"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

I suspect I'll be shooting wide much of the time, hence the pancake option.

Gotta remember that these cameras are all x2 crop so 20mm doesn't end up being all that wide and ends up being more of a standard lens but the f1.7 makes it good for lower light shots.

I have the 20mm, 14-42mm and a 25mm f0.95 and the latter is the only one I use now so if off on hols it's the one I'd take as it does standard, macro and low light :D A one lens solution isn't for everyone and every occasion though and the last two holidays I had I took a LX5 too for the wider and zoom options.
fidsey79 said:
Ps, you have to put pics up here asap when you get back!

Of course! Probably even while I'm still there, knowing me...

Thanks all for the advice so far. Good things have plenty of time to think about it still.

Edited a few typos.
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I got my 45mm today thanks to a fellow TP'er. Man, I can't stop marvelling at how small and trick it is.

Compared to a Zippo lighter for scale.

How do folks find the G1 generally? There've been a few for sale recently with 14-45 lens for very reasonable money, I'm tempted more by the lens than body! :)
How do folks find the G1 generally? There've been a few for sale recently with 14-45 lens for very reasonable money, I'm tempted more by the lens than body! :)

Fine for me, never had any real complaints and never felt held back by it. As long as your not shooting fast moving objects and never need more than 800 iso its great.
Danny_Two said:
Fine for me, never had any real complaints and never felt held back by it. As long as your not shooting fast moving objects and never need more than 800 iso its great.
Damn, just looked at a review, it does look quite interesting! I'm aware this is supremely lazy, but anyone got any idea of the used value of a G1 & 14-45?
Damn, just looked at a review, it does look quite interesting! I'm aware this is supremely lazy, but anyone got any idea of the used value of a G1 & 14-45?

There's a G1 body for sale in the TP classifieds for £130, which I think is quite reasonable.
Kit lenses usually go for less than £100.
Fine pics Andy,just shows what this little G3 can do in the right hands !
Danny_Two said:
I went around the world with just my 14-45 and my 20mm, never wanted for anything more, in fact I could of lived without the 20mm.
It's down to your style really, personally I never need long lenses and just sold my 45-200, if you want versatility have a look at the 14-140.

Probably a dumb question, but what is the main benefit of getting the 20/1.7 over just using the kit lens at around 20mm?
I'm not really thinking about portrait photography at all as I'm more into photographing vistas/buildings etc with the odd picture of me and my wife in said places.
Probably a dumb question, but what is the main benefit of getting the 20/1.7 over just using the kit lens at around 20mm?
I'm not really thinking about portrait photography at all as I'm more into photographing vistas/buildings etc with the odd picture of me and my wife in said places.

Big apertures let you get away with less light and give you nice a depth of field effect for close up stuff.
The reason I like the 20mm and took it is because its a great street lens, small, bright and discreet, and it was no bother to stuff it in a pocket or a bag.

Saying that I think some of my best travel pictures were with the 14-45 as I like the width.
There's a G1 body for sale in the TP classifieds for £130, which I think is quite reasonable.
Kit lenses usually go for less than £100.
This is great info, many thanks (y) I really need to do some research into these bodies, my GF2 seems to have sparked something off...

Now, to sell my D40 or not :thinking:
There's a G1 body for sale in the TP classifieds for £130, which I think is quite reasonable.
Kit lenses usually go for less than £100.
I've never seen one of the great 14-45 kit lenses go for less than £130 but maybe I've not spent enough time looking.
I have one anyway. (y)
Anyone had any luck with a screen protector on the G3? I tried a couple and they just wont stay on the screen on one end - thinking the screen might have a slight curve thats stopping the protector sit flat! Sadly invisible shield do not do a protector and dont have any plans too.
I finally have my GH2 and lenses and with luck will get an opportunity to put them through their paces this weekend. I do have a couple of questions though.

With the Canon equipment I have been using, I only ever used the native ISO settings i.e. 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 etc. What are the native ISO settings with the GH2? Is it the same, or is it ISO160, 320 etc? I've found over the years that sticking to the native settings gives better results.

Is there a setting for the LCD screen and viewfinder that makes them display how the shot will look when taken, rather than the default setting setting that seems to turn the gain right up to give you a falsely bright view regardless of your exposure settings? Not a huge deal this, but it would be nice to have a truer picture of what a given set of exposure settings will deliver.

Hope someone can help.


I'm still very impressed everytime I pick up the G3, the picture quality is superb and it just feels so well put together! I was using a 600D the other day and it just felt so cheap and plasticy!
With the Canon equipment I have been using, I only ever used the native ISO settings i.e. 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 etc. What are the native ISO settings with the GH2? Is it the same, or is it ISO160, 320 etc? I've found over the years that sticking to the native settings gives better results.

I don't have a GH, just a lowly G1 and GF1, but I leave them on auto ISO and let the camera get on with it and I haven't noticed anything nasty. In fact, I think that the settings between 800 and 1600 give much better results than just jumping straight to 1600.

As digital shots are essentially free why not just go out or just wonder about the house this evening and let the ISO drift up and down and check the results?
Took the G3 and 20mm out tonight - all at iso-800 f1.8:






100% crops are impressive - retain a lot of detail and sharpness that I would have never expected from a system camera!


Nice pics JJ , sounds like you are pleased

Pleased and surprised! Not taken any night shots since I had a D60 and Sigma 30mm f1.4. The G3 shots have come out cleaner and sharper - shows how far the format has come!
One thing I cant find is how to reset the focus area. For example, I choose the 1-area focus mode, then when using the LCD you can touch where you want focus (when you switch to the EVF it stays at that point), but have no idea how to reset it back to centre without using my dodgy eyes to do so!
On my GF1 if you hit any of the direction buttons to highlight the focus area and then hit the bin button it goes back to its home position.

On my G1 if you switch to manual focus and then back again I think it homes, can't check that at the mo as I have a manual lens on it but that's how to do it as far as I remember.

Maybe one of those methods will work on the G3?
I believe on the G2 I press the Dof preview button bottom right but that might've changed on the G3. Sure it's not on the focus page of the manual?? :)
Ah. Might be the bin button as mentioned above. It snaps back to the centre.
It's a dual use button... bin and DoF so we're thinking of the same button :)

I know how annoying it can be trying to get it smack back in its home position.
Couple more with the 20mm:




And some with the 14-42 Kit Lens:


A photo from my first time out with my GH2 + 100-300mm lens.

Thorpe_Perrow_001 by srhphoto, on Flickr

Just blown away by the performance of the combination. This was taken at 300mm with the lens wide open.


Quick question, new member, picked up a GF2 as a travel cam.

I made the mistake of assuming this camera would have a dynamic b&w mode, has anyone played with the custom settings to replicate it? I shoot it jpeg only and rarely do any pp, just try and set up camera to avoid anything other than a big of unsharp mask.