Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

A couple from today's walk

The incoming low cloud brought a little more light snow

Moselden low cloud.jpg

A flyby Raven, another 1st for this year


And 1 of the many House sparrows that live in our hedge

House Sparrow.jpg
Baby Millies cake bash (yes there's such a thing apparently), left it cooler and softened the image, had to shrink the file size on here.
A frosty Stokesley scene.


Some people can't go anywhere without having a coffee and a scone :D


They had white hot chocolate on the menu and I'd never seen this before so I had to try it. I thought it might be too sweet but it was perfect :D The waitress asked me what I thought and I said it was lovely and I'd definitely have another :D
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