"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

GF1 had dynamic B&W. Seems odd that it's follower doesn't
You're right it doesn't! How stupid!
Could you not go into normal B&W and then customly add more contrast and save it as C1?
Yeah you can, I think there's custom monochrome but then also the facility create your own, pizza style, in custom settings, I think they both just produce grayscale images, dunno. Just wondering if anyone had played with these and come up with anything that replicated the dynamic mode.
I suppose the removal of dynamic b&w reflects the market they are aiming at, which in theory is me! Looks like the EPL2 is staying .
Real images of the GX1. Looks so much like the GF1. Not much spec yet but has similar/same sensor as the G3 soimages should be good especially with the new 'X' lenses.!!






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This gets a big yawn from me, as do the lenses and I just don't care about the image quality.

What could get my money is a Nex 7 / Fuji X100 shape camera and a couple of AF lenses with distance markings and reasonable manual operation. In fact, if Nex 7 had lenses like that I'd put my 4/3 up for sale or in a draw and buy the Sony stuff as I now don't believe that Panny will ever offer that type of set up, they just don't seem interested but I'm sure there'll be another f3.5-5.6 kit lens along any day now.
Real images of the GX1. Looks so much like the GF1. Not much spec yet but has similar/same sensor as the G3 soimages should be good especially with the new 'X' lenses.!!

A lot of people including me were convinced it would have an evf, but if it's the same as the G3 I suppose there's no point.

Personally Im waiting for the GH3.
Meh, not that blown away by the GX1 either. Oh well at least I won't have to spend the money on one. :)

I think the 'pancake' zoom is rather cool though.
But would you like that switch for zoom?

I think I'd hate it, unless it's a revalation over what compacts and the like are like as I find it next to impossible to get the exact framing I want with controls like that.
I think it's like the zoom on video cameras where it goes very slow at first then ramps up - not ideal but I think it would work ok. I just think it's clever to be able to make a zoom so small with apparently good IQ.

I'm wondering though if we will ever see a fast zoom - ie 14-42 f2.8?

Also think Panasonic should step up their game in terms of sensors - the NEX cameras are getting a long way ahead. I know they have a bigger size to work with....

I'd just like a new GF1 with much improved high ISO performance and a decent VF, either built in or optional. From what I've seen the G3 is a better sensor but it's not a huge improvement. There doesn't seem to be anything to try and compete with the NEX-7
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The GH2 sensor seems on par at high iso with the Nex-7 although obviously lower resolution and unfortunately the GH2's sensor is not available in any other body. The NEX-7 is certainly impressive technologically but I don't really see the point in a tiny body with large lenses, I prefer the larger GH body for any of the lenses larger than the pancakes.

Yeah why can't they put the GH2 sensor into a compact body? I understand the GH2 is the flagship but why can't they do a high end GF1 style cam with the GH2 sensor (or better)? I agree about the larger lenses BTW.
The NEX-7 is certainly impressive technologically but I don't really see the point in a tiny body with large lenses, I prefer the larger GH body for any of the lenses larger than the pancakes.

Yes, but with some compact-ish and fast-ish primes it'd look like a very attractive option, but they don't seem interested in lens markings for manual use.
Yes, but with some compact-ish and fast-ish primes it'd look like a very attractive option, but they don't seem interested in lens markings for manual use.

It definitely would but unfortunately it's not to be, the two primes they announced with the NEX-7 are huge compared to their micro 4/3 equivalents which makes it pointless for me. Admittedly as I read the NEX-7 press release I was bracing myself for a big purchase as along with the two fast primes they'd announced it looked well worth changing from the GF1 but the moment I saw the pictures of the primes that idea went straight out the window. Hopefully though if it does well then it might spur Panasonic on to produce a similar body.

Just ordered a 14-42mm X which should go well with the GF3, I think it's a great move to compliment the small size of the GF cameras.

