Minolta XE1 + 50mm f1.4 ending in 2h . I wish I had money to bid on it . It's one of my dream cameras !

Minolta XE1 + 50mm f1.4 ending in 2h . I wish I had money to bid on it . It's one of my dream cameras !
What's up wiv ya- whack it on yer plastic. :D
I can't believe the Canon FP, very similar to to the FTb which sells for £20-35. 13 bidders, £108 and over 4 hours to go.
Who says there's an economic crisis?
can't help it ! :( it's such a gem !

are you bidding on it ?

Love to but it'll finish too rich for my wallet, though it did jump out at me from the page. I've also spent the last few hours fitting new foam and seals to two gunked up manual cameras of that era and I'm not ready for another one yet.
Be interesting to see what it goes for. £85 at least I'd say, could go a lot higher if two gents with a completist gene and a Rokkor habit want an XE-1 badly enough.

There was an XM on in the summer but the guy wanted too much and it passed through without a bid. I contacted the seller with a reasonable offer, seeing as the camera had a fault but he wasn't interested.
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Anyone got any experience with the Minolta SR-7? I just got a new battery for the built in exposure meter but I don't think I am getting the correct readings.

If I point my 5D at a scene out of my window I get the following settings ISO400, f2.8, 1/200 (this was in Av mode). If I set the SR-7 to ISO400 and 1/250 (closest to 1/200) the meter reads f8.

The meter is registering but I think the scale may be out of line. Also, there is a higher sensitivity button on the back of the camera near the meter. If I press this then the meter needle moves across but surely the scale should change too?

I can't wait to use this camera, it's gorgeous! Cosmetically perfect. I can't believe it's nearly 50 years old! :)
Well mum popped in yesterday with a nice little surprise, a bakerlite kodak brownie 127 complete with its canvas case and it even had both spools in it for a change! its in nice condition as well, so sits well with the baby I have.
The "Chance it" Yashica D turned up yesterday, lovely condition but... someone has tried to fix the shutter at some point and forgot to put the self timer back, so unless I can find a shutter assy for it, its just a paperweight, its a shame as the lenses are in lovely condition as is the body, the mirror and glass screen need a clean but that's it, still it was worth the risk for £20.

I have to admit I have now fallen in love with the old Yashica TLR's, they're just the right size and weight for me, I know the Mamiya's will be too heavy, and cant afford a Rollei F2.8.

On the downside the Canon 500n I picked up will be going, nothing wrong with it, in fact its a mint one, it just doesn't satisfy my lust to move from buttons to dials, I really want mechanical camera's and not electric, I also think there's no point in messing with 35mm, unless I can pick up and old FM or Leica cheap, I might as well stick with medium format.

Finally I also found a reasonable supplier for roll film on ebay, fast service as well (next day) I realise that 3 x 120 rolls of FP5 ISO400 for £11.50 isn't the cheapest out there, but the next day delivery more than makes up for it, long exp dates as well..
Anyone got any experience with the Minolta SR-7? I just got a new battery for the built in exposure meter but I don't think I am getting the correct readings.

There are two solutions, take it to a repairer for a CLA, or compare it with a light meter you trust and adapt the ASA settings. Older meters do go askew but they're often consistently off beam and you can adapt.
£2 at a car boot sale this morning got me a minty looking Canon Power Winder A, with a carrying case, for my A-1. :cool:
Not sure if I would be welcome posting here with my camera bargain but last week feeling like my camera bag was just not up to the task I put in a wild bid of £4.23 for a Crumpler FourNintey Daily (L) with free P&P I won and when I opened the box there was a two euro coin in the box. This could mean I now have an as new in excellent condition camera bag for about £2.50 :shrug: My camera loves it's new home too :D
This just in!


A lovely little gift, albeit in a cheap body with the acoustics of a disposable. This is the first camera I have handled with what looks like a 4-blade "square" aperture (yeesh), so I'll be interested to see what kind of bokeh that produces...

Just need to find an LR44 battery. From what I can find this is a pretty poor lens (Meritar 2.8/42), but it's a light body and aperture priority (unlike my other compacts/rangefinder) so I'll definitely be having a proper play with some Poundland film.
Well, it looks quite cute FWIW

vely little gift, albeit in a cheap body with the acoustics of a disposable. This is the first camera I have handled with what looks like a 4-blade "square" aperture (yeesh), so I'll be interested to see what kind of bokeh that produces...

The Oly XA has the same four-blade arrangement.

There's a sample of what you might expect here.
Just need to find an LR44 battery.

Shouldn't be too hard to come by.

Maplin sell a Silver Oxide SR44, which should provide a more consistent voltage, for £2.49.

Otherwise, Small Battery Co. do SR44s for £1.49 and (2 for £.120) and LR44s for £1.75 each (or two for £1.50 each). Equally, you may be able to buy LR44s in your local corner shop.
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Cheers for that, Rob! I'll pop down to Maplins tomorrow. Interesting link there, too - nice to know what kind of thing I'm deaing with.
Just shot my first two 'analogue' frames with an SLR! :) I had to adjust the ISO settings to account for the exposure meter inaccuracy. I hope they come out, i'll be gutted if I have 36 duds!

iPhone has come in handy though. I took a duplicate photo with my iPhone and also a photo of the camera setup for my records :)
Saw a tidy looking one of those at the car boot sale this morning for £3.

Stuck aperture blades :(

Possibly I should have bought it anyway just to see how difficult it is to repair myself, but I figured mrs M didn't need to see yet another camera entering the house. :)
Picked up this interesting little camera at Brighton Camera Fair yesterday (as well as a split screen for my ETRS and some cheap films):


(obviously not my photo)

It's absolutely tiny! Almost the exact same size as an XA. Will be testing it on a class research trip onto the Downs today.
so today my Epson 2480 came :)
It was packed like Ive never seen it before ;D you could even say bulletproof haha

took me a while to unpack it.

It is in 'like' new' condition and all for £26 ;D

made my firs mistake and scanned one frame at 12800dpi I have TIFF file that weights only 1,3GB !!!!! and it has insane resolution ;D
that will teach me to scan at 4800 ;)
some scanned frames will be posted soon :)
Woops, apologies, the picture vanished. I'll find another one:

Chinon bellami by vinadelle, on Flickr

It's a Chinon Bellami, nice wide 35mm 2.8 lens (4 elements, 3 groups) and really quirky barn door opening mechanism, you turn the film advance lever about 45 degrees and they spring open.

I've just got the first roll through it back so once I've scanned it in I'll post the results!
Just picked up a neat little XA2 (no flash though) and a Paterson System 4 tank (with bits) for £2.50 :D

droooolllll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

got it ! konica autoreflex tc + hexar 40mm f1.8

I love it ! how it looks, how it operates.

I guess I'll need to beg Ambermiles Arthur to dev my ilford now ! :( :D
p p p p p

p p

Please ! :( :LOL:

I've waited long to put a ilford in a camera as in my mind the camera needs to be oldschoolish to do so . b&w film you know !! :D
I just recieved a clean canon Ae-1 from ebay today, just need a lens to match now otherwise it's little more than a paperweight.