Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

Hi, car problems ... The battery was drained again. Now there are screeching noises, even with a flat battery, which does not seem to charge ... ---

Looks like a separation, after 20 years. I am a little disappointed. On the other hand, cars are full of electronics, which tend to fail in the long run. ---


Hi, car problems ... The battery was drained again. Now there are screeching noises, even with a flat battery, which does not seem to charge ... ---

Looks like a separation, after 20 years. I am a little disappointed. On the other hand, cars are full of electronics, which tend to fail in the long run. ---

View attachment 380197

View attachment 380198
My condolences:(;)
Hi, "polishing" the concrete. - In the past, one would have used screed ... :

View attachment 380271
Going back as far as I can remember it, we used to use that method in the early 70s, with the right mix it gives an extremely hard and long lasting surface ( workshop floors where you have trolley jacks with metal wheels for example)
Going back as far as I can remember it, we used to use that method in the early 70s, with the right mix it gives an extremely hard and long lasting surface ( workshop floors where you have trolley jacks with metal wheels for example)

Oh, I see, this was after my time. I stopped working at building sites in 1969, to get my A-levels ... ---
We managed a trip to a local park today.

Mrs WW posing with an enclosure which looks like it's from Jurassic Park.


When we stopped for a snack and a hot drink she found a chocolate in her pocket... and she ate it. I'd have been expected to offer it to her so how come she doesn't offer it to ME?


Spotted this up a side street...



I think their stock maybe needs updating.

"Excellent" woodland/landscape style capture Paul, with a presentation I like very much.

"I should be very interested to know just how you got that effect"
Thanks George!

It's a bit involved (sorry). Edit a JPG copy of the image in GIMP, G'Mic filters (optional extra to install) > Artistic > Dream Smoothing > Export as JPG. Edit original in Ps. Open Dream Smoothing version as a layer. The Dream Smoothing is too "in your face". Knock back the opacity of that layer. Knock back the Saturation of that layer. Add an Orton Layer.

Hope that helps. Come back for more details if necessary.

It's a shame I couldn't get back a bit, to have the top of the trees, but that was the best I could get (and I've been trying for about three years on and off).
That is rather pleasing, Paul :)
Thanks George!

It's a bit involved (sorry). Edit a JPG copy of the image in GIMP, G'Mic filters (optional extra to install) > Artistic > Dream Smoothing > Export as JPG. Edit original in Ps. Open Dream Smoothing version as a layer. The Dream Smoothing is too "in your face". Knock back the opacity of that layer. Knock back the Saturation of that layer. Add an Orton Layer.

Hope that helps. Come back for more details if necessary.

It's a shame I couldn't get back a bit, to have the top of the trees, but that was the best I could get (and I've been trying for about three years on and off).

Many thanks for taking the time to reply Paul, with that excellent explanation of how to do it that is very much appreciated.
Really like the translucent material covering the wings - Engineering Open Day at the Shuttleworth Collection
Today's finds

Whilst walking in the woods I came across this sign I was the wrong side of the fence but had walked in from another area, I had seen a groups of 4 horse riders , multiple people walking their dogs !

The site of Rocketmotors Rocket engine building and test area ( not exactly top secrete !)

Checking out this device !

A brace of Westlake B2 air rifles ( a cheap copy of the prewar Diana 25) These are the equivalent of the Holga camera, They have their faults but are really cheap some love them others hate them ! From the photo it looks like there is a nice grain running through the wood work , In reality this is just the runs in the Toffee apple dip they have coated the stock with !

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