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It definitely would but unfortunately it's not to be, the two primes they announced with the NEX-7 are huge compared to their micro 4/3 equivalents which makes it pointless for me. Admittedly as I read the NEX-7 press release I was bracing myself for a big purchase as along with the two fast primes they'd announced it looked well worth changing from the GF1 but the moment I saw the pictures of the primes that idea went straight out the window. Hopefully though if it does well then it might spur Panasonic on to produce a similar body.

Just ordered a 14-42mm X which should go well with the GF3, I think it's a great move to compliment the small size of the GF cameras.


I might look at a Nex 7 and think about a Voigtlander 35 or 40mm lens if the price of the lens and adapter don't put me off :D I'm not too sure how they'll perform on the Nex but it might be something to think about... still no AF though :(
JohnMcL7 said:
It definitely would but unfortunately it's not to be, the two primes they announced with the NEX-7 are huge compared to their micro 4/3 equivalents which makes it pointless for me. Admittedly as I read the NEX-7 press release I was bracing myself for a big purchase as along with the two fast primes they'd announced it looked well worth changing from the GF1 but the moment I saw the pictures of the primes that idea went straight out the window. Hopefully though if it does well then it might spur Panasonic on to produce a similar body.

Just ordered a 14-42mm X which should go well with the GF3, I think it's a great move to compliment the small size of the GF cameras.


Hello John. Just for info where did you find the 14-42mm x lens please? I'm considering one to use with my G3.

Hello John. Just for info where did you find the 14-42mm x lens please? I'm considering one to use with my G3.


This is where I ordered mine from:


I should find out tomorrow if it's actually in stock, they've been showing it out of stock for most of the month so I'm hoping this means it is available. I generally find Mathers very good for both price and services, bought my GF1, 20mm, 14mm and GH2 from them.

Am I being really thick, which is likely, but I can't fathom a quick way to stick the GF2 into infinity focus for street snaps, all I can do is flick it to F22 which is ok, but hardly a 'quick menu ' option. Am I missing something?
Have a redsnapper rs 283 tripod and rsh12 ballhead from my dslr days, now I no longer have dslr kit and have migrated to Panny GF1 I feel the redsnapper is a bit overkill. Are you guys using lighter tripods since going down the four thirds route ?
Am I being really thick, which is likely, but I can't fathom a quick way to stick the GF2 into infinity focus for street snaps, all I can do is flick it to F22 which is ok, but hardly a 'quick menu ' option. Am I missing something?

This is exactly the problem I had with my GF1+20mm. You can't tell what the lens is set to and all you can do is turn the focus ring what you think is the right way until you think you're there. Horrible for anything other than AF.
Thought so :(

Seems strange not to at least mark the focus ring or at least have an infinity option in quick menu
frank said:
Have a redsnapper rs 283 tripod and rsh12 ballhead from my dslr days, now I no longer have dslr kit and have migrated to Panny GF1 I feel the redsnapper is a bit overkill. Are you guys using lighter tripods since going down the four thirds route ?
My Gorillapod is getting a new lease of life with my GF2, mainly as I always have it in my little rucksack, whereas I would have to make an informed decision to take the "proper" tripod with my "proper" camera! :)
hillwalkinggirl said:
Couldn't you just set it at f11 then manual focus to about 1/3 of the way into the scene and then leave it at that?

Yeah, but there's no focus indicator on the screen, I suppose there's dof for it not to matter.
You could just use an old manual focus lens - some can be had very cheaply (need to factor in an adapter as well). I guess the distance markings will be wrong due to different sensor size? Someone more techy will be able to say by how much. :)
Dunno if sensor size affects it?

My Voigtlander 25mm was made for 4/3 so I have no problems in either zone focusing or selecting infinity. To me it makes MFT useable and without it I'd probably drop kick the kit over a hedge as it's so frustrating and limiting not to be able to use it as I want. It would be nice to have auto focus too but after this length of time I'd be amazed if Panny actually made a nice prime with distance markings and easy manual use.

