a tripod, for portraiture...then move around the model with the ETRS with speed grip and prism for different angle shots.
yeah i did think about it, but the whole point of getting this and flogging the SQ-B was weight. If im up in the lake district climbing the big hills i need to go as light as i can, so ive sacrificed a cm of negative for a bit of weight. All the extra gubbins would just weigh me down again. If i start doing studio shoots again then i'll think about the accessories, i wouldnt mind the AE prism finder as there is no comfy way of shooting portrait with the waist level finder.

Exactly why I went for the GS-1, a much lighter beast than most and fairly compact as well.
FINALLY got this lovely thing back from the repairer and it's working spot on... Bought it before Christmas from MW Classic and the first one came with quite a serious aperture problem, so I returned it and got another, only to find that this one had a problem with the winding mechanism :( our repair guy took it away though and did some frankenstein work with one he had lying around and it's come back perfect, can't wait to get shooting with it after all this time.

It's a gorgeous camera, I was pleasantly surprised with the build quality of it, having handled quite a few folders coming in and out of the shop none of them feel at sturdy as the 530/16 or the 532/16. Got a roll of Portra 400 NC in it now which I'm sure won't take long to smash through.
Well, here's a nice new charity shop Tamron Adaptall-2 135mm f/2.5 stting on @stevelmx5 's Pentax K mount! Whether it was worth spending around £50 to get one stop more than the Pentax-M 135mm, I don't yet know, as I haven't taken it out yet. But it looks clean, smooth and snappy and gets good reviews...

For much of 2013 I was mostly using one camera and one lens (Bronica SQ-A with PS 80mm f/2.8), but between Christmas and getting a refund for my malfunctioning GA645, I've since acquired a few of the rarer Bronica SQ lenses. Both the 105mm and the 135mm have been very nice to use so far, but I've just received the 180mm lens today and it's meant to be a monster for portraits with its one metre close focus distance. I can't wait to use it!

View attachment 5825
Here's the Bronny.

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

As I suggested in another thread I shall review this fella after I've given it a run out tomorrow. It came with both the prism and waist level finders, a 120 and a 220 back and the 100mm and 65mm lenses as well as a remote release, which are apparently quite hard to come buy and a warm up filter. Everything is in good to excellent condition and has been very well looked after, the 65mm is pristine and looks unused.
V Happy. And we beat the jocks at rugby...:banana:

That looks very pretty!
It is..very purty indeed.
Having moved my OM20 on to a family member I had a two shaped hole in my collection... This OM2 came up local and at a fair price. I am weak.
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Having moved my OM20 on to a family member I had a two shaped hole in my collection... This OM2 came up local and at a fair price. I am weak.

Me too am looking for a OM2n to replace my crappy OM20, now they seem to be selling well on the bay at prices I don't want to pay...and am sorry I didn't buy the one at the boot sale, complete with leather case for £18.....and why didn't I buy it? cos I didn't carry some spare batteries to check it out as the mirror was locked up (common if the battery is flat) :(
Me too am looking for a OM2n to replace my crappy OM20, now they seem to be selling well on the bay at prices I don't want to pay...and am sorry I didn't buy the one at the boot sale, complete with leather case for £18.....and why didn't I buy it? cos I didn't carry some spare batteries to check it out as the mirror was locked up (common if the battery is flat) :(

This does seem like a familiar cry Brian, film cameras aren't getting any cheaper and it would seem that your desire for a cheap F100/OM2n will remain a dream while you keep refusing to pay the going price. I know real bargains do sometimes come up at car boot sales and in charity shops but while you dither in a sea of stubbornness the prices are going up when if you'd just bitten the bullet 18 months ago you could have built a wonderful lifelong relationship with a cherished F100.
This little beauty arrived in the post this morning. Seems to be in pretty much as new condition. :) It's the first 35mm film camera that I've bought, and the intention is just to have something small with a good quality lens that I can carry around with me. Can't wait to try it out!

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This does seem like a familiar cry Brian, film cameras aren't getting any cheaper and it would seem that your desire for a cheap F100/OM2n will remain a dream while you keep refusing to pay the going price. I know real bargains do sometimes come up at car boot sales and in charity shops but while you dither in a sea of stubbornness the prices are going up when if you'd just bitten the bullet 18 months ago you could have built a wonderful lifelong relationship with a cherished F100.

Or to paraphrase, "Stop being so bloody tight and just buy one" :LOL: