"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

sorry guys it was on an email from them. perhaps I got the date wrong or something - wouldn't put it past me!
GF2 with the stock lens now on amazon for £309 - I'm tempted but will it go even cheaper in the Jan sales?
pipo said:
GF2 with the stock lens now on amazon for £309 - I'm tempted but will it go even cheaper in the Jan sales?
Quite a few places (esp dsg stores) have had it for £299 for some time now, that's where I got mine a few weeks back, and very pleased with it I am. Not sure if the price will drop again, obviously Panny have stopped manufacturing them to concentrate on the GF3, the dsg price seems to have held for a good while tho.

Also, srs Microsystems were doing silver GF2 bodies for £169, and the 14-42mm lens for £79, all split stock but brand new. Still advertising in last weeks ap so this offer might still be on :)

Edited for linkage... Here it is at PCW with the 14mm lens for £299. Even if you don't want the 14mm its rrp is around £270 on its own, so you could so some crafty selling. Have to say the 14mm is the reason to buy one of these tho!

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The GF3 is a stonking deal at the moment. Mathers have it with a 14mm for only £395. They are also sticking a copy of Lightroom in the box! If you don't want lightroom it's worth about £120 on eBay and there is £40 cashback.

Total cost for GF3 +14mm=£235. Bargain.

I did this and then accidentally also bought the 20mm pancake from Amazon. :bonk:
The GF3 is a stonking deal at the moment. Mathers have it with a 14mm for only £395. They are also sticking a copy of Lightroom in the box! If you don't want lightroom it's worth about £120 on eBay and there is £40 cashback.

Total cost for GF3 +14mm=£235. Bargain.

I did this and then accidentally also bought the 20mm pancake from Amazon. :bonk:
Crikey oh blimey that is indeed a good deal :eek: I take it the LR3 offer is seperate from the recent Panasonic offer?

I'm trying to resist getting the 20mm, but struggling while I save up for a D7K. If anyone sees it cheap, please don't tell me :bang: :LOL:
The G1 I bought from this forum is now away being fully converted to infra red so we will soon see how it compares to the 40D, I am hoping for good results from what I have seen of others:)
Hi Guys, thought you might be interested in a few pics....

Taken yesterday at Bathsheba, Barbados. Also know as the "soup bowl" due to its foamy surf. A great afternoon had togging the surfers in the glorious sunshine.

I've only got my Panasonic G3 camera and the Pany 100-300 with me but it coped pretty darn well IMHO. It was the lens and camera's first proper outing after upgrading from the GF1. So far I'm liking it allot!

Both the shots below are at 300mm with slight cropping.

Anyhow hundreds of shots to look through but I liked this one immediately.


Here's my second favorite of the day. I know he's got his back to the camera but I still love the shot.


I've loved my GF1 and the G3 is feeling like a worthy upgrade. The 100-300 has surpassed my expectations.


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Can't wait to have a play on the new GX1. If it's as good as im led to believe I may even ditch my DSLR altogether (will probably need to in order to fund it anyway...)
Barney12 said:
Hi Guys, thought you might be interested in a few pics....

Taken yesterday at Bathsheba, Barbados. Also know as the "soup bowl" due to its foamy surf. A great afternoon had togging the surfers in the glorious sunshine.

I've only got my Panasonic G3 camera and the Pany 100-300 with me but it coped pretty darn well IMHO. It was the lens and camera's first proper outing after upgrading from the GF1. So far I'm liking it allot!

Both the shots below are at 300mm with slight cropping.

Anyhow hundreds of shots to look through but I liked this one immediately.

Here's my second favorite of the day. I know he's got his back to the camera but I still love the shot.

I've loved my GF1 and the G3 is feeling like a worthy upgrade. The 100-300 has surpassed my expectations.



Great shots there Barney, the 100-300 looks a great lens, seen nothing but great sharp samples posted. I'm trying to resist getting one ;)
Can't fault those, Barney.
Glad you're enjoying your G3.
Hi everyone. Do you think we should get the prize for having the longest thread on here? I really must get my G2 out again. I had a Nikon D7000 for my birthday a couple of months ago and so have been playing about learning to use that. It's great for indoor photography but I must admit that for out and about you just can't beat the portability of the G series.
Just lately I've been using my G3 with 14-45mm lens, when the weather warms up and can get out and about perhaps my GF1 + 20mm will get some use.
Must admit I am favouring the G3 these days
Certainly is nice Barbara, this is a pic on the other side of the single track road I was on, think it's called the Dornoch Firth, job to stop and take pictures, passing places are quite small......lucky this one was the entrance to the field, stopped and got the two pictures from the same spot.

Went to Tesco before it started this morning, it has stopped raining now but still very windy.

Fingers crossed have appointment at Opticians in the morning at 9.30am...
Is the LR3 deal only at Mathers? I don't see mention of it on any of the other websites? Thinking about getting a GF3, and just doing a bit of research at the moment.
Is the LR3 deal only at Mathers? I don't see mention of it on any of the other websites? Thinking about getting a GF3, and just doing a bit of research at the moment.

Lightroom deal seems to appear on and off on most of the new Panasonic cameras, it's direct from Panasonic and even includes the GX1 now:
http://www.cameraworld.co.uk/images/uploads/T37323 GX1 online flyer v2.pdf

I'm quite tempted to go for a GX1 body and give my G3 to my girlfriend. Though Lightroom 4 is meant to come out soon so think the price you can sell it on for is quickly dropping though I guess close to £100 is not unreasonable.

I'm also thinking they'll probably add the cashback offer in a few months to the GX1 though. There's cashback from Panasonic on their other new cameras (inc GF3). It makes the GF3 quite a good buy if you're after that model. I think Olympus also have a cash back offer in the UK now, so worth checking out their micro four thirds cameras too.
Is the LR3 deal only at Mathers? I don't see mention of it on any of the other websites? Thinking about getting a GF3, and just doing a bit of research at the moment.

Seen these on clifton cameras and the prices are fairly competitive.

Getting my new GF1 tomorrow (GX1 too expensive according to the wife :shrug:) but the 20mm pancake will have to wait til after xmas. Is it okay to put up pics here?
Seen these on clifton cameras and the prices are fairly competitive.

Getting my new GF1 tomorrow (GX1 too expensive according to the wife :shrug:) but the 20mm pancake will have to wait til after xmas. Is it okay to put up pics here?

20mm pancake has cash back which I think expires Dec 31.. maybe want to look in to that anyway! :cool:
Getting my new GF1 tomorrow (GX1 too expensive according to the wife :shrug:) but the 20mm pancake will have to wait til after xmas. Is it okay to put up pics here?

We like pictures :D
G1,G2 or G3 owners, do you use the EVF much? Do you prefer the LCD instead?
G1,G2 or G3 owners, do you use the EVF much? Do you prefer the LCD instead?

Having used an slr/dslr I can not get used to using the screen so use the viewfinder all the time.
G1,G2 or G3 owners, do you use the EVF much? Do you prefer the LCD instead?

I've got a G3 in August, and bought it because it had the EVF. I came from SLRs and figured I simply had to have one and didn't like the flimsy detachable ones on many m43 cameras.

I'm actually sort of regretting it now though, as it does add a lot of bulk and the reason I went m43 was to cut down on size. I think it's just a matter of re-training myself to use the screen to compose. I do think composing on the LCD screen could be a problem in dark environments as the screen lights up everyone around can see what you are photographing. I also suspect there are issues with fixed screens in bright sunlight but haven't had a chance to test that theory given there's no bright sunlight around at the moment.

I will probably try and sell my G3 and buy a GX1 once it's out and reviewed simply to reduce the body size..
I've used my GF1 is bright sunshine and I've always been able to at the very least frame my subject. If the sun is very bright you might not be able to see every detail, but I'd be surprised if you couldn't frame your subject.
One of the reasons that I chose the GF3 over the G3 was size, I dont miss the EVF or hot shoe as I cant remember the last time that I used them on my DSLR, as yet the LCD screen has not been a problem even with smudged fingerprints from the touchscreen.
Is the LR3 deal only at Mathers? I don't see mention of it on any of the other websites? Thinking about getting a GF3, and just doing a bit of research at the moment.

The LR3 deal is ONLY at Mathers. Panasonic keep doing an offer with it where you have to send off but it's not on at the mo. Mathers have physical copies that they send in the post with your camera. Panasonic rebate offers will take several weeks/months.