Sadly for me the Nex 7 looks lovely but Sony seems to be going down the exact same route with their lenses which is doubly annoying as they make some nice lenses with markings for their DSLR's, useable with an adapter AFAIK but at some cost. The buggers.
daveya said:
Am I being really thick, which is likely, but I can't fathom a quick way to stick the GF2 into infinity focus for street snaps, all I can do is flick it to F22 which is ok, but hardly a 'quick menu ' option. Am I missing something?
I'm likely being more thick here as I've never figured out manual focus for anything other than macro, but I saw a mag ad for an Oly 12mm F2 lens which has a manual focus ring with distance markings, and I can see the infinity mark on it... However I'm guessing it's not going to be cheap :(

EDIT: Just checked, £650. Ouch!
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grum said:
You could just use an old manual focus lens - some can be had very cheaply (need to factor in an adapter as well). I guess the distance markings will be wrong due to different sensor size

No, the plane of focus is in exactly the same place (hence the need for an adapter) so the distance markings are accurate.

DoF markings are inaccurate - you get more in focus than indicated. Though they're still a useful guide once you take the crop factor into account.

I use manual-focus Canon FD lenses on my G2 98% of the time.
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I'm not too sure about that. DoF isn't related to sensor size as such but will be related to distance to subject as you'll back off because of the crop but if the distance markings are accurate then the DoF markings should be too, surely.

I'm not bothered about DoF markings myself.
I had a bit of a Twilight moment yesterday.

I was shooting with my GF1 and then changed to my G1 and when I loaded the shots onto my pc the file numbers followed on exactly from the GF1 to the G1. What's the chances of that I wonder :D
I'm not too sure about that. DoF isn't related to sensor size as such but will be related to distance to subject as you'll back off because of the crop but if the distance markings are accurate then the DoF markings should be too, surely.

I'm not bothered about DoF markings myself.

Actually, I got that the wrong way round (I was posting in a hurry on my phone if that's any excuse).

As the circle of confusion on m4/3 is half the size of 35mm film, you actually get two stops less DoF compared with that indicated on the lens' markings.
I've always taken DoF markings as the roughest of rough guides and the idea that DoF varies with sensor size has never sat well with me as it just doesn't make sense and carrying out my own tests with MFT, APS-C and FF was enough to confirm what I thought and clear up any doubt. I've not checked DoF scales though so that might be a good project for a rainy day. Might be a bit pointless though as fewer lenses have markings these days.
In the field, I agree and also tend to treat them as rough guides.

One small benefit of working with them stopped down on m4/3 is that you've a fair idea of what you're getting in the viewfinder.
Another thing that annoys me about the lack of AF lenses with markings...

AF lenses are great when you focus and view wide open and stop down to take the shot, that makes things easy but with a manual lens it's a mess on. I love my Voigtlander and it's lovely and bright when shooting at f0.95 but if you want to stop down to take the shot you have to remember how many clicks to turn the aperture ring and it all takes time.
I don't shoot with manual focus glass for speed, except when I can predict in advance what I'm going to need, when it can be faster than auto-everything lenses.
Not ultimate speed :D but sometimes I wish that the process could be a little quicker and for me AF with lens markings and ease of manual use would be the best to have, USM would also be a Godsend and IS would make my life complete :D
Is anyone still waiting for their free copy of LR3 and free 5 year warranty from panasonic?

I bought a GF3 with a 14mm lens on 31/8 and posted my claim form with all the relevant info to Panasonic a couple of days later.

I've heard nothing from them at all, Does anyone know who i should contact about this? I haven't got a copy of the claim form so don't know what I should do and who I need to contact to chase this up.

Is anyone still waiting for their free copy of LR3 and free 5 year warranty from panasonic?

I bought a GF3 with a 14mm lens on 31/8 and posted my claim form with all the relevant info to Panasonic a couple of days later.

I've heard nothing from them at all, Does anyone know who i should contact about this? I haven't got a copy of the claim form so don't know what I should do and who I need to contact to chase this up.


Posted my claim to them on 2/9/11 and I've heard nothing from them so far Julie.

I do believe that it can take 2 months for it to arrive...so should be due now !!!
If you need the address to write to them I have it.
I am going to write to them this weekend, but first I'm looking for a phone number, if I find one I post it on here.